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Sermons on Matthew 5:21-49:

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  • Matthew

    Contributed by Mark Jones on Nov 30, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A look at Jesus in Matthew

    Matthew was a tax collector before coming to know Jesus. He was very meticulous in his accounting and record-keeping. He would have known a form of shorthand. His accounts would be very accurate. 60% of Matthew is the words spoken by Jesus. Matthew was written to a Jewish audience 400 years more

  • Matthew

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Jun 7, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This is an introductory lesson on Matthew’s gospel. It includes a lot of specific content analysis taken largely from Mark Allan Powell’s book, The Gospels. It closes with an appeal to realize the gift of God’s love in Jesus as Emanuel.

    Introducing Matthew’s gospel! The first book of the New Testament. (Not the first N T book to be written, but the first to appear in our Bibles). Matthew tells us where Jesus came from, who were his ancestors, how God caused a virgin named Mary to conceive and bear this One who is the Son of more

  • Matthew Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Oct 3, 2021

    Matthew's insistence that Jesus is the Messiah of Old Testament Prophecy.

    October 02, 2021 Between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament there is a span of about 400 years known as the quiet/silent years – a period of time that is not reflected in Scripture. When the curtain closed on the Old Testament, Medo-Persia – located in the near more

  • Matthew Series

    Contributed by Rik Wadge on Sep 26, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Matthew: God’s "Invisible Man"

    The 12 Apostles Week 8 – Matthew Dr. Rik B. Wadge, Ph.D. "God’s Invisible Man" (Nicole Johnson "the invisible woman" VIDEO CLIP #1) Have you ever been lonely or maybe felt like you were invisible? In the first century there were a small group of individual’s who were funded by high ranking, more

  • Matthew

    Contributed by Kevin Keeling on Mar 19, 2004
    based on 24 ratings


    Matthew MATTHEW: A Teaching Outline Part One: The Presentation of the King (1:1--4:11) I. The Advent ot the King 1:1--2:23 II. The Announcer of the King 3:1-12 III. The Approval of the King 3:13--4:11 Part Two: The Proclamation of the King (4:12--7:29) I. The Background for the more

  • Be A Matthew

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Unlike the Pharisees, Jesus saw Matthew’s need, his worth and his potential. Matthew understood his own need, was willing to follow Christ and shared the Good News.

    We are going to look at a man called Levi (also called Matthew in Matt 9:9-12). I will use the more familiar name Matthew here. It is surprising that Jesus would even call a tax-collector to follow Him. • Jesus was preparing a group of disciples who would eventually bring the good news about more

  • The Call Of Matthew According To Matthew

    Contributed by Keith Bowman on Aug 1, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Matthew recalls the day that Jesus called him to be a disciple. The majority of the sermon is a flashback to that day, where he wonders "Why me, what is so special about me?"

    I want to thank you folks for allowing to come and speak with you today. I want to share with you a story that is very important to me. This story is about an extraordinary day that changed my life forever. It was just another day like any other, nothing really special about that day. Got up more

  • 2 - Matthew’s Genealogy Of Jesus

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Jan 19, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    Jesus’ Genealogy is like a sine wave! Some cool points about Jesus’ Genealogy in the account of the apostle Matthew.

    > Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus < Matthew was a tax collector of Jewish descent. He wrote this Gospel with a main focus to a Jewish audience. Old Testament prophecies are mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel when the prophecies are fulfilled (He does this 9 times in this Gospel). Parallel to some more

  • Matthew The Publican Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 1, 2014

    Matthew was probably more notorious as a sinner than any of the 12, because he was a publican, tax collector for Rome. -- In Jesus' day, land and poll taxes were collected directly by Roman officials, but taxes on transported goods were contracted out.

    #11~ MATTHEW: APOSTLES 2-15-14 ~ Today we'll continue with our study of the 12 Apostles, and today we'll talk for a few minutes about the apostle Matthew. ----- Matthew was probably more notorious as a sinner than any of more

  • Matthew And The Messiah Series

    Contributed by Bryan Fink on Feb 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    I fear that the Jesus so many people have become comfortable with or adopted is not the real Jesus of the bible? And so for the next four weeks we’re going to meet the real Jesus.

    Philip Yancey wrote a book titled “The Jesus I Never Knew.” In it he confesses that he didn’t know the real Jesus. His Jesus was blonde haired and blue eyed and moved about on a flannel board. He grew up learning about how lovely and friendly Jesus was. And then as an adult he more

  • The King (Matthew) Series

    Contributed by Rodney Coe on Feb 10, 2015

    Matthew shows Jesus as The King

    It is fitting that the first verse of the first book of the New Testament, Matthew 1:1, identifies Jesus as the Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. These few words sum up the culmination of the entire Old Testament, and in them are the seeds from which the New Testament plan will grow. more

  • Introducing Matthew Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Oct 19, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    Introduction to the man named Levi the tax collector, converted at the call of Christ and named Matthew

    Introducing Matthew Turn to Matthew 9:9 I have decided to preach through the New Testament starting this year, if I can. Well, the first book in the New Testament is Matthew. I do not want to begin in chapter one, we will eventually. But I want to begin with the disciple named Matthew. In our more

  • Matthew 2024 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 28, 2024

    Matthew is a converted tax collector and obsessed with details about Jesus and gives details about Jesus’ teaching, he especially focuses on the subject “The Kingdom of Heaven.”

    Video transition: The Chosen and the calling of Matthew! Series: Never Seen Before in 2024! Thesis: To see something we have never seen before in 2024 requires us to do something we have never done before! So, what is the “One Thing” you need to do that you have never done before to see your more

  • Matthew 13

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Oct 31, 2020

    Are we just dust in the wind?

    Christ taught with Parables / Stories 1. The birds ate the seeds on the road. 2. The rocky places don't allow growth. 3. The thorns chocked the seeds. 4. The good soil produced 30, 60 and 100 fold. The explanations of the mysteries of the kingdom The story explained 1. When someone more

  • Levi (Matthew) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 2, 2022

    Once settled back in Canaan, Jacob's sons, including Levi, "conspired against Joseph] to kill him." Joseph was the first son of Rachel and was Jacob's favored son. Eventually, the brothers decided to sell him for twenty shekels of silver to Midianite traders on their way to Egypt.

    Levi Levi (Hebrew: Modern: Levi, Tiberian: Lewi) was, according to the Book of Genesis, the third of the six sons of Jacob and Leah (Jacob's third son), and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Levi (the Levites, including the Kohanim) and the great-grandfather of Aaron, Moses, and more