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  • Football Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Dec 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Call plays before the game starts? Have a Game plan that’ll work in every situation? Jesus does, for then and for us.

    Mark 6:30-44, John 6:1-13, Thanksgiving Football, 2007. “In the Hands of Jesus with thanksgiving.” Introductory Words: We’re moving into the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas and I want you to know there is a secret to having a truly thankful thanksgiving and truly joyful Christmas. We more

  • Uphill Both Ways

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Apr 7, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Holy Week for Jesus was about making 3 climbs: To the Crowd, the Cross and the Christian’s Heart.

    Title: Uphill Both Ways Scripture: John 12:12-28 Illustration: Christmas pageant (I know it’s Easter). A Small church, many years ago, that was so small they only had one wiseman, had a processional, and the Wiseman started down the aisle. In the balconey a really bored little kid was more

  • On Fire Praying

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Feb 8, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Mt. 6:5-6 describes "closet" praying, this is "on fire" praying, prayer in the "Holy of Holies." Just us and God in Glory.

    We’re in the Gospel of Matthew and we’re talking about Prayer. We’ll be in Mat. 6:5-15, but especially, vss 5-6. I wonder if you’ve heard about the big Fire at a chemical factory in Kansas? 10 Fire companies were called, but the fire was too intense to do more than spray the edges. The owner more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Iii Series

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    The Power of "Who," does "What, "When!"

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part III Not a Pigeon, an Eagle! Intro: A pigeon had babies. Most of them grew up and flew away as pigeons are supposed to do, but one stayed. He stayed, enjoying room service, food, mother cleaning up, right into his "teenage" pigeon years. It was more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Iv Series

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    The Power of "Why?" How can we get "good and ready," to take needed action sooner?!

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part IV: The Power of Why! John 10:10 & Luke 11:28 Intro: Today we’re going to follow up on the last sermon which left us with the problem of "How to get good and ready." Remember, we’ll stop procrastinating and start doing the things we know we should, "WHEN more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: V Series

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    The Power of "Where?"

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part V: The Power of Where! John 10:10 & James 1:2 Abundant Life Questions: Who does What, When, Why, Where, How, and How Lord! Today, Where? Where do we need to apply the principles of positive, God-Directed action? James 1:2, right where it hurts; exactly more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Vi Series

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    The Power of "How?" How CAN we life the Abundant Life of Jesus? The answer may surprise you!

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part VI: The Power of How? John 10:10 Are we living an Abundant Life? Or are we barely getting by, hoping to make it throught the day? Jesus wanted us to live this life. so let’s really try. Questions can help. I’ve shared that God "wired" our brains such that more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Vii Series

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    The Power of "How Long," is anwered by "Who!"

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part VII - How Long?! John 10:10; and 10:7-15 We’ve been following a series of questions to help us thing properly about the Abundant Life of Jesus, asking the questions: Who, does What, When, Why, Where, How and How Long! There’s power in each of these, check out more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: # 2 Series

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 25, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    Confusion keeps many people from the Abundant Life, we need to figure out Who doew What and When and we’re there!

    The Abundant Life of Jesus Part II - The Greatest Life Introduction: Well, if you were living on "Depression Avenue," have you moved; have you moved to the "Abundant Acres of Jesus." John 10:10 invites all to come, the place is paid for, come on and see, what the Lord can do. A friend more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: # 1 Series

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 25, 2001
    based on 166 ratings

    Is the "Abundant Life" real, just for a few super saints, or for everyone?

    The Abundant Life of Jesus Part I - The Promised Life John 10:10 -- "The thief cometh, to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and this life MORE ABUNDANTLY! INTRODUCTION A little girl once went to visit her grandmother in the country. Things were fine until more

  • Putting The "El" In "Behtel"

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 25, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    God called Jacob to Bethel, so what’s he doing in Shechem?

    EL-BETHEL Intro: Jerome Engles, Babies & Hymnals, $.75. Years ago, a Pastor, named Jerome Engles was making an announcement in church about the new hymnals, a man in the congregation stood up and also announced the annual Baptism service where all the babies could be baptized. more

  • Why Superman Ducked

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 19, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    Life is full of "Why" question and the Gospel of Joh is full of answers.

    Why Superman Ducked? The title of this sermon is based on someone’s observation of the old Superman Series on TV. In the opening, some bad guy fires his gun at Superman, emptying every chamber, Superman laughs off the bullets, then the bad guy takes his gun and throws it and Superman ducks. more

  • The 10 Commandments: Living Successfully!

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 9, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    The 10 Commandments are the "Rules to live successfully in THIS WORLD!"

    The Way of Life=Ten Commandments Ex. 20:1-4 Intro: You may heard about the ad in a paper for a lost dog. Description: Brown, short hair, with bald spots, right leg broken from an auto accident, left hip hurt from another auth accident, rt. Eye missing from a fight with a cat, left ear bitten more

  • The Real Joseph

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 4, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    Why did Joesph REALLY want to divorce Mary, the answer may surprise you.

    Christmas: Mt. 1:18-25 The Real Story of Joseph! Intro. A little boy was lost in a mall. He didn’t know what to do so, knit hat in hand, he just stood and cried. People passing felt bad and wanted to do something, so they started putting money in his hat. A short while later a Security Man more

  • The Truth About The Magi

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 4, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    Wise men still seek him, but who were the wise men. really?

    Wise Men Still Seek Him Matthew 2:1-12 Intro. A boy was once asked what he was going to give his sister for Christmas, he replied, “Well,” he said, “last year I gave her the measles.” What will we give Jesus for Christmas? Hopefully a genuine worship that involves our whole lives, that’s what more