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Sermons on Genesis 29:15-28:

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    Preach confidently from Genesis 29:15-28

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  • God Balances Crosses And Comforts

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 16 ratings

    To lead the people to understand that God proportionally gives out a balance of crosses and comforts so that we do not become too elevated and proud or too depressed by difficulties

    Unit 9 – Family Lesson 25 – A Family for Jacob – Gen. 29:1-30 Preparation for the Teacher 1. Aim: To lead the people to understand that God proportionally gives out a balance of crosses and comforts so that we do not become too elevated and proud or too depressed by difficulties. 2. Explanation more

  • Whom Do We Truly Love; And How Do We Show It

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Dec 29, 2001
    based on 61 ratings

    Genesis 29, showing how Jacob is matured in a Godly manner through over 14 years of service to Laban his father-in-law.

    Whom do we truly Love, and how do we show it DBF 12/30/01 A. Jacob’s love for Rachael First Meeting with Rachael First meeting with Laban B. Jacob’s Labor for Rachael Diligence of Jacob Deception of Laban Genesis 29:1-30 Remember your first love, Oh the beauty and wonder of it. Oh that he or more

  • Recieving Our Wage

    Contributed by Ethan Sayler on Jul 30, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    Through the grace of God in Jesus Christ, we recieve more than what we deserve.

    A donkey and a fox went into partnership and sallied out to forage for food together. They hadn’t gone far before they saw a lion coming their way, at which they were both dreadfully frightened. But the fox thought he saw a way of saving his own skin, and went boldly up to the lion and whispered more

  • "The Trickster Gets Tricked"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 23, 2002
    based on 87 ratings

    Like Jacob, we must keep our focus on Jesus not the obstacles which get in our way.

    Genesis 29:15-28 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 “The Trickster Gets Tricked” By Rev. Kenneth Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA In our Old Testament Lesson for this morning: Jacob the trickster gets tricked. Jacob had literally ruined and wrecked his life. He had more

  • Love Gone Bad

    Contributed by Todd Riley on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 64 ratings

    In preparing this sermon this week I found myself in somewhat of a quandary in regards to how to approach today’s sermon topic: love and romance.

    In preparing this sermon this week I found myself in somewhat of a quandary in regards to how to approach today’s sermon topic: love and romance. The reason for my distress is that today is Valentines Day. For some it’s a great and wonderful day because you are in love with somebody. For others more

  • The Labor Of Love Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Couples, Pt. 4

    THE LABOR OF LOVE (GENESIS 29:9-35) One of the best quotes on love I know of comes from Liz Carpenter. She said, “Love is a moment and a lifetime. It is looking at him across a room and feeling that if I don’t send the rest of my life with him, I’ll have missed the boat.” More than 66% of adults more

  • The Possibility Of Marriage Without Love

    Contributed by Abiodun Adeniyi on Feb 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    you could marry a person you never loved

    THE POSSIBILITY OF MARRIAGE WITHOUT LOVE There are so many things that happened in life that most people would not want to believe that they ever happened, such is the issue of getting married to someone you never loved. Since we all have agreed that love is an important and an irreplaceable factor more

  • When You Fail To Trust God

    Contributed by Norris Harris I on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 80 ratings

    This message deals with the consequences of our failure to trust God based on the experience of Jacob. Be Blessed!

    It is my contention that the contents of verses 15-30 conveys the conviction that Jacob had a Serious Problem With Trusting God. The basis for that conclusion is grounded on the fact that here was a man, who with his mother, had conspired, schemed and tricked both his father and brother out of the more

  • First Things First

    Contributed by Samson Musyoki on Sep 22, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Many times we fail to receive the Lord’s blessings because we put what we love before us rather than what the Lord wants.

    FIRST THINGS FIRST GENESIS 29:25-27 When morning came, there was Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, “what is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn’t I? Why have you deceived me?” Laban replied, “ It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the more

  • Decisions, Deception And Destiny

    Contributed by Jamie Wright on Apr 27, 2004
    based on 84 ratings

    The devil is deceptive. He will trick the believer and lie to them, getting their minds off of the issue, thus causing them to make poor choices. Christians can never get to the destiny God has for them by making poor decisions. The devil has deceived

    DECISIONS, DECEPTION & DESTINY Pastor Jamie Wright * Maranatha Fellowship Church Genesis 25:21-28 The Person of Deceit * Twins are born to Isaac and Rebekah: Vs. 25 the first came out red and hairy and was thus named Esau Vs. 26 the second came out after his brother and his hand took hold of more

  • Learning To Let God Lead Series

    Contributed by Thomas Black on Jan 22, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    The transformation from defiant deciever to humble servant is never easy.

    How many of you would consider yourselves a role model? I’ve got an interesting role model for you tonight. Turns out he was married ... twice... at the same time... to sisters! To top it off – at the suggestion of his wives he had a couple more ladies on the side (and his wives were OK with more

  • The Power Of Unconditional Love

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Feb 20, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    In the romance of Jacob, and Rachel, we see the unconditional love of Jacob. It reminds us of the unconditional love that God has, and inspires us to love unconditionally.

    The Power Of Unconditional Love Gen 29:9-35 Joke: The teacher asked her class, "Which is more important to us-the sun or the moon." One of the students answered, "The moon." The teacher asked why the moon was more important than the sun. The student gave this explanation. "The moon gives us light more

  • Wedding: Ausmus.killough

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Jan 26, 2006
    based on 69 ratings

    10 Minute Wedding Ceremony

    August 10, 2005 Kevin Higgins Woodlawn Baptist Church On behalf of Bill Ausmus and Martha Killough, I want to welcome each of you. We have been invited here to share with them in a most important time in their lives. In the time they have been together, their love for one another has grown and more

  • Wedding: Guthrie.johnson

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Jan 26, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Wedding Ceremony

    Services Conducted July 30, 2005 Kevin Higgins Elizabeth Barrett Browning gave us a beautiful expression of love when she wrote: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal more

  • Wedding: Hackney.woodall

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Jan 28, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    Short Wedding Ceremony

    July 16, 2005 Kevin Higgins Denison, TX There have been many beautiful expressions of love given to us through the years. One of my favorites is the story of how Jacob loved Rachel and served her father fourteen years to gain her hand in marriage. The Bible says concerning these years, “They more