Sermon Series
  • 1. The Birthmark Of Poverty

    Contributed on Sep 22, 2022

    To be used fully by God, we must come to Him as nothing. We are not our own, we are bought with a price.

    I’m going to begin a series of messages that are guaranteed to make you wise. The best way I know to describe our generation is: fallen houses, fallen lives, fallen churches, fallen Christians and a fallen nation. If I had warning that a storm was coming and that it was going to be of such force more

  • 2. The Birthmark Of Mourning

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2022

    The reaction we have to our sin should be of sorrow, grief and mourning. Today, we are losing our sin consciousness. We need to mourn.

    The Beatitudes are like a nut. You open it and the Sermon on the Mount is on the inside. When man seeks to build a better world, he does it by trying to change conditions and circumstances. Man believes if you can change conditions then the world will be better. That is the philosophy of man. When more

  • 3. The Birthmark Of Meekness

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2022

    Are you ruling your spirit? It takes more power to rule your own spirit than it does anything else in our life.

    I. The Meaning of the Word 1. It is a word that was used to describe a wild animal that had been domesticated. 2. Take a stallion that has never been ridden, wild, full of energy, strength, and spirit. You break him, domesticate him, he becomes meek. 3. You can put a saddle on him, put a bit in his more

  • 4. The Birthmark Of Righteousness

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2022

    God calls us to hunger and thirst after righteousness. We are as close to God today as we want to be. Where are you spiritually?

    Hungering and thirsting after righteousness. God always meets a man at the point of his desire. God will do just as much for your life as you desire for him to do. You were just as close to God today as you want to be. The marvelous thing about the Lord is you can have all of him that you more

  • 5. The Birthmark Of Mercy

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2022

    Can a person experience God's mercy and not share it with others?

    The essence of being a Christian and walking after Jesus, is my reaction to what He is and my response to what He has done. Therefore, if I want to know what I should do as a Christian, then I don’t look at Christians. I look to Him. The heart of Christianity is my reaction to what He is and what more

  • 6. The Birthmarks Of Purity

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2022

    The ultimate goal of most people in the world is to see God. What does it take?

    Matthew 5:8 is one of the most astounding statements in the word of God. You and I may stand and look at the same object and see different things. The eye sees what it is trained to see. That is not only true physically, but spiritually. Isn't it amazing that two people can come to the same more

  • 7. The Birthmark Of Peacemaking

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2022

    Jesus is not describing eight different people, but one – These are the birthmarks of the believer. The marks of being born again. Now we come to the seventh one, verse 9. The peacemaker.

    Jesus is not describing eight different people, but one – These are the birthmarks of the believer. The marks of being born again. Now we come to the seventh one, verse 9. You could always tell when Jesus was around. No matter what was going on, no matter what crowd, you could always tell when He more

  • 8. The Birthmark Of Persecution

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2022

    Persecution stems from the world's anger with God and not being able to take it out on Him. The world wants to fight God, but choose to fight with Christians. Remember it is not personal, it is hatred for God.

    This is the final message on the Beatitudes, the Birthmarks of the Believers. Jesus was the Messiah, but He was not the Messiah everyone was expecting. The Jews were in bondage. They believed that when He came, He was going to come as a mighty warrior. They were not as interested in being saved more