  • Paul Tuck

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Paul's church

Brampton Missionary Baptist Church
Brampton, *Province/Other L6W 3J8
(905) 457- 8074

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Newest Sermons

  • How To Be A Giant Killer

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2003
    based on 90 ratings

    This is a narrative of David’s victory over Goliath over Gath, with some timely applications.

    HOW TO BE A GIANT-KILLER I Samuel 17: 1-10, 32-36, 45-51 Israel is in a show-down with their old arch enemy, the Philistines. The Philistines are on one mountain and the Israelites on another, with a valley between them. Both armies seem to be at a standstill, with neither one wanting more

  • The Widow's "Might"

    Contributed on Jan 26, 2002
    based on 344 ratings

    Have you ever been totally dependant upon God? The lesson of the widow is that "importunity equals opportunity". Learn what it is that really impresses God!

    THE WIDOW’S “MIGHT” Mark 12: 41-44 It is a mild Sabbath morning in the Palestinian City of Jerusalem. The sun has not yet risen to full strength, and yet people are already lined up all the way down the dusty road which leads to the Holy Temple. Smoke is in the air because of the more

  • Wwf (Wrestling With The Father)

    Contributed on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 250 ratings

    Ok, Ok, you’re probably wondering what the title of this sermon is all about. Well, the letters “WWF” don’t stand for the World Wrestling Federation. They stand for Wrestling With the Father. And today’s message is about a man who did just t

    Ok, Ok, you’re probably wondering what the title of this sermon is all about. Well, the letters “WWF” don’t stand for the World Wrestling Federation. They stand for Wrestling With the Father. And today’s message is about a man who did just that. Jacob wrestled with the Lord. more

  • Facing Up To Our Faltering Faith

    Contributed on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 291 ratings

    The statement made by this desperate man reveals to us a great truth. The best way to get faith, is to admit that we don’t have it! This is the account of a man who was willing to admit that though he believed, he needed to believe even more!

    FACING UP TO OUR FALTERING FAITH Mark 9: 14-29 They say that “time is an excellent teacher”. What is one good lesson you have learned in 2001? {Elicit some response} The biggest lesson I have learned last year is this. I STILL HAVE A LOT OF GROWING TO DO IN MY FAITH! At more

  • The Wisdom Of A Widow

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    What would you do if God asked you to give the very last of your possessions to a complete stranger? This episode in the life of Elijah, shows us what real faith is all about.

    THE WISDOM OF A WIDOW I Kings 17:8-16 The sun beats down unmercifully upon the tiny town of Zarephath, a remote village well to the north of the land of Palestine. It is there that a fraw widow woman searches for sticks. Why is she searching for sticks? She is searching for sticks more