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  • Hannah's Prayer Of Praise

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 99 ratings

    Thesis: The way God delivered Hannah is characteristic of the way God rules his world.

    Thesis: The way God delivered Hannah is characteristic of the way God rules his world. Intro.: 1. Everyone loves to see an underdog win! (cf. two recent children's movies-- "Angels in the Outfield" and "Little Giants"--predictable films where the underdogs win.) 2. Hannah's story (1 Sam. 1) more

  • The Godly Mother

    Contributed by Jim Drake on May 14, 2007
    based on 56 ratings

    In the prayer of Hannah, we see the devotion of a godly mother, in the lives of Samuel and Samson, we see the response to a godly mother, and in the promise of God, we see the hope of a godly mother.

    1. Devotion of a godly mother a. A Godly mother recognizes the Lord’s salvation b. A Godly mother recognizes the Lord’s standing c. A Godly mother recognizes the Lord’s supremacy d. A Godly mother recognizes the Lord’s sovereignty e. A Godly mother recognizes the Lord’s supply 2. Response to a more

  • Measuring Your Love Series

    Contributed by Doug Johnston on Aug 23, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Saying "I love you" will mean more to our loved ones and to us when we use guidelines to evaluate what "love" means to us.

    Loving People Pushes Us To: *Communicate and listen (Acts 6; 15) *Affirm and support (2 Corinthians 8-9) *Teach respect, including respect of privacy (Romans 12:10) *Develop a sense of trust (Philippians 2:1-4) *Share responsibility (Galatians 6:2, 5) *Develop our sense of right and wrong more

  • Finding Security In God And Not In Any Other

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 25, 2001
    based on 86 ratings

    Finding Security in God and Not in Any Other - I Sam. 2:1-10 (Where is your security?)

    Finding Security in God and Not in Any Other - I Sam. 2:1-10 We live in a society that often teaches people to find their security in their achievements, family and friends. Hannah was a woman who faced similar temptations, but she learned that only God gave her fulfilling security. After the more

  • Faith's Results

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Sep 28, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    There she was, a barren woman being battered by her opponent. And in her desperation, we responded with faith; faith that changed the course of Israel.

    Passage: 1 Samuel 2:1-11 Intro: Faith is exercising trust in God without knowing the result. 1. isn’t that what it says in Hebrews PP Hebrews 11:1-2 2. let’s take a look at one of those ancients today as we start a summer series from the OT titled: “Believe Him or Not” 3. we’ll more

  • To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Has Done

    Contributed by Vonnie Elisha James on Jan 7, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    A time of reflection on the grace and mercies of God, letting know that we love Him.

    Introduction: Some time ago I bought a book titled “10,000 Ways to Say I Love You”.The book is a (Paperback edition )-by Gregory Godek. The book description say “Say "I love you" again, and again, and again . . . “This little book of love is the biggest collection of loving ideas ever gathered in more

  • Its Time To Grow Up

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Sep 20, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Some people never grow as christians,we need grow up.

    ITS TIME TO GROW UP Spiritual growth should be more obvious than physical. We as Christians fall to realize that some are not growing spiritual. Here are four people we can see grow strong in the spirit. 1.Samuel 1st Samuel 2:26And the child Samuel grew on, and was in more

  • Power Of Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Timothy Dolan on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The joy of Hannah’s trust and the power of God is a strong passage on conquering our own fears; including fear when sharing our faith.

    POWER OF EVANGELISM Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 2:1-2; 10 Introduction: Last week, Martin was kind enough to bring us a message on the Joy of Evangelism. In fact, in further support of his message last week; 1 Samuel 2:1 says, “My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies,” Why? “Because I rejoice in more

  • The Proper And Improper Way Of Ministry Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Jul 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Ministry should be the heart and soul of every Christian. When we minister, we must always find ways to keep on improving because at the end, God will is our judge. In this message we will learn how to do ministry the right way.

    Let me start with a quote from Rick Warren. He said, "Faithful servants never retire. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving God." That is true. If you are a faithful servant of the Lord, there is no retirement here on earth because our retirement is in heaven more

  • My Boss Is Firm And More Than Fair Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Oct 8, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A study of the book of 1 Samuel 2; 1 – 36

    1 Samuel 2; 1 – 36 My Boss Is Firm And More Than Fair 1 And Hannah prayed and said: “My heart rejoices in the LORD; My horn is exalted in the LORD. I smile at my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation. 2 “No one is holy like the LORD, for there is none besides You, nor is more

  • A Celebration Of God-Given Opportunity

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 24, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    Hannah was seeing beyond the circumstance of the birth of Samuel to something of its significance.

    A CELEBRATION OF GOD-GIVEN OPPORTUNITY. 1 Samuel 2:1-10. The Song of Hannah is a song of reversals. It was a celebration of a God-given opportunity through the birth of a child. Yet it is not only a personal response to one particular situation: it is a response which all of God’s people are more

  • "The Crowning Of The King"

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Sep 9, 2013

    What enabled David to see his god-given destiny for his life fulfilled?

    We read here how David finally seems to fulfill his God-given destiny. Way back in 1 Samuel 16, we read how the prophet Samuel anointed David to replace Saul as king, and now, after about 23 years, that which God said was His plan for David has finally come to pass. Now, as we consider how more

  • Mary's Song Series

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Dec 9, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Mary reacted with praise to Elizabeth's welcome of her and the Savior within her womb. In her praise, she teaches us to praise God for: 1. Doing great things for us. 2. Giving mercy to those who fear him, and 3. Keeping his promises.

    Christmas Music 1: Mary’s Song Luke 1:46-55 December 9, 2018 What is it like to be a part of God’s over-arching plan? To be used for supernatural purposes? The Christmas story begins with a young peasant girl from a backwards village. Mary was probably a teenager when she found out she was more

  • The Gospel Succeeds Even In An Age Of Fecklessness Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 11, 2020

    We need to continue on the path we were set on by Jesus long ago–the path to holiness. That means giving up everything of this world that keeps us from imaging Jesus and Mary.

    Tuesday of the First Week in Course 2020 Saint Mark gets right to the point, just like the high priest Eli. But Saint Mark gets the whole picture, and Eli does not. Mark’s Gospel is designed to demonstrate to his Roman audience–and us–that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Messiah. Look how few more

  • Stubborn In Spirit, Persistent In Prayer

    Contributed by Kimberly Belken on Sep 27, 2020

    The Biblical woman of Hannah has much to teach us about prayer and trust in God. We learn to pound on the doors of heaven and that we can trust God to hear and answer us.

    There was something fundamentally wrong with her. There had to be. It was the only explanation for Hannah’s inability to carry a child. Her husband, Elkanah’s second wife was able to conceive and bear children, a fact that she made sure to rub in every chance she got. Therefore, it had to be more

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