Summary: Is the "Abundant Life" real, just for a few super saints, or for everyone?

The Abundant Life of Jesus

Part I - The Promised Life

John 10:10 -- "The thief cometh, to kill, steal and destroy, but I

have come that you might have life and this life MORE



A little girl once went to visit her grandmother in the country.

Things were fine until Sunday. This lady went to an very old

fashioned Church that kept the Sabbath by forbidding all work, fun,

levity, laughing and playing. The little girl woke up Sunday and

started right off playing and laughing, as little girls do. Her

grandmother immediately rebuked her for breaking the Sabbath.

Well, she quieted down, went to Church and later went for a walk

out by the barn. She went over to an old mule, a droopy eyed, sad

faced, long-eared mule. She looked at the mule for a while, then

said, "Mr. Mule, you look like you go to my grandmother’s


I think a lot of people in Churches are living in a place, I call

"Depression Avenue." 201 Depression Avenue. You know the

place; it’s on the corner of "Despair" and "Self-Pity." We all

know the place, many of us live there, and many others spend

a lot of time there. It’s a place of darkness and gloom and doom,

where sounds of complaining, condemnation, accusation and

the "can’t’s" are heard. "I can’t do this, and I can’t do that;" You


Well, the Lord Jesus, in John 10:10 is calling us to move!

Let the old place go. Let it be condemned and torn down as it

ought to be and MOVE! JESUS wants us to come and live with

HIM over on the beautiful, marvelous, hillside estate called:

ABUNDANT ACRES! It’s on the corner of "Joy and Thanks-

giving" surrounded by grace and mercy, overflowing with love,

laughter, light and abundance of every kind. There’s a gate

leading to a long driveway, and over the gate reads:


A smaller, sign says,


The sad fact is, however, that "Depression Avenue" is

teeming with people, crowded with sadness and sorrow, while

"Abundant Acres," has hardly a soul to claim it. Most people

would LIKE to believe it’s true, but CAN’T and so, eek out a

miserable existance to their dying day . . . in the darkness.

I say, LET’S MOVE!!! I, for one am tired of living a life

that is tossed about by every wind of circumstances that comes

along. I believe Jesus came to give us this Abundant Life, and I

mean to live it! How about you!

How CAN we do this? The Bible has the answer. We need

to understand: (1) The Promise, (2) The Picture, (3) the Problem

and the (4) Plan of the Abundant Life of Jesus.

(1) The Promise of the Abundant Life of Jesus

John 10:10 contains the word "More Abundantly." This is a

fairly unique word in the Greek. "Abundance" is already a "super-

lative." You remember English, "Comparatives and Superlatives?"

"Good, Better, Best?" Which is superlative? Best! Great, Greatest!

Here in John 10:10, the word is "More." It’s "better than the best!"

It’s "greater than the greatest." It’s "fuller than the fullest!"

And Jesus said, "I have come . . . ," remember how He

came? Remember the pain of the nails driven into His flesh, the

thorns pounded into His skull until his face was painted red by His

blood, remember how his back was ripped to the bone, by the whip?

Remember the PRICE HE PAID. And this was to give US LIFE,


How rude, and foolish for us NOT to live this life! It would

be like being invited out to a nice restaurant by someone wealthy

and who wanted to bless us with a wonderfully abundant feast. To

go there and nibble at the salad, or take a bite of a roll and say, "No

thanks, I don’t want your lobster, steak, whatever, I don’t even want

a doggie bag, THROW IT AWAY!" If we AREN’T living the

abundant life of Jesus, that’s what we’re doing to HIM!

Let’s give ourselves a test, to see how we’re doing at living

this Abundant Life of Jesus. On a scale of "1 to 10," "10," being

Life More Abundantly, and "1" being the worst, most unhappy

kind of life, where are YOU?

If you’re a "10," you are "more than a conqueror," you are

bold, unstoppable, in Jesus, you are doing great exploits, you are

in Control, you are Joyful, and Successful in every area of life. Paul

said, "Rejoice in the Lord always." (Doesn’t that bother you?

Doesn’t Paul know that bad things happen to good people? Doesn’t

Paul know that sometimes life has a way of DUMPING on us?)

If you’re a "10," however you ARE rejoicing ALWAYS!

But, if you’re a "1," you fail at EVERYTHING. You’re like

the guy that went out to kill himself. He took gasoline, a rope and a

gun, went to a tree that went out over a lake. He tied the rope on a

branch, put it around his neck, and doused himself with gasoline.

