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Sermons on Hosea 7:8-12:

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  • Gray Hairs Of Spiritual Decline

    Contributed by Steven Cook on Jan 5, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Taken from Hosea 7, we find that God compares spiritual decline to the gray hairs of decay.

    “Gray Hairs of Spiritual Decline” Prov. 14:14; Hosea 7:9; Jer. 3:1 By Dr. Steven G. Cook I. Introduction A. Read All 3 Verses – Prov. 14:14; Hosea 7:9; Jer. 3:1 B. Illustration – Christian Life is comparable to an airplane – No Reverse; Must continue forward at a steady pace or it will spin more

  • Floundering

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on May 27, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Israel’s foolish acts are listed (vv. 1-7), and her floundering is portrayed (vv. 8-16). God’s desire for Israel was healing and restoration. Instead they were involved in lying, theft, robbery (v. l), blatant contempt of God (v. 2), political corruption

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: I read a humorous story about a woman who fell out of a second-floor window and landed in a slow-moving garbage truck. Half-buried in the litter, she tried without success to get the truck-driver’s attention. A foreign diplomat standing on the sidewalk saw her and more

  • Gray Hairs - A Message For A New Year

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 174 ratings

    Hosea pointed out 6 ’Gray Hairs’ that we should take care of in order to "Find the Fix in 2006". Link included to formatted text version, handout, and PowerPoint Presentation.

    Gray Hairs ‘Finding the Fix in 2006’ Hosea 7:1-16 Hosea is one of the minor prophets…this doesn’t mean he was under 18 or unimportant but only that his prophecy is shorter in length than Isaiah’s or Jeremiah’s, etc. The Pastor was preaching a series on the prophets and one of the members asked more

  • I'd Avoid Being Half Baked

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 30, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    A sermon adapted from Clovis Chappell out of his book, "If I Were Young". Focuses on Jesus as a role model and how to avoid being unbalanced.

    Hosea 7:8 I’D Avoid Being Half-Baked Adapted from “If I Were Young” by Clovis Chappell Introduction: Waiting for God was a British sitcom that ran from 1990 to 1994. You can see it on PBS from time to time. "Waiting for God" takes place in a British Retirement home. This program brings to light more

  • Single-Minded Heart

    Contributed by Robert Park on Oct 30, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    God does not favor divided heart when it comes to our love for him. Hosea describes in three powerful images of the spiritual state we may be in.

    Single-minded Heart Hosea 7:8-12 Last Sunday we studied about the ways to transform our heart so that our thoughts are controlled accordingly. But, unfortunately, we all struggle with symptoms of divided heart. The Bible has some harsh words about that; he is a double-minded man, more

  • God's Wrath On Disobedience Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on May 22, 2013

    When we 'say' we are believers but don't live out the life God has called us to live, then we are useless to God and a mockery to the Gospel and a laughingstock to the world!

    Hosea 7 [HCSB] May 22, 2013 Oak Park Baptist Church – Wed Bible Study Series Hosea Bible Study A Study of the Minor Prophets Hosea (750-725 BC) HOSEA to Israel (Northern Kingdom) We have moved thru the 1st six chapters of Hosea and we have learned several things: 1st we have learned that more

  • Half-Baked

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 7, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    Hosea charged Israel with being “a cake not turned” or “half-baked". They were half-hearted towards God. Like Israel, many of today’s professed believers have followed the same pattern of incomplete discipleship.

    1 Half-Baked Hosea 7:8-10 “Ephraim is a cake not turned.” — Hosea 7:8 Hosea, a prophet to the house of Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II, used several colorful admonitions to bring to Israel’s attention the state of their relationship with God. In his comparison he more

  • Feel The Heat

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 24, 2012

    A sermon on Hosea 7:3-8 (Outline taken from Pulpit Commentary: and Johnny Wilson of Sermon Central:

    HoHum: What kind of a baker is this? Usually what the baker would do was build a big fire in the oven at night and then he would only have hot coals then next morning, much better to bake with. Here it appears that the fire is still hot the next morning but the baker does nothing about it. He more

  • God Knows When You’re Done

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Jan 31, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Instead of Epraim depending on God for stability He formed alliances with the people instead of him being a shepherd he became as sheep. The "cake not turned" was burnt on one side and raw on the other. A metaphor for just how mixed up their lives were.

    God Knows When You’re Done Hosea 7:8 The idea is of a “half-baked” cake. In that day, bread was often prepared as a cake that was cooked on both sides, something like a pancake. In thinking they can serve both the Lord and idols, Israel is like an unturned pancake - burned on one side, uncooked more

  • God Longs To Rescue! Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jul 20, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Hosea the prophet foretold the doom of Israel he forth told why. The nation were unwilling to turn aside from theor ways towards destruction and turn to the One True God. find out more.

    I had said at the start of my sermon series on Stewardship and Life Management that I was going to then do a series on the “wrath of God” prior to looking for a new congregation. At the time I was only really joking about the matter. By that I mean the sermon on the wrath of God. Given that I more

  • Hot To Trot Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    When God’s leaders, whether secular political, secular business, or church religious leaders, fail, the result is disastrous for both God’s people and those around them.

    Some of you are bound to be offended at the title of this sermon. If you are familiar with the slang of a couple of generations ago, this was the ‘40s and ‘50s description of a person who had cast moral considerations aside and wanted to have a hot and heavy affair. It usually denigrated women as more

  • Who Ya Gonna Call? Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Life offers many answers, but only one Answer. Hosea calls God’s people out for their lack of faithfulness to God’s Answer, and by implication, challenges us to faithfulness.

    If you’re a fan of comedy movies like I am, the title of today’s sermon will ring a bell. The theme song of “Ghostbusters” went something like, “When there’s something weird in your neighborhood, who ya’ gonna’ call? Ghostbusters!” There was something about the idea of a S.W.A.T. team ready to deal more

  • Diminishing Discernment

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Sep 21, 2011

    Loss of Dicernment among believers.

    Hosea 7:5-11 Hosea 7:8 “Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned. 9 Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not.” Encarta dictionary defines discernment as “keenly more

  • Living A Fantasy

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 9, 2017

    God had sent one prophet after another to warn Israel of impending judgment. Rather then heeding the many warnings, they continued to live in a fantasy world, void of reality. Sadly many today continue this path, refusing to admit their great need.

    Living a Fantasy Hosea 6:4, 7:8ff As you study the book of Hosea, God’s love for His people is easily discovered. While they had turned their backs on him, seeking the gods of this world and the pleasures of the flesh, God continued to pursue them by His grace. In the chapters between our last more

  • Believers Beware Of Backsliding

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Feb 9, 2020

    Most Christians have no idea what the term backsliding means. This message explore the definition and the process involved.

    “Believers Beware of Backsliding” Hosea 7:1-16, 11:7, 14:4 Scripture Reading Hosea 7:8 Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned. 9 Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not. more