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Sermons on Revelation 6:9-17:9: showing 1-15 of 1,526

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  • Bible's 9-11 - Part 1

    Contributed by Donny Tatimu on Mar 10, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    This is the first of three series about "What is really happen to us after 9-11"

    Bible’s 9-11 Revelation 9:11 "They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon." Prologue "The world changed since 9-11". That’s true. It was horrible. It brought pain, hate, division, uncertainty over all people; especially over all people more

  • Bible's 9-11 - Part 2

    Contributed by Donny Tatimu on Mar 11, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    This is the 2nd part of 3-series Bible’s 9-11. What an amazing fact that God has foretold to us about this tragedy and what is the remedy for us.

    Bible’s 9-11 Revelation 9 11They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. In the last part, we study something plain about Devil’s scene around 9-11. 1. 9-11 was Devil’s plan, he is the true mastermind of what happened (Rev 9:11) 2. He more

  • Testify Of The Coming Christ

    Contributed by Jim Parisi on Mar 12, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    They were not to preach it in their own strength but were to wait on God for his empowering. They were God’s witnesses, in his timing and with his power.

    Testify of the Coming Christ HHM Pastor Jim Parisi March 9, 2003 Rev. 12: 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Rev 12:11 more

  • Funeral

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Mar 14, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Funeral for a faithful believer and good friend.

    Bro. Fritz Funeral Revelation 14:13 Now I realize that the interpretation of this passage deals with those coming out of the Tribulation. However, when I read this verse couldn’t help but think that it fit perfectly for Bro. Fritz and his situation. I. Blessed are the dead that die in the more

  • Bible's 9-11 - Part 3

    Contributed by Donny Tatimu on Mar 20, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    The last series of what the Bible had tell us about the impact of 9-11. Contains: What We Should Do?

    Bible’s 9-11 Part 3 From the previous part of this sermon, The Bible revealed to us that the caused of all this problems is the Devil himself (Rev. 9:11). BUT, we have God’s promise that: "... in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his more

  • The Land Of Iraq In The Light Of The Bible

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Mar 27, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    According to Genesis, present day Iraq is located in the region associated with the early days of civilization. According to Revelation, it shall be uniquely associated with the final days of this generation.

    THE LAND OF IRAQ IN THE LIGHT OF THE BIBLE "Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where, there is gold. The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the more

  • Will The End Really Come? Series

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Our world today is filled with unavoidable suffering. Famine, epidemics, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes inflict untold suffering on humanity. We have no way of counting how many have suffered or died because of such disasters.

    WILL THE END REALLY COME? Revelation 6:9-17 Our world today is filled with unavoidable suffering. Famine, epidemics, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes inflict untold suffering on humanity. We have no way of counting how many have suffered or died because of such disasters. On more

  • First Thru The Forth Trumpets Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    Week 21 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    Week 21 “First Thru Forth Trumpet Judgments” Date: November 21, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 8: 7-13 Last week we ended our study in chapter 8 verses 1-6, which we said again seems to be a pause between the opening of the 7th seal and the trumpet judgments. I said last week the more

  • Week 22 "The Locusts From The Bottomless Pit Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    Week 22 in a Wednesday evening study throught the book of Revelation

    WEEK 22 “The Fifth Trumpet: The Locusts From The Bottomless Pit” Date: December 4, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 9: 1-12 Introduction Two weeks ago we bean to study the trumpet judgments. We noticed that these judgments have increased in intensity. The last three trumpets more

  • Week 23 The Sixth Trumpet Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Week 23 in a study thriugh the book of Revelation

    WEEK 23 “The Sixth Trumpet” Date: December 11, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 9:13-21 Introduction As we closed our study last Wednesday evening, we looked at the 5th trumpet judgment. We said the last three of the trumpet judgments are called “woe” judgments. I gave you a more

  • Week 24 The Mighty Angel With The Little Book Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    Week 24 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 24 “The Mighty Angel with the Little Book” Date: December 18, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 10:1-7 Introduction Last week we closed our study with the blowing of the 6th trumpet. Chapter 10:1-11:14 that “these verses serve as an interlude or parenthesis between the more

  • Week 25 John Eats The Little Book Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Week 25 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 25 “John Eats the Little Book” Date: January 22, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 10: 1-11 Introduction Being off for several weeks let’s begin with verse 1 of chapter 10. We have come to a pause or a parenthesis between the 6th and the 7th trumpet. * We have said that more

  • Week 26 The Temple & Two Witnesses Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Week 26 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 26 The Temple and Two Witnesses Date: January 29, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 11: 1-14 Introduction Intro: God always has His witnesses! Even in this time of great wickedness and absolute rebellion against God, He has His witnesses in this sin cursed world. Ill. The goal more

  • Week 28 "The Woman, The Child And The Dragon" Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    Week 28 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 28 “The Woman, the Child and the Dragon” Date: February 12, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 12:1-6 Introduction Chapters 12 & 13 introduce us to the 3 key characters in the unfolding of the last half of the Tribulation. They are: The dragon- Satan The false Christ The false more

  • Week 29 Satan Thrown Out Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 5 ratings

    Week 29 in a Wednesday evening study throughthe book of Revelation

    WEEK 29 Satan Thrown Out of Heaven Date: February 19, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 12: 7-12 Introduction As we closed last weeks study we were introduced to a few of the main characters in the book of Revelation. 1. The woman- who we said represents the nation of Israel. 2. The more

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