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Sermons on theology of baptism:

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  • "The Amazing Grace Of Baptism"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 10, 2002
    based on 78 ratings

    A sermon on the theology of baptism.

    Matthew 3:13-17 “The Amazing Grace of Baptism” By: Kenneth Emerson Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA Why was Jesus baptized? Scholars have debated this question over and over again , and have found no single answer. But it happened, and Jesus initiated more

  • The Gift Of Baptism

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Jun 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This message unpacks some of the statements made about baptism and leads the believer, hopefully, to make a clear decision about their own theology of baptism. This message preceded a full immersion, believers' baptism.

    The Gift of Baptism Scripture: Acts 8:26-40 We’re going to consider several passages of scripture today, but this one is the key passage for what I think is the main consideration for today - at least it was for me this week. Today is Baptism Sunday. It’s a very special day in the more

  • The Grounding Of Our Identity

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Jan 8, 2024

    A sermon for The Baptism of Our Lord, Year B

    January 7, 2024 Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church Genesis 1:1-5; Mark 1:4-11 The Grounding of Our Identity Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Who are you? How do you understand yourself to be? In some ways, our identity more

  • Why Baptism Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Baptism explained from a Methodist theology

    Why Baptism Romans 6:1-11 Since the beginning of time, water has played a significant role in the lives of human beings. It has determined where people lived, impacted how and where people planted crops. And it has had a role in the religious life of people as well. In he Old Testament, water was more

  • The Meaning Of Baptism

    Contributed by John Oscar on Aug 1, 2023

    A message on the biblical truth, qualifications, and importance of baptism (given during a baptismal service)

    The Meaning of Baptism CCCAG, July 9th, 2023 Scripture: Matthew 3:11-17 1993 was a big year for Tammie and me. It started with the birth of our oldest daughter in May. In July I decided to follow Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. In September, Tammy followed me in that decision. Then it was more

  • Flood Theology Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 8, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Is there proof of Noah's flood, and should it matter to us whether it actually happened?

    OPEN: I love to read magazines like National Geographic and The Smithsonian and Popular Science (often just for the illustrations I can find there). But I have especially enjoyed Popular Science. About 3 years ago I stumbled across the question and answer section of Popular Science where people can more

  • Sports Theology

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Sep 17, 2018

    Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses. He was wrong. Sports are not only the opiate, but the religion of the masses.

    The Theology of Sports God - Whoever is champ for the year. He changes from year to year, thus it is a polytheistic religion. Son of God - MVP Jesus Christ - Someone you cry out to when the plays don’t go your team’s way or they make a terrible blunder. Salvation - Reception of a Hail Mary in more

  • Theology Of Work Series

    Contributed by Donovan Myers on Apr 27, 2002
    based on 20 ratings

    Work is a principle of creatioin and must be pursued as it has timless value.

    Series Title - “THE VALUE OF WORK” Sermon Title - “Towards a Theology of Work” Donovan W. Myers Rosemount Missionary Church For the most part, when we talk about work, it is with a sense of drudgery and even despair. For after all, it seems that a man’s work is never done. Many times it is more

  • A Theology Of Worship

    Contributed by Robert Odle on Jan 20, 2003
    based on 33 ratings

    What does it mean to worship?

    The Theology of Worship (John 4:19-26) Theme: Worship involves a continuum of intimacy which must recognize that not all forums are an appropriate place to express all levels of intimacy with God. Purpose: What do I want to happen in the hearer when I preach this sermon? A. Increased more

  • Transitional Theology

    Contributed by Norris Harris I on Feb 1, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    Now it is my firm belief that in the midst of Transition and Uncertainty, the Prophetic Pastor must have a Logos about Theos regarding the Ethos of the Times. He must have a Word about God regarding the Mood of the Times!

    I need not pause to suggest how delighted I am to be in your midst. My prayer is that God will grant you the desires of your hearts and mature you in Christlikeness. I want to use this Preaching Moment to highlite this headline: Transitional Theology. The Text I have tagged and targeted for more

  • Replacement Theology

    Contributed by Donna Kazenske on Feb 2, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    What is Replacement Theology and where did it originate? Why are we beginning to hear more of this kind of teaching today? Is it Biblical?

    By: Donna J. Kazenske What is Replacement Theology and where did it originate? Why are we beginning to hear more of this kind of teaching today? Is it Biblical? Replacement Theology is basically a doctrinal teaching that was introduced to the Church nearly 1,900 years ago. What began as Judaism more

  • Basin Theology Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 10, 2006
    based on 63 ratings

    What is the mark of Christ’s ownership of you? How can people know what Jesus has done for you?

    OPEN: When we go into a store, we oftentimes will look for name-brand products that we know we can trust. We’ll recognize those products by their trademarks or logos. (at this point we showed a series various trademarks from local companies) Companies spend thousands of dollars on a trademark more

  • A Theology Of Children

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Aug 16, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon was for the commissioning of missionaries from our church who were going to Dominican Republic to work with children.

    Commissioning Service for Coopers Sunday, August 15, 2004 This morning we are commissioning Paul and Marcie Cooper to the work in the Dominican Republic with Kids Alive. Their ministry for this next year will primarily be with children. So this morning I want to ask a question that I have asked more

  • A Theology Of The Future Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Aug 25, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    The Apostles Creed - From whence he shall come to judge the living and the dead

    Do you remember how paranoid people were during 1999 as we came up to year 2000? I have with me this morning the box from my filter coffee maker. Looks innocent enough, doesn’t it? But it shows how paranoid everyone was. The coffee maker has a Y2K compliance sticker on it. The sticker says more

  • A Theology Of Children

    Contributed by Michael Stover on Apr 12, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Baby Dedication Sermon. We can mostly give an answer about our theology of God, the bible, the church, etc. But what about a theology of children?

    A THEOLOGY OF CHILDREN Deuteronomy 6:6-9; 20-25; 7:6-11 What is your theology of children? We can mostly give an answer about: • Our theology of God • Our theology of Salvation • Our theology of the church • Our theology of missions Shouldn’t we have a theology of children? What is “theology”? more

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