
Summary: Matthew


MATTHEW: A Teaching Outline

Part One: The Presentation of the King (1:1--4:11)

I. The Advent ot the King 1:1--2:23

II. The Announcer of the King 3:1-12

III. The Approval of the King 3:13--4:11

Part Two: The Proclamation of the King (4:12--7:29)

I. The Background for the Sermon 4:12-25

II. The Sermon on the Mount 5:1--7:29

Part Three: The Power of the King (8:1--11:1)

I. The Demonstration of the King’s Power 8:1--9:34

II. The Delegation of the King’s Power 9:35--11:1

Part Four: The Progressive Rejection of the King (11:2--16:12)

I. The Beginning of Rejection 11:2-30

II. The Rejection of Christ by the Pharisees 12

III. The Consequences of the Rejection 13:1-53

IV. The Continuing Rejection of the King 13:54--16:12

Part Five: The Preparation of the King’s Disciples (16:13--20:28)

I. Revelation of Great Truths 16:13--17:13

II. The Instruction in View of Rejection 17:14--20:28

Part Six: The Presentation and Rejection of the King (20:29--27:66)

I. The Blind Men Recognize the King 20:29-34

II. The Public Presentation of the King 21:1-17

III. The Nation Respects the King 21:18--22:46

IV. The King Rejects the Nation 23

V. The Predictions of the King’s Second 24:1--25:46


VI. The Passion of the King 26:1--27:66

Part Seven: The Proof of the King (28:1-20)

I. The Empty Tomb 28:1-8

II. The Appearance of Jesus to the Women 28:9-10

III. The Bribery of the Soldiers 28:11-15

IV. The Appearance of Jesus to the Disciples 28:16-17

V. The Great Commission 28:18-20

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