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Sermons on Malachi 3:1-6:

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  • God Is Unchanging In Our Ever-Changing World

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Apr 20, 2001
    based on 125 ratings

    Since God is unchanging, our faith never changes, our ethical and moral obligations never change, our personal accountability never changes, and our ultimate hope never changes.

    "God is Unchanging in Our Ever-changing World" A sermon from the pulpit of Bayview Baptist Church Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8 Our world is more subject to change today than it has ever been in Human history. More information has been produced in the last 30 years than in the previous 500 more

  • He'll Do It Again

    Contributed by Roger Griffith on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    Some people think that God is like a genie in a bottle. You get 2 or 3 good wishes out of him and then it’s all over. I’m here to tell you, He’s no genie in a bottle. He doesn’t run out of compassion and He’s not short on power! When you need His help, He

    HE’LL DO IT AGAIN TEXT: Mal 3:6 James 1:17 Num 23:19 INTRODUCTION: Some people think that God is like a genie in a bottle. You get 2 or 3 good wishes out of him and then it’s all over. I’m here to tell you, He’s no genie in a bottle. He doesn’t run out of compassion and He’s not short on more

  • Testing God Through Tithing

    Contributed by Robert Grey on Oct 31, 2000
    based on 214 ratings

    What does it mean when God asks us to test Him by tithing?

    Testing God through tithing. The text of this sermon can also be found at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much has been said about the importance of tithing. Little has been said about being able to more

  • The Refiner's Fire

    Contributed by Fred Mueller on Dec 18, 2000
    based on 209 ratings

    God refining God’s people to perfection.

    The Reformed Church of Locust Valley Advent II December 10, 2000 Malachi 3:1-4, Lk. 3:1-6 “The Refiner’s Fire” God has something in store for you. God is not content with us as we are. This is one of Christianity’s basic assumptions – things need to change, and they are going more

  • Challenged By Change

    Contributed by Harold White on Jan 5, 2001
    based on 416 ratings

    Changes will come, but God is in charge of the changes.

    Challenged By Change! Hebrews 11:25; Malachi 3:6 Incredible changes have taken place in the past hundred years. We are experiencing more change than ever in history. The rate of change is so great that we barely catch our breath before another blast of change slams into us. Everything we’re more

  • Why Give To God

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Mar 15, 2002
    based on 68 ratings

    The principles of giving.

    MAL.3:6-12 "WHY GIVE TO GOD" A) This is a subject that is very touchy! * But Jesus talked about this subject a lot! * In fact, Jesus talked about money 16 out of 38 parables, 1 out of 10 verses in the gospels! B) The Bible devotes 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, * But over more

  • Putting God To The Test

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Apr 9, 2002
    based on 121 ratings

    This sermon seriously deals with actually putting your faith into practice at God insistence or encouragement.

    Scripture: Malachi 3:1 – 10 Title: “Putting God To The Test” Introduction: There are some very interesting verses of Scripture located at different places in the Bible. In Malachi in the Scripture we have just read in verse 10, “Prove Me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open more

  • Advent-Ure!

    Contributed by Jacob Golden, Jr. on Apr 20, 2002
    based on 88 ratings

    God calls us into the wilderness on adventures in faith — but he goes with us.

    ADVENT–URE Malachi 3:1–4 • Luke 3:1–6 December 7, 1997 • Advent 2 (c) The word of God came to John — in the wilderness. What image does the word “wilderness” conjure up in your mind? [wait for responses] Barren wastelands? Deep, untouched forests? Absence of civilization? Wild beasts? The more

  • Showers Of Blessing Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 12, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    What would a prophecy about Jesus have to do with the idea of tithing?

    A minister took his son with him one night to a small church where he’d been invited to preach. At the entrance of the church building, they passed a little table with a box on it and a sign which read "Alms Box." Reaching into his pocket, the preacher took out $10 and dropped it in. When the more

  • Preparing The Way Of The Lord

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Dec 5, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    This sermon ties Old Testament prophecy with New Testament fulfillment on the First Advent and the forerunner, John the Baptist.

    PREPARING THE WAY OF THE LORD Text: Malachi 3:1-7 There is the story about a man who visited the Fiji islands. This visitor was skeptical of missionaries. He even spoke with the chief and told him that the missionaries only wanted to get rich of them. The visitor more

  • Some Lesser-Known Attributes Of God

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Feb 13, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    These are attributes of God but ones we do not think of that often

    Malachi 3:6-18 Some Lesser-Known Attributes of God Introduction A. When you think about the attributes of God there are certain ones that come real easy B. God is love C. God is all powerful D. God is all knowing E. God is perfect … F. (Maybe ask for some) G. However today we are going to look at more

  • Nuts Stewardship "Whose Fries Are These" Series

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Nov 5, 2002
    based on 198 ratings

    This is a stewardship sermon dealing with the reality that all we have belongs to God. It motivates to become tithers and generous givers.

    NUTS Stewardship “Whose Fries Are These”? GNLCC 10/26/2002 Malachi 3:1-12 Matthew 19:17-21 Text 1 Chronicles 29:10-16 We are continuing our theme of becoming a NUTS church. What is a NUTS Church? A Church that never underestimates the Spirit. The Theme comes from our adaptation more

  • Fshs 20.02

    Contributed by John Beehler on Nov 6, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    Invest in some long-term stock that will NEVER depreciate

    FSHS 20.02 How many of you here invest in the stock market in some form? Bonds? Mutual funds? Own shares of some company? CDs? Okay, now let me ask those of you who have money in some form of investments: How many of you have made money this year? How many of you are pleased more

  • Suddenly The Lord You Are Seeking Will Come

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on Nov 27, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    Advent Sermon 1. The Lord came suddenly 2000 years ago 2. The Lord will come again suddenly (2nd Coming) 3. The Lord will come again THIS Christmas

    Larry C. Brincefield Sunday Morning, December 1, 2002 Title: "Suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come" Mal 3:1 (NIV) Text: Malachi 3:1-7 Introduction 1. When I was a young boy growing up, with my brother and sister, we LOVED Christmas!! We had some special more

  • The Unchanging God

    Contributed by Izak Shipman on Dec 27, 2002
    based on 81 ratings

    We’re living in a changing world but serve a God who never changes. that is a comfort for the New Year.

    The unchanging God Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not. I. God says that He Change not! The truth of this verse will give you stability in an unstable world, no matter what happens! God says He does not change! We’ve been through changes in our lives. TV - Old Blaupunk – now you get more