The Man Who Was Different
Contributed by Grant Adams on May 20, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: The world was exceedingly wicked, and every imagination of the heart was only evil continually, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. As a result of his difference, he was the man of God used to save the world.
Verses 5-7 give us as dark a picture of humanity as it is possible to paint. Verse 8 begins with a small conjunction…but it’s amazing how much meaning is conveyed in such a small conjunction. It means that Noah was not like those who were previously described. The world was exceedingly wicked, and every imagination of the heart was only evil continually, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. That conjunction reveals Noah to have been a different man. As a result of his difference, he was the man of God used to save the world. Only two points to our message, but I hope they will be a blessing.
I. Noah was a Man Similar to us All.
1. In this truth we should have no trouble in identifying ourselves.
a. His birth
1) Psalm 51:5
2) Romans 3:23, 5:12, 6:23
3) All of these are similar, Noah was like us all in his birth.
b. His burden
1) He was born in the midst of evil and sin.
2) Marital degeneracy; verse 2
a) 2 Corinthians 6:14.
b) Matthew 19:9
3) Spiritual decay; verse 5
a) 2 Timothy 3:1-5
4) Judgmental decree; verse 6-7
a) Jude 14-15
c. His blessing; verse 8
1) He didn’t find grace without it first being offered.
2) Matthew 11:28-30
d. His blight or blindness. Genesis 9:21
1) At the time when his family most needed him, he failed them.
2) In many ways, Noah was a remarkably similar man.
II. Noah was a Man quite Different from Many of Us
Noah was not the only man who was different in the scriptures.
1. Joseph was different, he respected his employer; he honored his virtue.
2. Daniel was different; he refused to violate his separation.
3. John the Baptist was different; he was filled with the Holy Ghost.
It also seems that God has effectively used all different men. Noah was different and God used him to spare humanity. Let us notice some of these differences.
a. Noah was different in salvation. Verse 5 and 8
1) Jeremiah 17:9
2) This old, wicked heart can be changed.
3) Ezekiel 18:31
4) Noah was different in salvation because God changed his heart, and he became a saved man.
b. Noah was then different in his standing.
1) Noah was a just man; just as if he had never sinned.
2) Romans 5:1; Romans 4:5-8; Romans 8:1
c. This brought about a difference in his service.
1) He was different in his walk. Genesis 6:9
a) God chose the course.
b) God set the tempo.
c) God chose the companions.
2) He was different in his talk. 2 Peter 2:5
a) He opposed sin.
b) He declared truth.
c) He stood up for God.
3) He was different in his work. Hebrews 11:7
a) He was a ship builder.
b) He was building a vessel of salvation.
c) Our homes should be that.
d) Our churches should be that.
d. He was different in his sight. Hebrews 11:7
1) Noah had a vision.
2) He had a different sight.
3) He saw the need of preparation.
4) He saw the need of family security.
5) He saw the judgment down the trail.
e. He had a different success. Hebrews 11:7
1) All of his family got in that old ark.
2) His wife, three sons, and his three daughters in law
III. Conclusion
1. Is your family inside the ark?
2. May God help us to get them in before it is too late.
3. Maybe we need to make some changes in our lives.
4. What about it today?
5. Are you willing?