
Summary: Immediately following his instruction for ordaining elders in each city, Paul revealed the great need to have elders in place within the churches - false doctrine, immorality, and idolatry. It was imperative the church be able to deal with the many challenges she faced.

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Challenges for the Cretian Church

Titus 1: 10-16

Following the charge to ordain elders in every city, and providing detailed instruction regarding the qualifications needed for an elder, Paul revealed the great need within Crete. The challenges facing the church there were many – thus affirming the need for solid, biblical elders in every city to lead the churches in the midst of false doctrine, idolatry, and immorality. These men needed to understand the challenges they faced and prepare to address these issues within the church. Titus would serve to equip them for such a daunting task.

As you study Scripture that was given and recorded thousands of years ago, the relevance for our day is amazing. While cultures and societies change, the basic tenants and desires of humanity have remained largely the same. The issues that Titus and the elders in Crete faced continue in our modern day. There are certainly differences, but when we get to the truth of the matter, the challenges are very similar. The instruction Paul offered Titus is relevant and needed in our day as well. As we examine the difficulties Paul knew Titus would encounter, I want us to consider: Challenges for the Cretian Church. Paul warned of:

I. A Deceptive Message (10-11) – Immediately following instruction on ordaining elders in every city, who would be able to proclaim the Truth of the Word, Paul revealed the presence of those who taught a deceptive message. Consider:

A. Their Diversity (10) – For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision. Paul warned Titus of the abundance of false teachers within Crete. There were many of them, particularly Jewish legalists who taught that circumcision and adherence to the law were essential for salvation. Paul described these as unruly, literally rebellious and insubordinate toward the Word of God. Their speech was empty and worthless, leading to much deception and confusion among the church. (We are experiencing an increase of such false doctrine being promoted today. Few preach the truth of the Gospel – salvation through Christ alone by faith alone. They seek to add additional expectations and works of the flesh to secure salvation.)

B. Their Destruction (11b) – who subvert whole houses. Titus could not underestimate the damage and destruction brought about by false teachers. These were subverting, upsetting and disrupting, entire houses. No doubt this wreaked havoc on entire communities, with many families being entirely polluted and corrupted by such false teaching. The damage was immense and far reaching. The church had been well established in Crete, but Titus could not ignore the damage inflicted by these false teachers.

We too need to sense the urgency regarding the damage of false teaching in our communities. Once false doctrine is embraced by a few, the poison tends to spread, affecting others, many of whom are unsuspecting. It is imperative that we proclaim and defend the pure Gospel of Christ in our day.

C. Their Desire (11c) – teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. Paul revealed the true motivation and desire behind those who spread false doctrine. The majority of them used their teaching for financial gain. They were not concerned with the spiritual condition or needs of those to whom they ministered; they taught a message that served their financial interest. This was not about promoting the Gospel for the false teacher – it was about financial profit.

Unfortunately, such an approach has gained momentum today. We are inundated with big-name, well-known pastors and evangelists, who never preach the true Gospel. Some hardly, if ever, read from the Bible. They use their fame and influence to motivate people to contribute to their ministries, with the promise of God’s favor and blessing for their contribution. The “prosperity gospel” is rampant in America and many other places around the world. These are in it for the money, seeking to gain all they can financially, at the expense of the spiritual needs of people.

D. The Disruption (11a) – Whose mouths must be stopped. Paul was a man of great courage and commitment to the Gospel. He was not shy in calling out false teachers and taking a stand against heresy. He instructed Titus that the mouths of false teachers must be stopped. He does not advocate physical violence, but to stop the flow of false teaching. This would involve confronting the false teacher and exposing the error and danger of his message. Heresy and false doctrine could not be ignored and left unchecked.

II. A Depraved Culture (12-14) – In a few, short statements, Paul revealed the depravity prevalent in Crete. He mentioned:

A. Their Character (12-13a) – One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. [13a] This witness is true. As Paul wrote to Titus regarding Crete, he revealed that one of their own, a Cretian himself, had described the character and lifestyle of the majority. Having been there and experiencing their conduct, Paul declared this witness was in fact true. The Cretians had a reputation that was widely known. They were known to be liars, those who refused to declare and embrace truth. They were considered evil beasts – men of depravity and wicked in character. They were viewed as lazy and determined to satisfy the lusts of the flesh. Clearly, the Cretians did not have a good reputation. (Titus had to admit the difficulty of the situation and the character of many in Crete, if he expected to positively impact the culture. Denial of the present condition in our world will never lead to fulfilling the mission we have been given. We too must admit the needs of our day, while being aware of the depraved tendencies of men.)

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