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  • Spiritual Abduction Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 10, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    We need to be alert to being spiritually abducted!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • I cannot imagine the horror a family faces when a loved one is abducted. If you have been following the news you have heard of one the most recent cases out of Cleveland where three girls had been missing for over ten years. • They were given up for dead more

  • The Bible, Ufos, Aliens, And The Paranormal Series

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Sep 20, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    What does the Bible say about UFOs ?

    The Bible, UFOs, Aliens, and the Paranormal Matthew 24:4, 24-25 1 Timothy 4:1 I spoke to a Christian woman last week who told me that her son, who was raised in church, was living with a girl and they weren’t married. She said, He know better, but she didn’t have any church background. Her mom more

  • Becoming Blind To See Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 3, 2009

    Our Sovereign Lord is able to abduct, smite, and transform.

    Becoming Blind to See (Acts 9:1-9) 1. Kokomo Tribune writer Scott Smith wrote an article for the Kokomo Tribune headlined, "Dam destruction part of Wildcat Creek’s revival." It reads: "The water upstream from the old Continental Steel dam looks almost stagnant. The streambed is deep, and the more

  • Sadie Hawkins’s Day Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Nov 9, 2012

    A study of the book of Judges chapter 21

    Judges 21: 1 – 25 Sadie Hawkins’s Day Now the men of Israel had sworn an oath at Mizpah, saying, “None of us shall give his daughter to Benjamin as a wife.” 2 Then the people came to the house of God, and remained there before God till evening. They lifted up their voices more

  • Friends In Low Places Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Apr 13, 2024

    Naaman lived because he reluctantly listened to people who were “beneath” him. He left Syria because of a captured slave who kindly told him where to find healing. He wanted to speak to Israel's king, but it was a prophet’s assistant who told him where to go for healing.

    As fall is here, our church family is examining the life of Elisha. Elisha shows us how to remain faithful during challenging times. Our God always leaves His light for us even in the most troubling of times. Elisha’s life is the story of God’s bright light in the darkest of skies. I invite you more

  • Muddy Waters [simplicity / Assurance]

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Feb 25, 2005
    based on 51 ratings

    If you had a child that was abducted, and you had the chance to get a message to them telling them how to get home...would you make that message simple or complicated? So it is w/ God’s salvation. Free Powerpoint at website.

    Muddy Waters Acts 16:25-30 PowerPoint at: Several cases of child abductions have been in the news in recent weeks. And just this past Friday, in a kidnapping horrifyingly reminiscent of Elizabeth Smart a few years ago, 9 yr. old Jessica Lunsford more

  • 4 Controversial Uncompromising Life-Changing Truths Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Nov 22, 2024

    Most people who are enslaved know they are slaves. The girl who is abducted and taken into the worldwide human trafficking ring knows she’s a slave. You don’t have to tell her this. But there is a kind of slavery where people don’t fully realize they are enslaved.

    Today, I want to speak to you about “4 Controversial Uncompromising Life-Changing Truths” from the lips of Jesus Himself. These 4 truths are unpopular for many. They are likely to start a good argument at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Many of these, if not all of these, run against the current more

  • The Simplicity Of Salvation And Assurance Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jun 8, 2004
    based on 186 ratings

    Acts Series: If your child was lost and you could get a message to him, would you make it complicated or simple? [The Meaning, The Man and The Method of Salvation.]

    The Simplicity of Salvation Acts 16:25-30 Powerpoint for this and hundreds more free sermons at our website: Question: If you had a child that was lost, and if you had the chance to get a message to that child, telling them what to do, and how to get more

  • Jesus On Wealth Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 30, 2023

    Jesus taught us to redefine treasure, and then he instructed us where to store it.

    INTRODUCTION • What do we value, and what do we treasure in life? • What we insure says a lot about what is important to us. • What are the most unusual things people have ever insured? • Each item below contains unusual insurance more

  • Taken Away

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Apr 13, 2015

    God will remove certain individuals from earth just as they are alive and well and He will take them up or to Heaven for some undisclosed purpose. These abductees are still human but not eternal and God will use them at a later date.

    Taken Away 2 Kings 2:5-17 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 The title of today’s message may be one that some of you have a hard time putting into context. By taken away I do not mean that my wife has called Tom Millard’s co-workers to come and pick me up and take me away to that special more

  • Lesson 37: Preach Proof Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 16, 2018

    What is proof and what are its limits?

    Lesson Goal Learn how to preach a sermon that proves something. Lesson Intro Jesus presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs (Acts 1:3). Jews could not refute Paul’s proofs that Jesus was the Christ (Acts 9:22). What is proof? It is a process for establishing truth. more

  • Ufos: 5 Things You Should Know

    Contributed by Bobby Brewer on Jul 17, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    UFOs have gone mainstream. It's a topic that we can no longer ignore. Most Christians are not prepared to intelligently address or discuss the topic from a biblical worldview.

    UFOs: 5 Things You Should Know INTRO -Shortly after the publication of Origin of Species in 1859 a new ideology, evolution was clandestinely born into western civ. Many scoffed and laughed at the idea. Some even thought it was a publicity stunt but its no laughing matter today. By the end of more

  • The Spirit Of Conviction Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 7, 2015

    Conviction, Sin, Guilt, Judgment

    HOLY ISN’T HIS FIRST NAME – The Spirit of Conviction John 16:5-16 (p. 753) April 12, 2015 Introduction: I have a feature of my smart phone that immediately alerts me if there is a missing child in the area. It’s called an Amber Alert...It shows up on my screen with a more

  • Where Are You Lord?

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jun 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    - God is neither handicapped nor weary in the midst of your pain. - Nor is He confused or baffled. - His strength will deliver you - not barely, but mightily

    PowerPoint Symbols + New Slide > New transition Fill in the blanks Handout Available ________________________________________________________ + Two brothers were extremely mischievous and their parents were at their wits’ end. So they asked their pastor to talk with the boys. > The pastor sat the more

  • Parable Of The Unjust Judge Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Apr 4, 2007
    based on 45 ratings

    Includes info. on "Jessica’s Law", child predators, lenient judges, and some powerful spiritual lessons Jesus taught about His Father and about prayer. Link included to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint Template.

    Parable of the Unjust Judge Luke 18:1-8 Bad judges have highlighted the news more than ever the last few months as investigations into rulings doled out to child predators have revealed so many judges exercising extreme lenience that is not helping more

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