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Sermons on 1 Corintios 6:12:

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  • Dealing With Debatable Matters - Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 5, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    In our sermon today we will examine Part 3 of Paul's method of dealing with debatable matters.

    Scripture We continue our study in The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians in a series I am calling Challenges Christians Face. One of the challenges that Christians face is the issue of debatable matters. Let’s continue to learn about this in a message I am calling, “Dealing with more

  • Freedom From Lust, Prt. 2 Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 4, 2010

    Part 6 in series Freedom From..., this message gives specific ways to root lust out of our lives.

    Freedom From Lust, prt. 2 Freedom From... prt. 6 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers October 2, 2009 Last week we talked about lust and I chose to concentrate on physical lust and emotional lust. I pointed out that when lust is simply defined as intense sexual desire, it is perfectly fine more

  • Christ-Shaped Sexuality

    Contributed by Michael Russell on Jan 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    What the bible says on sexuality and how the bible has had it right all along.

    1 Corinthians 6 - Christ shaped sexuality Today’s generation want their sex and they want it their way. Pure and free. Stripped of all the guilt and restrictions of a former age. Freed the boring chains of marriage . Expressed in whatever way suits them, within limits that they define. It’s been more

  • Temples Of The Holy Spirit, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Dec 2, 2013

    This lesson examines the three main views regarding how the Holy Spirit dwells in Christians.

    As we continue our series of studies of the Holy Spirit of God, we move to what would be considered by most the most controversial subject among brethren regarding the Holy Spirit: The Indwelling. I will share with you my understanding of this important topic which has been molded and changed as I more

  • God's Imperfect Home

    Contributed by Keith Ferrell on Jan 3, 2014

    A brief look at our bodies, the temple of God's Holy Spirit, and the need to take care of our spiritual, physical, and mental health.

    God’s Imperfect Home “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual more

  • Lust & Chastity Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Dec 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A Christian view of sexuality. Lust happens when attraction becomes an overpowering factor in one's life. Chastity is a positive lifestyle marked by self-control.

    A cartoon depicts two guys in Hell, and one says to the other: “I was under the impression that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” All of the deadly sins we’ve been studying are distorted or excessive attachments to good things. We make them bad. When life revolves around more

  • Sexual Immorality Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Sep 22, 2012

    Is sex before or outside of marriage really immorality?

    1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Sexual Immorality 6/15/03 D. Marion Clark Introduction The scene is Malacandra (Mars). The human, Ransom, is having a conversation with an hross, a seal-like Malacandrian. In a roundabout way, Ransom has raised the question of hrossa overindulging in sexual relations. more

  • Right Versus Wrong (How Can We Know)

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Nov 2, 2012

    This sermons explains how we are to know right from wrong if we do not have a clear cut "Thou Shalt" or "Thou shalt not."

    RIGHT VERSUS WRONG How Can We Know? 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 INTRODUCTION: My job, as your pastor, is to shepherd this flock. In that I have to do many of the same things a real shepherd of real sheep would do. He GUIDES them… to water, food, and safety He PROTECTS them from outside dangers, more

  • Glorify God In Your Body! Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jun 2, 2014

    Paul challenged believers in Corinth to bring glory to God thru living spiritually disciplined lives and we are also challenged to glorify God thru living spiritually disciplined lives.

    Sermon Brief Date Written: May 28, 2014 Date Preached: June 01, 2014 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: A Series in 1 Corinthians Sermon Title: Glorify God in Your Body! Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 [ESV] TEXT: Essence of the Text: Paul challenged believers in more

  • Overcoming The Spirit Of Perversion

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 29, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    The spirit of whoredom & perversion often work hand in hand. These spirits have captured & captivated much of Europe and America’s young people.

    A The spirit of whoredom & perversion often work hand in hand. 1 These spirits have captured & captivated much of Europe and America’s young people. a Nearly every celebrity & sports figure that children demigod have be demonized by these two spirits. aa Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, more

  • Flee Baby, Flee Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 8, 2015
    based on 19 ratings

    The world paints those who oppose immoral sex as being prudes and bigots. It's hard to withstand the humiliation and embarrassment that we can face when we speak up. So why should we? And how should we stand for morality in a faithless world?

    Years ago I heard a famous radio preacher tell of an experience he had while doing a seminar in a large city. After he had gotten done speaking he returned to his hotel, got on the elevator, and as he touched the button of his floor, a couple of very attractive women got on with him. "What more

  • The Bad Company Of Bad Habits

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jul 2, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    Bad habits can really bring us down. We need to replace them with good habits. This sermon encourages others to do so.

    The Bible says we are to confess our sins to one another. Therefore, I am going to confess a sin of mine to you this morning. In fact, it has become a habit. I feel comfortable confessing a habit of mine to you because I suspect that all of us are subject to this habit. The habit of mine is called more

  • Living With Higher Priorities Series

    Contributed by Tim Richards on Sep 4, 2014

    Paul shared rules for godly living with the Corinthians that relate well for us today as well.

    Introduction: 1. According to an Associated Press report from May 17, 2001 student led prayer was going to be allowed at the Washington Community High School graduation in 2001 until the ACLU & senior valedictorian, Natasha Appenheimer, filed a law suit against the district. They won an injunction more

  • How To Honor God With Your Body Series

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Oct 20, 2014
    based on 26 ratings

    “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."

    How to Honor God with Your Body The church at Corinth was in one of the most morally tainted cities of its day. So instructing the believers in Corinth to flee from immorality, the Apostle Paul exhorted, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you more

  • "It's My Life And I'll Do What I Want"

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Jan 9, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    in 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20, Paul addresses the concept of Christian Freedom.

    "IT'S MY LIFE AND I'LL DO WHAT I WANT" 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 (NLT) for audio video of this sermon, Intro: Let's play name that tune. (play just the musical intro to the song from the animals) Does anybody remember that tune from 1965? That was a song from the rock band more

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