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Sermons on 1 Kings 19:1-17:

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  • Get Up, Get Over It

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 12, 2002
    based on 38 ratings


    GET OVER IT By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: 1 Kings 19:9 -- 21 Ecclesiastes 12:12-14 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, more

  • "All By Myself"

    Contributed by Bruce Hindenburg on Aug 13, 2002
    based on 120 ratings

    The story of Elijah, his success and his fear. His false assumption that he is all alone. How God spoke to him and to us in a gentle whisper. Today we hear the gentle whisper of the Gospel.

    Text: 1 Kings 19:9-18; and Matthew 14:22-33 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Way, way back in early 1970’s there was a singing group known as the Raspberries. One of the members of that group was a fellow by the name of Eric Carmen. He more

  • When Frustrations Come Our Way, God Whispers!

    Contributed by Doug Koehler on Aug 17, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Elijah knew frustration in ministry and wished he would die as a result. God shows him that he is not alone, and reminds him that he has help.

    Title: When frustrations come our way, God whispers! Date: Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost. August 11, 2002 Text: 1 Kings 19:9-18 I was sitting down at Kim’s computer the other day, because my office was just to darn hot and as I searched for a way to begin writing down today’s message, I happened more

  • Turn Your Pity Into Praise

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Oct 2, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    Having a "pity party"? You can turn your pity into praise!

    “Turn Your Pity Into Praise” Text: 1 Kings 19:1 – 18 Title; This morning I want to talk to you on the subject “Turning Your Pity Into Praise” Notice in this biblical account there are at least 5 mistakes that Elijah made: Mistake # 1 – Elijah was throwing a pity party! * In verse 4 he tells more

  • Cave Men

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Feb 28, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    This message shows the dangers in becoming burned out as a Christian. Even though you are greatly used of God is can happen.

    Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1:21 Title: "Cave Men" Introduction: LET'S GET THE PICTURE: The Great prophet of God who had dazzled the people of the land with a ministry filled with signs & wonders has become a "Man on the Run." * Here he is in a CAVE. He has run away from the very wickedness that he had more

  • How To Beat Spiritual Depression

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Mar 2, 2004
    based on 69 ratings

    What do you do with those "tough weeks?" Does everyone have them, or is it just me? How can I climb on top when I feel like God is 1,000,000 miles away? We find answers in Elijah’s story... *HANDOUT INCLUDED*

    I Kings 19:1-6, 9-12 INTRODUCTION: How many of you have a Christian person you really look up to – someone you really admire as a Christian? Perhaps it’s someone you admire because of the way they’ve been used by God. Perhaps you can just sense a closeness to God in them. Now, when you feel more

  • God's Cure For The Blues

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Apr 5, 2004
    based on 80 ratings

    When we are depressed things many times seem hopeless, don’t they? But in our study today, we will find that there is hope in the midst of depression. (1 Kings - pt 6)

    GOD’S CURE FOR THE BLUES" TEXT I KINGS 19:1-18 INTRODUCTION [I KINGS 19:1-5] Elijah sat down under a tree and prayed that he might die? Now that doesn’t sound like the Elijah the great prophet taking up in a whirlwind. It really seems out of character for Elijah, a man who had walked so more

  • Spiritual Disciplines - Silence

    Contributed by Paul Cull on Apr 5, 2004
    based on 63 ratings

    Time of silence alone with God: · deepens our relationship with him · restores us in our life for Him · focuses us in our work for Him

    Spiritual Discplines Silence and Solitude It is a well-known fact that the people of this Church are extremely well read! I know that you all have the great classics of literature in your well-stocked libraries. I know that your children will reach Chaucer and Dickens instead of the ‘Cat in the more

  • "Whisper Or A Shout?"

    Contributed by Millie Pisano on Apr 19, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    Do you recogniize the voice of God? Have you heard Him speak to you through those quiet times?

    “Whisper or a Shout?” When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior you become a joint heir to the Kingdom of God. Plainly speaking you are now officially a child of God. And as a child of God the Lord desires to speak to your spirit. That’s right, you are now connected to the more

  • (Lesson 4) Elijah: An Encounter Out Of Discouragement

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Elijah ran into the desert because Queen Jezebel threatened to kill him. He encountered God, not in a mighty force to destroy the evil rule of Jezebel, but in a still, small voice to send Elijah back into service.

    A. INTRODUCTION: I KINGS 19:3-18 1. Miraculous food. God provided for Elijah’s needs. "The ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook" (I Kings 17:6). 2. Miraculous source. "The barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse more

  • Running On Empty

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 7, 2003
    based on 367 ratings

    I want to take a look at an individual who was maxed-out emotionally. He was running on empty and had no margin left in his life. After he took it to the limit, God intervened, and in the process, taught him a few things.

    Running on Empty Some of you know that I like to work out. I enjoy running, bike riding and the stair stepper. When we lived in Rockford, I went to the Fitness Center one day and decided to try out the treadmill. It didn’t look all that difficult so I jumped on and started walking. After a few more

  • Overcoming Discouragement Series

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on May 19, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A look at Elijah’s experience of discouragement and how he was led to renewal

    1 Kings 19:1-8;12-14 Purpose Statement: We need to return to the Bread of Life for renewal and encouragement. Background: Elijah runs for his life to the southern most city in Judah-Beersheba. Beersheba was named by Abraham (Gen 21:31) when his servants dug wells there and means “well of the more

  • Resignation Or Restoration?

    Contributed by Dr. C. David White on Mar 25, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    Everybody feels like giving up sometimes. It’’s a very important time to consider your options carefully.

    When You Feel Life Giving Up (1 Kings 19:1-18) Elijah’s predicament. 1.) Everyone has felt like giving up at some time or the other. 2.) Even giving up the spiritual battle when it waxes hot, frustrations build, and energies ebb. 3.) We must face the question, “What do I do when I feel more

  • Has God Lost His Voice? Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Apr 22, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    How do we hear from the Lord?

    Has God lost His voice? I called Ruth Rupprecht on Thursday afternoon. “I hear Dave’s heart is OK.” “That’s right,” she replied, “There were no obvious blockages discovered during the angioplasty. God healed him.” You might have thought my immediate thought would have been, “Praise God.” more

  • A Case Of Mistaken Identity

    Contributed by Kevin Taylor on Oct 28, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Learn how to never be satisfied with less than God’s best for your life!

    I. A Transfer of Power! A. As of late, we have seen a tremendous example of a transfer of power within our nation’s Capitol. B. As one President leaves the oval office, another steps in. C. Our text this morning speaks of another type of transition. This is very much a different type of transfer more