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  • Victoria Sobre El Espritu De Anticristo Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Jan 24, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Juan nos recuerda que detrás de los falsos maestros que proclaman doctrinas falsas, hay demonios inspirados por el diablo. ¿Como podemos examinar a los espíritus malos? Juan nos da tres pruebas para ayudarnos a distinguir entre la verdad de la Biblia y

    VICTORIA SOBRE EL ESPIRITU DEL ANTICRISTO 1 Juan 4:1-6 La Biblia contiene advertencias severas en contra de la doctrina falsa. El primer versículo de capitulo 4 es una advertencia a los creyentes a no creer todo lo que escuchan o vean. Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los more

  • Who Do You Believe? Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Sep 30, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    We are called to test the spirits, we cannot blindly follow every teacher.

    INTRODUCTION SLIDE #1 • When a person decides to go on a search for truth, a search to find God where do they turn? • If you are trying to grow in your relationship with Christ, where do you turn, who do you listen to? • When the critics attack our faith, when the liberal scholars launch another more

  • Da Vinci Code: Separating Fact From Fiction Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 21, 2006
    based on 117 ratings

    Separating fact from fiction is not easy but it is necessary when it comes to the DaVinci Code.

    Cracking the DaVinci Code: Separating Fact from Fiction 1 John 4:1-7 Rev. Brian Bill 4/23/06 My mom is an avid reader and a member of a book club. A couple years ago she read the DaVinci Code by Dan Brown and was deeply disturbed. She asked me some questions and I couldn’t answer them because I more

  • Testing The Truth

    Contributed by Brad Rigney on May 6, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    This sermon looks at the call by John to Test the Spirits and how we can do that today. It introduces and challenges people to test the Da Vinci Code book and movie through the what we learn in the passage.

    Testing Truth 1John 4:1-6 Intro.: A. Ecclesiastes 1:9, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” That is certainly true of parenthood (as I raise my kids, it is interesting to see and hear some of the same excuses I gave my parents, more

  • Dealing With The 3 Major Claims Of The Da Vinci Code

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 8, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon tackles The Da Vinci Code claims concerning the reliability of Scripture, the divinity of Christ, & Jesus’ maritial status.

    Dealing With The 3 Major Claims of The Da Vinci Code (This sermon uses ideas from the Grizzly Adams DVD, The DVC Deception, CH Spurgeon, Billy Sunday, & others. Precious few of these ideas, if any, are original to me.) 1 John 4:1-4 May 7, 2006 FBC, Chester more

  • Under The Influence Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jul 17, 2006


    Under The Influence June 25, 2006 1 John 4:1-6 One of the primary roles of a parent I am learning is to be a filter a censor for children. a screening device for my family As a parent I am continually setting boundaries: on the TV - can’t watch this show - you can watch this one. on friends - more

  • Truth Or Consequences Series

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Apr 3, 2006
    based on 94 ratings

    This sermon examines the teachings of false teachers and how to counter them.

    Introduction: There used to be a television game show entitled “Truth or Consequences.” Most people who are old enough to remember will associate that show with Bob Barker. He was the game show host for approximately twenty years. The contestants on the show were given the responsibility of more

  • Lesson 5: How To Test The Spirits

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Dec 6, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    A. TEN THINGS WE CAN KNOW ABOUT ERROR “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, more

  • Are You A Loving Person?

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    John doesn’t leave room in the kingdom of God for anyone who does not love his brother.

    Are you a loving person? Do you see yourself as someone who people would describe as loving? I’m not talking about warm and fuzzy, but loving… stubborn, sacrificial, I care about you and what is best for you and will do whatever I can to see that you get it– loving. As we look at God – what about more

  • When The World Seems Bigger Than God

    Contributed by George Crumbly on Nov 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    To encourage the reader to apply God’s word when the world appears to be bigger than God

    WHEN THE WORLD SEEMS BIGGER THAN GOD by George Crumbly Humphrey UMC 11/09/2008AM I John 4:1-4 I want to talk again about applying God’s word to our lives. We’ve been talking about searching the scriptures for the answers to questions we have today as well as solutions to the problems we are more

  • Identifing Traits Of The Believers

    Contributed by Jerry Stepp on Jul 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Looking at What John would like for us to Behold in this quick 21 verse for the Saints of God.

    Identifying Traits of the Believers I John 4:1-21 KJV 7/18/08 Beloved: to…. The Saints, the Believers, the Church, the Loved ones is who John is writing to, to those that know Christ as there Saviour. It is important too understand who the writer is writing to, and how to apply the message that more

  • Learning To Hear God's Voice Series

    Contributed by Randy Hamel on Jul 29, 2008
    based on 28 ratings

    Sermon looks at 7 tests to see if an impression is from God or not. (Acknowledgement - Rick Warren)

    HOW TO HEAR GOD’S VOICE Learning to Hear God’s Voice - Part 3 of 4 I John 4:1-3 (Living Bible) o We’re continuing in our series on How to hear God’s voice. Last week we talked about four ways you can hear God speak. One of the ways is God gives us impressions in our mind. o But if God gives me more

  • Christ Crucified In Me Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jul 27, 2007

    As Easter approaches, we want to have a better understanding and a deeper revelation of what God did for us at the cross.

    Introduction Begin today- focus our hearts on- death/resurrection. As Easter approaches, we want to better understand- have a deeper revelation of- what God did for us. The death/resurrection of Jesus Christ- nice story, an historical fact, but do I understand its significance. 1Jn 4:2-3 2 By more

  • Wolves In Sheep's Clothing Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Mar 27, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    John gave his readers to tests to determine the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. Every generation needs to continue to test the spirits to see if they are from God.

    Introduction: A. How many of you enjoy ANAGRAMS? 1. What is an anagram? It is “a word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase.” 2. Here are a few that I thought you might enjoy. 3. DORMITORY = Dirty Room 4. THE MORSE CODE = Here Come Dots 5. SLOT MACHINES = Cash Lost more

  • The Battlefield Of Life

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Dec 5, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Life is a battle ground, we must be prepared to face the battle if we live victorously.

    The Battle Ground of Life… Am service November 18th 2007 1 John 4:1-6 Introduction Many Christians, don’t realize they are living on a BATTLEFIELD and not a PLAYGROUND! Do you remember the hymn, ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS? It goes like this… Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with more

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