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Sermons on Revelation 9:14-15:

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  • The Sixth Trumpet

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    1. The evil will be overcome with evil.

    1. The evil will be overcome with evil. 2. And we see this again this week as we see what happens when the sixth trumpet is sounded and the second woe takes place. 3. What we are seeing are the events that many believe will occur at the end times. The first 4 trumpets inflicted the earth. The more

  • Terrible Trumpets (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 31, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    This is the 10th sermon in the series "The End". This sermon looks at the 6th Trumpet Judgment.

    Sunday Evening, June 2, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: “The End” [#10] TERRIBLE TRUMPETS (Part 3) Revelation 9:13-21 Introduction: 1. Last Sunday evening we studied the first woe, which is also the fifth Trumpet Judgment. Remember that those that ere stung did not die, but in this more

  • The Land Of Iraq In The Light Of The Bible

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Mar 27, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    According to Genesis, present day Iraq is located in the region associated with the early days of civilization. According to Revelation, it shall be uniquely associated with the final days of this generation.

    THE LAND OF IRAQ IN THE LIGHT OF THE BIBLE "Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where, there is gold. The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the more

  • Week 23 The Sixth Trumpet Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Week 23 in a study thriugh the book of Revelation

    WEEK 23 “The Sixth Trumpet” Date: December 11, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 9:13-21 Introduction As we closed our study last Wednesday evening, we looked at the 5th trumpet judgment. We said the last three of the trumpet judgments are called “woe” judgments. I gave you a more

  • Demonic Destruction

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    In this chapter we see what happens when Satans forces are let loose for a short time - they torment and destroy billions of people - people who are not sealed by Gods mark.

    When bad things happen - storms, tidal waves, earthquakes, pandemics - people suffer and mourn loss - but often we console ourselves by saying that it is nothing personal - just "an act of God." I would argue about that - the creation fell along with man and so we suffer the curse put on it. But I more

  • Revelation, Part 14 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jun 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Study of the Book of Revelation

    Revelation, Part 14 Revelation 9:11-21 Introduction Last week, we saw in vivid detail God’s plan for the Earth. We were treated to a font row seat showing the death and destruction coming upon this world by a very real, and very just God. We should by now, after all these messages so far; more

  • Satanic Slaughter Series

    Contributed by David Jenkins on Oct 22, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    Satanic Slaughter

    Revelation 9:13-14, “Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice speaking from the four horns of the gold altar that stands in the presence of God. And the voice spoke to the sixth angel who held the trumpet: "Release the four angels who are bound at the great Euphrates River." more

  • The Sixth Trumpet

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 6, 2014

    The sixth trumpet sounds signifying God's continued judgment on mankind. However, even in the face of this judgment, humanity continues to rebel and will not repent from its sins which are still as rampant today as they were in the first century.

    The Sixth Trumpet Revelation, Part 11, Revelation 9:11-21 Introduction - After the fifth angels sounds John sees a star fallen from heaven to earth -- The meaning here is one of descent to accomplish the task assigned -- This is not a fallen angel (or fallen in position) - The angel more

  • The Appointed Time Series

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Dec 14, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    In the ninth chapter of Revelations John decribes an event using the specific hour, day, month, and year. This is amazing considering in heaven there is no measurement of time.

    An Appointed Time Revelations 9:13-21 See: Rev. 9:13-21 In heaven everything is seen from the perspective of eternity. But to put things in perspective for us the reader we see the measurement of time. Mention: Rev. 8:1 for about the space of half an hour Also: Rev. 11:2-3 forty-two months and a more

  • The Trumpet Judgments Part Iii; 200 Thousand Thousand (Rev 9:12-20) Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 22, 2014

    Angels released at the Euphrates; 200 million horsemen at war

    The Trumpet Judgments Part III; 200 Thousand Thousand (Rev 9:12-20) We return to our study in Revelation 9, discussing the Trumpet Judgments. So far, we have studied the first five of these Trumpet Judgments, and this week we will study the sixth, with the seventh in a few weeks when we reach more

  • Satan’s Assistant Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 17, 2014

    A study of chapter 9 verses 1 through 21

    Revelation 9: 1 – 21 Satan’s Assistant 1 Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and more

  • A Study On Revelation 9 Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Sep 10, 2012
    based on 11 ratings

    An easy-to-read and easy-to-understand study on Revelation 9.

    In Mel Gibson’s movie, “THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST”, there was one detail that most people missed. That one detail said so much about whom it was that actually punished Jesus. That detail was that we never got to see the man’s face who hammered the spikes into Jesus’ hands. His face was only a more

  • Revelation Nine Series

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Dec 1, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Study of revelation 9

    “Revealing the Revelation” December 6, 2009 Chapter Nine Revelation 9 1The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic more

  • Before It's Too Late Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Oct 1, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    The fifth and sixth trumpets should cause us to be grateful to God for our salvation and to develop a sense of urgency about sharing our faith with others.

    Two local pastors were fishing on the side of the road. They made a sign saying, "The end is near! Turn yourself around now before it's too late!" and showed it to each passing car. One driver who drove by didn't appreciate the sign and shouted at them, "Leave us alone, you religious nuts!" All more

  • The Day Of The Lord Continues

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jun 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The wrath of God is poured out upon and unbelieving world

    God’s Wrath/Day of the Lord Continues Revelation Chapter 9 I . The Fifth Angel Sounded [Trumpeted] INTENSE TORMENT/First Woe (v.1-12) A. Star [Angel] Fell from Heaven (v.1a) 1. To Him was Given the Key of the Bottomless Pit (v.1b) 2. Sun and Air Darkened by Smoke out of the Pit (v.2) 3. more