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  • Hidden Talents

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Mar 30, 2021

    This sermon unpacks the parable of the talents and how our God-given talents are to be creatively used in various ways to advance his Kingdom building agenda.

    OUTLINE 1.INTRODUCTION - OUTREACH DEFINED 2. THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS – OVERVIEW 3. APPLICATION – LESSONS REGARDING USING OUR “TALENTS” A) God owns everything so everything we have is on loan from Him B) God gives talents according to our ability C) God expects you to use them more

  • Hidden Talents

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Apr 17, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on the Parable of the Talents emphasizing the need to make whatever earthly talents you have available to God for Kingdom work.

    Good Morning. If you have your Bibles with you and you want to follow along, we will be looking at the Matthew 25:14-30. As a reminder, we are going through our four core values of worship, discipleship, outreach, and community. Today, we are going to swing back around and focus on the value of more

  • How Jesus (God) Became King! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 7, 2023

    Jesus proved He was the King of Kings through His birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension. God recognized Him as “The King” and coronated Him with the crown of glory, honor and power.

    Sermon: Easter - How Jesus (God) became King! Easter Sunday Reading (Before Sermon) It was evident that the people were desperate for more than just “any king” but for “The King.” The king who had come to save them. During King Herod’s reign he expanded and built up the temple of God in more

  • Your New Name Series

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Part one of a series on the life of Jacob

    Your New Name Dying to Self, Part One If you have your bible, turn to Genesis chapter 32. We’re starting a new series today, based on the life of Jacob. Gen 32:22 TNIV That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, By the way, we’ll deal with that in a couple weeks… his two more

  • Hosanna

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 11, 2019

    the Triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, which we recall this Palm Sunday, we see: 1) The End of the Pilgrimage (Matthew 21:1a), the 2) The Exactness of Prophecy (Matthew 21:1b-7), 3) The Epitome of Praise (Matthew 21:8-9) and 4) The Element of Perplexity (Matthew 21:10-11)

    Things are not always as they seem on the surface. When Elizabeth II had her coronation on June 02, 1953, to the casual observer, she made it look easy. As with so much in the line of royalty, the reality is a little different. Elizabeth II, who discussed her memories of her coronation in a BBC more

  • The Mystery Of The Woman And Beast Explained Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 10, 2018

    The angel explains the meaning of the beast and the prostitute. The Antichrist empowered by Satan, controls human society, using his power to fight against the authority of God. His attacks on God’s people may die down for a period, but after he . . . .

    Book of Revelation By: Tom Lowe Date: 6/20/17 Lesson: IV.C.2: The Mystery of the Woman and Beast Explained Revelation 17:7-18 (KJV) 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the more

  • The Fall Of Babylon The Great Proclaimed And Mourned Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 24, 2018

    A CLOSE-UP OF BABYLON'S JUDGMENT 1. The announcement of her fall (Revelation 18:1-8). 2. Consequences of her fall for the world (Revelation 18:9-20). 3. The finality of her doom (Revelation 18:21-24).

    Book of Revelation Commentary By: Tom Lowe Date: 7/13/17 Topic # IV: VISIONS OF JUDGMENT AGAINST ROME (12:1-19:21) Subtopic C: THE FALL OF BABYLON, THE HARLOT (17:1-19:10) Lesson: IV.C.3?The fall of more

  • Back To The Basics

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Mar 15, 2019

    The Situation.

    I. THE SITUATION A. God’s Perfection Intro: 1. The March/April 2016 issue of Psychology Today attempted to give readers several reasons to cultivate a sense of awe and wonder with their article "It's Not All About You!" The article mentioned the following secular sources about our more

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