Ufos: 5 Things You Should Know
Contributed by Bobby Brewer on Jul 18, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: UFOs have gone mainstream. It's a topic that we can no longer ignore. Most Christians are not prepared to intelligently address or discuss the topic from a biblical worldview.
UFOs: 5 Things You Should Know
-Shortly after the publication of Origin of Species in 1859 a new ideology, evolution was clandestinely born into western civ.
Many scoffed and laughed at the idea. Some even thought it was a publicity stunt but its no laughing matter today. By the end of the 20th c evolution was taught as fact in most high school and college biology classes.
Within Christianity few initially saw it as a pertinent issue. However, as we now know it has snowballed into mainstream academia and although it’s a theory without any fossil evidence evolution is presumed as factual. It’s happening again.
I feel incredibly awkward about today’s topic. I do not have any aspirations to be known as the UFO guy, but as a church historian I can see that the UFO phenomenon is on the exact same trajectory as evolution. Most Christians are not prepared to intelligently address or discuss the topic from a biblical worldview. It’s my hope and prayer that today’s message will, like a missionary, broaden your understanding of this cultural phenomenon and that like the men of Issachar we’ll understand our times a little better.
1-UFOs have gone mainstream.
61% of Americans believe that there are other life forms in the galaxy – USA Today.
Tipping Point: the moment when there’s enough critical mass to produce widespread sociological changes that affect everyday life and societal beliefs.
“The search for life is no longer a fringe type of thing” – Dr. Kenneth Nealson, National Academy of Sciences Subcommittee for Solar System Exploration.
Dr. Paul Horowitz (Director of BETA, i.e. Billlion Channel Extraterrestrial Assay).
“Intelligent life in the universe? Guaranteed. Intelligent life in our galaxy? So overwhelmingly likely that I’d give you almost any odds you’d like” – Dr. Paul Horowitz (Director of BETA, i.e. Billlion Channel Extraterrestrial Assay).
Once relegated to tabloids, belief in UFOs has become more culturally acceptable.
Just 100 years ago when a confession to believing in aliens may have qualified you for the insane asylum but today it may increase your chances for a research grant or even be the thesis for a Ph.D at an ivy league school.
In spite of the lack of tangible proof, Politicians, scientists, astronauts, college profs regularly make very matter of fact statements regarding the existence of ET Life.
Belief in aliens is spreading, and rapidly so at all levels of society.
Ancient Aliens History channel is a documentary style program presents that presents theories that in ancient times aliens interacted with and influenced life on earth..The show has been widely criticized, rightfully so, by historians and other scientific circles for presenting and promoting pseudoscience/history .
Nonetheless it’s one of the history channels highest rated shows and has been on since 2010.
And so, for starters, it’s gone mainstream. Odds are high that some of your friends, co-workers, family members, and possibly even some in your bible study have grown up with the idea of ETI as simply a matter of fact. As ludicrous as this may sound, it’s become a part of our culture. A culture that you and I have been called to be light to.
2-People Really are Seeing Something
“I don't laugh at people any more when people say they’ve seen a UFO because I’ve seen one myself.” Jimmy Carter
“I think there may be substance to some of these (UFO) reports” -Gerald Ford
Phoenix Lights. March 13, 1997 thousand of people witnessed an event that’s now referred to as the Phoenix Lights. Unlike so many reports that are limited to eyewitness testimony this unusual formation of lights that was documented on video. While there are numerous theories as to what happened to date, today, the jury is still out.
The point I’m making is that people are seeing something.
Airline employees, military pilots, and even astronauts have reported seeing UFOs.
There is no doubt that people are seeing something. The Q has always been what.
The U in UFO is unidentified. Meaning its unidentified to the observer.
UFO = Unidentified
With minimal research the overwhelming vast majority of UFOs are identifiable
It’s the ones that aren’t that of course make the headlines.
-Project Blue Book
From 1947-1969 the USAF officially researched the UFO phenom. Of the 12,618 sightings reported 11,917 (94%) were solved.
It must be remembered that unidentified flying object is just that-unidentified.
Unidentified to the person observing it and/or making the report.
- A significant percentage of ufo reports occur near military testing centers i.e. area 51 indicating a strong possibility of military experiments e.g. imagine seeing an SR71 in 1964.
-there are hoaxes
-space debris
-cosmological (meteorites, etc)
-Not all but in most cases, with just minimal research, the object turns out to be normal.
-Close Encounter Wannabes are those who ascribe anything unidentified or unexplainable as ET.