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  • Will You Stay Or Will You Go Now? (John 6:60-71) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 31, 2022

    Chapter 6 has moved from huge crowds trying to make Jesus king, down to only 12. It's all falling apart, maybe. The question is, will you join the Judeans, and walk away from Jesus, or abide with Christ?

    This week, we will make our final push to get through John 6. We were supposed to read this entire chapter at once, as a single story. But instead, it took me four weeks. Let's start this morning, one last time, at John 6:22. This picks up our story after Jesus fed the 5,000 people, and more

  • Becoming A Growing Disciple Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Jul 1, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Are you simply a child of God, or are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? Did you know it has nothing to do with how long you have been saved? Let’s look at Jesus’ words and see the profile of a disciple.

    Becoming A Growing Disciple Of Christ John 15:7-14 Introduction: 1. Let’s all read verse 8. What a powerful verse. Jesus is speaking to His men on his way to the garden of Gethsemane right before His crucifixion. He says, “…so shall ye be my more

  • Fruitful Connections

    Contributed by David Dewitt on May 5, 2014

    The only way that we can remain fruitful is to stay connected with Christ

    Fruitful Connections John 15:1-8 March 18, 2012 Morning Message Do you hear me now? All about the importance of connection. Find a Verizon commercial? S. D. Gordon tells of a spring storm that broke a large limb on his cherry tree. Although it hung by a very slender strand, to his surprise the more

  • Prepare For Christ

    Contributed by John Herrmann on Nov 7, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    As the wise bridesmaids were well prepared for Christ’s return -- unlike the foolish ones, so the church is called to prepare by making Provision, Protection and Praise.

    Pentecost 26a Prepare for Christ Mt. 25:1-13 11/9/08 These stained glass windows on the west side of the Sanctuary come from our old church, erected here in the forties during WW II. Among them is the image of a lamp with a flame emerging from it. The University of California has more

  • The Evidence For Christ Series

    Contributed by David Jenkins on Aug 18, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    The Evidence for Christ

    Acts 4:1-6, “1While Peter and John were speaking to the people, the leading priests, the captain of the Temple guard, and some of the Sadducees came over to them. 2They were very disturbed that Peter and John were claiming, on the authority of Jesus, that there is a resurrection of the dead. 3They more

  • Freedom – In Christ Alone

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Does our birth / lineage / descent determine from where we came, who we are and our eternity? Born in the USA – does it really mean liberty / freedom / living the American dream?

    Illustration: You ever watch those shows about these submarines that go down 2 and a half miles to the wreck of the Titanic? That’s one thing that I think I could never do. To be crammed into a machine not much bigger than a telephone booth with 2 other guys, 2 miles below the surface of the water, more

  • Calm Assurance Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Oct 1, 2023

    We are looking at Psalm 16 the golden Psalm. Peter preached about Psalm 16 in his Pentecost sermon and Paul preached on Psalm 16 on his first missionary journey. It was the calm assurance that was instilled into the birth and growth of the church.

    There is a lot of trouble around us. There may also be trouble and conflict with in us. It is everywhere. This world has always been a place of turmoil since the fall. Adam and Eve where the perfect couple in the garden. They disobeyed God, sin entered, and things went amiss. Things went from bad more

  • Who Is A True Follower Of Jesus Christ? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jun 3, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    According to the Bible, a true follower of Jesus Christ is someone who Believes in Jesus...

    According to the Bible, a true follower of Jesus Christ is someone who: 1. Believes in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior (John 3:16, Acts 4:12). 2. Repents of their sins and turns away from darkness (Acts 2:38, 1 Thessalonians 1:9). 3. Lives according to God's Word and obeys His commands more

  • A Healthy Church Member Tells

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Feb 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This evangelism sermon looks at Jesus brief conversation with the woman at the well in John 4 and how it changed her from an introverted recluse to a highly motivated evangelist to her city.

    A Healthy Church Member Tells John 4:1-42 CHCC: January 24, 2010 INTRODUCTION: Recently, I spoke to my friend, David, who told me all about purchasing his new Suburban and then took me out to look at it. He had lots to say about his new purchase. Later that same week I met elder Bob in the more

  • Sermon # 10 - Pray And Intercede For The Lost Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Aug 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We must abide in Christ and those who choose to do otherwise will be cut off. Also the Lord has chosen us so we can lead others into His kingdom. Like Abraham, every believer must also have a burden to pray and intercede for those who are lost without Christ.

    We read in 1 Samuel 2:35, And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed forever. (KJV) In the above mentioned verse, the Lord declares that He will raise up more

  • Addicts Victorious In Christ

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 27, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    A plan for ministering to addicts according to Scripture

    “Addicts Victorious in Christ” The first and possibly the most important fact is the attitude of the addict concerning their addiction. Unless a Biblical understanding of their addiction is acknowledged there will be no real victory over an addiction for the Bible clearly states: “Let no man more

  • Homesick For Christ's Church Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Nov 25, 2016

    Paul was imprisoned in Rome and longed to be with the churches. With great distance between him and the churches, Paul did what he could to minister to the churches.

    HOMESICK FOR CHRIST’S CHURCH Colossians 2:1-8 Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ November 20, 2016 Audio link to an mp3 recording of this message: INTRODUCTION: 1.) The definition for homesick is: to be sad because you are away from your family more

  • Getting To Know Christ Series

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Jul 15, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    The importance of obedience in knowing Christ

    Getting to Know Christ I John 2:1-6 INTRO.: Verse one of this chapter is John’s warning to his readers not to think too lightly of sin. In the previous verses, he has written two things that might lead to shallow thinking about sin. (1.) He has written that everyone sins, and (2.) He has written more

  • On The Behalf Of Christ

    Contributed by Randell Brown on Nov 17, 2001
    based on 17 ratings

    We are to live our lives on the behalf of Jesus Christ representing him and the righteousness of GOD he fulfilled.

    “ON THE BEHALF OF CHRIST” TEXT PHILIPPIANS 1:29-30 & 2:1-8 This Epistle is a letter that was written to the Philippli Church, which was located in Macedonia in S.E. Europe. This was Paul’s first Church in Europe. They were a Church that was not of great money and a Church that was being more

  • Steps To Greatness

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Aug 11, 2020

    Step One – Embrace Good Spiritual Mentors/Teachers – Those who will Challenge You and Encourage You Step Two – Embrace Proper Spiritual Nourishment – Spiritual Vitamins (A – Abiding in Christ B- Bible Reading C – Communication (Prayer) and Communion (Fellowship and the Lord’s Supper)

    Scripture: Jeremiah 1:1-10; Proverbs 3:5-6 Theme: How to Be Your Best Title: Steps to Greatness Step One – Embrace Good Spiritual Mentors/Teachers – Those who will Challenge You and Encourage You Step Two – Embrace Proper Spiritual Nourishment – Spiritual Vitamins (A – Abiding in Christ more

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