He then, lit the gas, jumped off over the lake, and shot the gun. The

gun hit the rope, he fell into the lake putting out the fire almost

before it got started, and, since it was shallow, didn’t drown. He

crawled out on shore, mutterring, "I can’t do anything right."

"1," you feel so bad, you want to die. You know rationally,

things may not be so bad, but you feel so depressed, you wish you

were dead. I’ve felt like this -- I think everyone has.

Well, where are you? Be honest. Are you an "8," living

pretty well, mostly happy? Are you a "6," pretty happy, but with

a lot of sadness. Are you a "4," mostly, unhappy, messing up,

failing. Are you a "2," nothing works out for you? Most people

put themselves below "5." If you’re not a "10," this Promise

is for you!

(2) The Picture of the Abundant Life of Jesus

Luke 5:1-11 and Gal. 5:22-23 together make a wonderful

picture of the Abundant Life of Jesus.

Luke 5, you remember is the famous story of the Peter. Peter

had his boat on shore and Jesus came and preached from the boat.

THEN, things really started happening. Jesus told Peter to push

the boat out for a catch (Imagine Jesus first public appearance, and

He chooses to go fishing as the most "spiritual" activity of the day?!)

Peter says, "But, Master, we have toiled all night and caught

NOTHING!" That’s a picture of following the "thief." There is

another, "calling" us in John 10:10. Jesus says, "The THIEF

cometh to KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY. We work hard and

get nowhere; we try so hard and do NOT overcome our bondages

and addictions. We’ve spent THOUSANDS to get peace and

are no better but worse. Following the thief, we, indeed, FISH


Now watch what happens when the Lord of the Abundant

Life takes over. Peter cast the net, and WOW. A good catch

would be 10, a record catch would be 30, based on John 21, this

catch must be over 300 fish! Their nets were bursting and their

boats were sinking from the abundance!

Now, in Gal. 5:22-23, God says, "The fruit, harvest, catch,

of the Holy Spirit is, (now, this is what OUR nets are to be bursting

with, and our lives to be sinking under the weight of!). The catch

of the Spirit is: Love, (are your emotions bursting with love, is your

life sinking under the weight of it?), Joy, (are your emotions

bursting with Joy, Laughter, does your face get tired SMILING

ALL THE TIME?), Peace, (full of certainty, overflowing with con-

fidence, boldness, etc.?), Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness,

Meekness, and Self-Control.

SELF-CONTROL??? Are we actually, really supposed to

have self-control? Yes, Absolutely! Yet, don’t we all think, we

can’t! I don’t have it, and can’t stop this, and can’t overcome that!

Of course, everyone does in fact go fishing. But, most of us

fill our nets with pain, despair, hopelessness; and our nets are

bursting with darkness, depression and our lives are sinking under

the weight of it all.

Cheryl told me, that to talk this way is going to make every-

one feel bad! Because no one can do it. Well, that’s the next point.

(3) The Problem with the Abundant Life of Jesus

The Problem is, we sit there listening to this and we say, "I

don’t think SO!" "I CAN’T live THAT kind of life!" "I cannot

overcome everything in my life." "I cannot have joy all the

time." BUT JESUS SAID WE COULD! The problem is, we

can’t believe it; the solution is, we’ve got to believe it!"

We’ve got to switch our thinking. I’ve always had trouble

living the Abundant Life of Jesus consistently. I am living this life

more consistently, now, than ever. I am overcoming more now,

than ever. I am more joyful, more often, than ever! The beginning

is to begin to believe: I CAN!!!

This thought alone, is powerful and will move you from a

3 or 4 to a 6 or 7. I feel stronger, just to say: I CAN DO THIS!

Let’s think this through a bit. I found 4 reasons why we CAN DO


1-Jesus said so. If God said it, that settles it!

2-If we can’t have this Abundant Life of Jesus, then it makes

Jesus the worst sort of Person. It makes him mean and cruel and

the kind of person that enjoys tormenting us. It makes Jesus like

kids I’ve seen that tease, meantease their baby brothers or sisters.

You know, you’ve seen a boy, take a sucker and hold it close to his

baby brother. The baby reaches out, the brother takes it away. The

baby cries, the brother laughs. He does this over and over, tormen-

ting the little guy, and laughing at his misery! Is this Jesus? Does

He hold out His Abundant Life, then pull it away? Does He do this

over and over tormenting us? Or is it, somehow, POSSIBLE?

