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Sermons on Leviticus 18:1-5:

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  • The Rules Of Rules Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 27, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    A look at the book of Levitiucs and the role rules play in our lives.

    Rules, anyone here into rules? You know laws, decrees, regulations, whatever it is that you want to call them. If you are here’s the good news the book of Leviticus is full of rules, aren’t you lucky? As a matter of fact rules is just about all Leviticus is about. There is really no story to it, more

  • Christian's Standard For Living

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Oct 22, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    Christians now a days are subjects to many standards of this world, standards that often put a Christian into a compromising stage. But what standard should a Christian follows? How should he respond to many rules in this world?

    Christians now a days are subjects to many standards of this world, standards that often put a Christian into a compromising stage. But what standard should a Christian follows? How should he respond to many rules in this world? If the law of man tolerates but the laws of God forbid. Shall a more

  • Justified, Qualified & Glorified,conclusion Series

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Nov 18, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    The scripture is perfectly clear on marriage, between a man and a woman. All else is sin and an abomination in the sight of God. Part 3 deals with the Glorification of marriage.

    Justified, Qualified & Glorified The scripture is perfectly clear on marriage, between a man and a woman. All else is sin and an abomination in the sight of God. Part 3 deals with the Glorification of marriage. I thought about more

  • Dont Walk Like An Egyptian Series

    Contributed by Dale Miller on May 24, 2010
    based on 8 ratings


    HFL MAY 23, 2010 LEV. 18:1-5 1The LORD said to Moses, 2“Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘I am the LORD your God. 3You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their more

  • The Message

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 22, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    You are the message; you are a Christ carrier. Allow this word to speak through, it's a word of hope for the lost, and a word of faith for those who love Him.

    The Message Text: Leviticus 18:1-5NLT Then the Lord said to Moses, 2 “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. I am the Lord your God. 3 So do not act like the people in Egypt, where you used to live, or like the people of Canaan, where I am taking you. You must more

  • Different (Leviticus)

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Aug 12, 2019

    God did not want Israel to live or look like all the other nations around her. How should we look different from the culture around us?  

    “Different” (Leviticus) Leviticus 18:1-5 Opening and Introduction For the past few weeks we’ve been looking at Israel and how God worked to bless them. We’ve looked at priests and sacrifices, the tabernacle and how it became the center of society. As we’ve gone through this journey, more

  • Holy You! Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Oct 3, 2018

    YOu are holy, so be holy! A holy person is SEPARATED and DEDICATED to God.

    HOLY YOU!—selections from Leviticus 18-19 (To begin, I went into the audience, to ask, “When you think of a ‘holy person,’ what do you think of?”) Are you holy? Do you even want to be holy? Maybe you think of a holy person as someone who never smiles, or has an attitude of being “holier than more

  • 18 - The Jews Rejected God's Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Jul 6, 2021

    This is the 18th of 30 Studies on the Book of Romans and talks about how the Jews rejected the Righteousness of God that He so freely offered them.

    Romans 10:1-4 1Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not more

  • Does Time Change The Intent Of God's Will?

    Contributed by Bryan Beverly on Nov 3, 2014

    This message is designed to help us to consider: (1) whether ‘the spirit of the law’ endures beyond ‘the letter of the law’ and (2) whether God’s silence is a synonym of His absence or His affirmation.

    The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2Speak to the people of Israel and say to them: I am the Lord your God. 3You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived, and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you. You shall not follow their statutes. 4My more

  • Ham And Canaan’s Sins Lead To Some Of The Law Coming About

    Contributed by Earl Arnold Jr on Apr 20, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    God uses some people to make an example of.

    Ham and Canaan’s sins lead to some of the law coming about Scripture Genesis 9:20-27 Summary God uses some people to make an example of. Genesis 9:20-27 English Standard Version (ESV) 20 Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard.[a] 21 He drank of the wine and became drunk and more