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Sermons on 2 Samuel 12:9: showing 61-71 of 71

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  • What You Win Them With Is What You Win Them To

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Nov 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    It is vital the way a church reaches the lost. God's way or man's way.

    What you Win them With, is What you Win them To Text: 2 Samuel 6:1-10 OPEN WITH PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING Good morning everyone… I want to share with you something that I believe is extremely important in our day and age. In-fact; I think this might be one of the biggest things the Church needs to more

  • 11th Sunday After Pentecost. August 4th, 2024. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 25, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Year B, Proper 13.

    2 Samuel 11:26-27, 2 Samuel 12:1-13, Psalm 51:1-12, Exodus 16:2-4, Exodus 16:9-15, Psalm 78:23-29, Ephesians 4:1-16, John 6:24-35. (A) AMAZING GRACE FOR BACKSLIDING BELIEVERS. 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13. It is not my purpose at this time to go into all the sordid details of David’s sin with more

  • The Biggest Old Testament Scandal

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Aug 24, 2023

    Today when we watch the national news much of the time has to deal with scandals.

    Scandals are not anything new to Washington D.C. In the past we have been made aware of: • Watergate scandal • Iran-Contra Affair Scandal • White Water Scandal • Bill Clinton–Monica Lewinsky Scandal • Chappaquiddick Scandal • Donald Trump Scandal • Joe Biden Scandal • Hunter Biden Scandal The more

  • David Sinned, And The Son Must Die: A Sermon For Christ The King Sunday

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Nov 15, 2023

    What should we make of such a miserable passage of Scripture? And what does this have to do with Christ the King Sunday. Read and find out.

    Adam Sinned, and the Son must Die 2 Samuel 12:9-14 Sin has dire consequences. It not only affects the sinner but also everyone around him. In this case, David's newborn son with Bathsheba is struck down by the LORD, even though David is allowed to live. But an even greater Son must die, not more

  • When We Need Rebuking

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 23, 2024

    God can successfully get our attention and turn us around, if we are open to His guidance.

    Saturday of the Third Week in Course 2023 Today we have heard the tale of two rebukes, rebukes of power and harm against human beings. All this week the liturgy has shared with us the story of David as King of Israel. Earlier this month he and his trusted followers were running from Saul, but more

  • After The Tears

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Feb 1, 2024

    We all make mistakes, some bigger than others. But God has shown us what to do with them:

    I don’t know anyone anywhere who hasn’t done something they were sorry for afterwards. What’s the most recent one for you? Maybe it’s something you said - thoughtless or angry words. Maybe it’s something you did - or something you didn’t do. Perhaps it was something that you fight against and keep more

  • Let God Do The Finger Pointing

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Aug 7, 2023

    If finger pointing is impolite and it is so often connected to self-centered, sinful behavior why does God do it? God does this so that when sinners see their lost condition he can point them to the cross of his Son. There forgiveness is found. There salvation and eternal life are offered.

    “Finger pointing.” What thoughts do those two words bring to your mind? For the most part they are probably negative thoughts. At a very early age we are taught not to point at people. It’s considered impolite. As we get older we experience finger pointing in many different ways. If we had more

  • A Tale Of Two Sinners

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Aug 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    How many of you have been hurt by someone in the past and you still remind yourself of that hurt? Why? Why would you torture yourself like that? I want to remind us all of the grace, the mercy, the forgiveness and the love God showed us when we gave our hearts and our lives to the Lord.

    If you have your bibles, we're going to begin in 2 Samuel chapter 12, then we're going to flip over to John chapter 8. "Why a sermon about two sinners?" Because today, I want to remind us all of the grace, the mercy, the forgiveness and the love God showed us when we gave our more

  • A Covenant Community Cares Faithfully Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Oct 22, 2024

    As James concludes his letter to exiles, he does so with one final exhortation regarding how a Christian community should care for those who have fallen away from the faith.

    Paul Confronts Peter approx. AD 40 Peter was eating with a group of Gentile believers - maybe a church picnic. He had shared the gospel with Gentiles and had received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that salvation is for them too. Some guys from James came to the same picnic - these guys where more

  • The Royal Lineage Of The Lord Jesus (Matthew 1:1-18)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Nov 3, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We tend to skip the list of names in the first verses of Matthew's gospel, but each name is there for a reason, and it is to show the royal line of the Lord Jesus Christ and HIs right to the throne of David as King and Messiah.

    Matthew wastes no time in establishing his case to prove that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Promised Messiah and the heir to David's throne as the true king of Israel. His opening statement reads as follows: "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the son of more

  • Breaking Family Curses Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jan 9, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, we'll explore the biblical concept of family curses, provide examples from Scripture, and offer practical steps to break these curses.

    Family curses can be a heavy burden to carry, affecting our lives and the lives of our loved ones. But as believers, we have the power to break free from these curses and live a life of freedom and blessing. In this sermon, we'll explore the biblical concept of family curses, provide examples more

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