3-It’s all over the Bible. Rom. 8:37, "We are more than con-

querors." 1 John 4:4, "Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in

the world." Phil. 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me." Ps. 1, "whatsoever he doeth shall prosper"

Joshua 1, " . . . wherever you shall go, you shall have good success."

4-It’s the only way of fulfilling the Great Commission. The

world has got to look at the Church and see something better than

what they’ve got. The genuine joy, power, peace, true success and

prosperity that Jesus offers, should be like a beacon, or a magnet

drawing people for miles around. Any Church that really begins

to experience this Abundant Life will have to build a huge building

to hold all the people, because this is what they’re looking for!

(4) The Plan for the Abundant Life of Jesus

Now, are you still sitting there thinking, "I still don’t think

so." "I still don’t see how this is possible." Part of the reason is that

we don’t understand the Plan. It’s called: "A" "A." AA.

Awareness and Action. We’ll do "Action" next week. Today,

Awareness. * (Hearing & Doing might be better, here, Mat. 7:24)

Awareness, Knowledge, Wisdom, Revelation. Someone has

said, "Knowledge is Power." The better the Knowledge, the more

the Power. Let me show you WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT

WHO YOU REALLY ARE, and why, you can and should expect

to really live the Abundant Life of Jesus.

2 Cor. 5:17, "If anyone (anyone, you and I and everyone here)

is in Christ (this is a big "if," first, of course, settle your relationship

with the Lord Jesus, ask Him into your life). But, if anyone is in

Christ, he is a NEW CREATION! "Is!" Not, "will be someday."

The old has (not will), has passed away, behold the new has, HAS,

HAS come." God is saying that when Jesus came in, he brought

something so great, so awesome, it can only be compared with a

new Creation, a new heavens, and earth, a new, "Let there be light,

and there was light." This is AWESOME!

Creation. Let’s look at Gen. 1:26 and see another tremendous

aspect of who we are. God says, "Let us (the Triune God) make

man in Our Image." Hold it, follow the line here. Above, he talks

about making the sea creatures AFTER THEIR KIND. And the

birds, AFTER THEIR KIND. And the lions, tigers, cattle, etc.

AFTER THEIR KIND. But, when he come to man, God does

NOT say, "After their kind," because now, He’s doing something

INFINITELY greater. Making man after !!HIS!! kind.

Don’t take this too far, but God IS SAYING, that He made

us of the same "stuff" as He is made! AMAZING!!

Even better is Heb. 2:11. That says that "Jesus," hold it!

Let’s put this into context. Jesus, Col. 1:16, "in Him, by Him and

for Him, were all things created." John 1:1, "In the beginning was

the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God."

All things were created by this Word. So, back there in Genesis,

when God said, "Let there be . . . ," THAT WORD WAS JESUS!

Somehow, it was Jesus Himself, actually putting His Hands on the

Sun, Moon and Stars. Molding in His own hands, to His own taste,

Saturn, Mars, Venus and ALL CREATION!

Now, Heb. 2:11 says that Jesus " . . . was not ashamed to call

them (us) brothers." My Brother is Jesus?! I wouldn’t have the

audacity to say this, it would be arrogant in the extreme, but God

said it. My Brother?! is the Creator of the Universe. He made me

awesome, Ps. 139, wonderful, marvelous, of the same "stuff" as

God, able, capable and powerful. Brilliant, able to to exceedingly

abundantly more than any of us ever gave ourselves credit for. And

then, on the Cross, He made me His brother! PERHAPS, we CAN

actually live the Abundant Life of Jesus!

I need to say a word about "sin," here. You might think,

"Boy, if we’re THAT great, how could we ever sin?" Sin isn’t

about how miserable you are, it’s about where you submitt, and

to whom. You can take your brilliance and strength and serve

lust, greed, pornography and the like. Or you can take your bril-

liance and strength and serve Jesus. People serving sin are smart,

figuring out amazingly creative ways to get pornography into your

home. If you watch TV or are on the Internet, you know; they’ve

figured out ways to barge into your living room and computer with

lust-filled commercials. Sin is not just victims in misery, Sin is

rebellion! But, we do not serve sin! Paul said, in Romans. We

serve One Who said, "I have come that you might have life, and