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  • The Gospel Of The Kingdom

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 23, 2024

    As you consider the life and ministry of Jesus, what comes to mind? What was His purpose for coming to the earth? He came with purpose – a purpose ordained of God, the Father before the foundation of the world.

    The Gospel of the Kingdom Mark 1:14-15 “When you hear the bells ringing out at Christmas, think of the reason why Jesus was born. Dream not that He came to load your tables and fill your cups, but in your mirth look higher than all earth-born things. When you hear that in certain churches there more

  • The Commitment Of A Godly Leader Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 16, 2024

    Godly leaders will face opposition and discouragement. There will be times when it seems as if you and the Lord are the only ones who care about the task at hand. In those times, you must remember your calling and remain committed to the task.

    The Commitment of a Godly Leader Nehemiah 4: 14; 19; 22-23 “Conversion is a turning into the right road; the next thing is to walk in it. The daily going on in that road is as essential as the first starting if you would reach the desired end. To strike the first blow is not all the battle; to him more

  • The Organization Of A Godly Leader Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 9, 2024

    It is no secret that leadership presents its own set of challenges, and those who lead within the church are not exempt. Pastors in particular, and those in leadership positions within the church, often feel overwhelmed by the challenges associated with Kingdom work.

    The Organization of a Godly Leader Nehemiah 3 (1-8 for Text) It is no secret that leadership presents its own set of challenges, and those who lead within the church are not exempt. Pastors in particular, and those in leadership positions within the church, often feel overwhelmed by the challenges more

  • The Influence Of A Godly Leader Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 2, 2024

    We need godly leaders who will follow the Lord’s direction and engage in the Kingdom work. Successful leaders must be able to influence others to join them in the task God has given – effectively casting a vision that others will embrace and follow.

    The Influence of a Godly Leader Nehemiah 2: 9-20 Can you imagine the excitement and anticipation that Nehemiah must’ve felt at this point in life? God had placed a great burden on his heart for the needs in Jerusalem. There was great devastation, a tremendous task to undertake. He was in a more

  • The Humility Of A Godly Leader Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 11, 2024

    Godly leaders must possess humility, patience, and tact, just like Nehemiah. How we approach any situation, and the attitude we possess, will greatly affect our ability to lead and enjoy success.

    The Humility of a Godly Leader Nehemiah 2: 1-8 In the previous chapter, Nehemiah was made aware of the desperate situation in Jerusalem. While he was far removed from the city and the difficulties facing the remnant who had returned, Nehemiah was deeply burdened for the needs of the city and the more

  • The Prayer Of A Godly Leader Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 11, 2024

    Nehemiah was a godly leader; and Nehemiah was a man of prayer. One might be a successful leader in society apart from prayer, but prayer is essential for those who aspire to become godly leaders.

    The Prayer of a Godly Leader Nehemiah 1:5-11 In his work, Quiet Talks on Prayer, S.D. Gordon stated, “You can do more than pray after you have prayed but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.” In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers affirms, “Prayer does not fit us for the more

  • The Traits Of A Godly Leader Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 28, 2024

    It is evident that the modern church needs godly leaders. We need those who will rise to the occasion and use their spiritual gifts to influence others in a positive manner. We all influence others – either in a positive way or a negative way, but our influence is inevitable.

    The Traits of a Godly Leader Nehemiah 1: 1-4 “Every believer is a minister or servant of God who should be serving God and exerting influence on others through his/her local church. Leadership is one person influencing positively another person. Christian leadership is one believer spiritually more

  • Living A Surrendered Life

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 20, 2024

    As believers, we are to live out the transformation that has taken place on the inside. It is easy to state that one is a believer and follower of Christ; it is an entirely different matter to live in such a way that others can see evidence of the professed relationship with Christ.

    Living a Surrendered Life Ephesians 4:25-32 We have discussed much in recent weeks regarding the obligations and responsibilities of believers within the body of Christ. Paul has painted a detailed picture of how the church should look and the witness presented unto a watching world. While the more

  • A Noticeable Change

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 20, 2024

    Paul was well aware of the transformation that takes place when one receives the gospel message and is saved by the grace of God. Such a transformation produces radical change in the life of the new believer.

    A Noticeable Change Ephesians 4: 17-24 This has been an informative and challenging study as we have considered the instruction Paul delivered within the fourth chapter of Ephesians. He has dealt with unity within the church, the need for diversity in the midst of unity, and offered valuable more

  • Marks Of A Healthy Church

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 20, 2024

    Within the necessary unity of the church, there is also beneficial diversity. Such unified diversity seems like a paradox, but in reality, it is a thing of beauty. Healthy churches must strive to promote unity and diversity at the same time.

    Marks of a Healthy Church Ephesians 4: 11-16 In the preceding verses of chapter four, Paul has spoken about the unity that is necessary within the body of Christ in order for the church to be effective in daily life and service unto the Lord. Within this necessary unity, there is also beneficial more

  • The Gift Of Grace

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Apr 25, 2024

    Within one body, there are many individual members with specific and unique gifts. Our diversity does not create division or discord; in fact, it adds to the beauty and harmony of the whole. Such diversity within the body is within the Lord’s sovereign design for His church.

    The Gift of Grace Ephesians 4: 7-11 As we come to the text today, we must bear in mind the preceding verses. Paul has spoken at length regarding our unity in the Lord. We have been called to walk worthy of our calling, serving and loving one another, while endeavoring to keep the unity of the more

  • The Believer’s Walk

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Apr 25, 2024

    How are we to live our daily lives? What is the impact of a relationship with Christ in the life of a believer? How does the Lord provide wisdom and guidance for the daily struggles believers’ face? How do believers overcome the adversities of life and attacks of the enemy?

    The Believer’s Walk Ephesians 4: 1-6 As we come to the fourth chapter of Ephesians, it is evident that Paul has shifted his focus and is now ready to offer beneficial application for the reader. The opening chapters dealt heavily with theological truth and biblical doctrine. The reader has been more

  • Encouragement To Engage In Ministry

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Feb 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    It would be a tragedy for believers to possess biblical knowledge and spiritual giftedness, and yet never use that knowledge and giftedness for the advancement of the Kingdom. Many churches are stagnant and dead spiritually because they focus upon the wrong things.

    Encouragement to Engage in Ministry Ephesians 3: 14-19 Some of you are probably like me when it comes to technology. I am certainly not an expert in the field of computers and programming. I am unfamiliar with all that goes into writing code, software, and the development of apps on my phone. more

  • Unsearchable Riches

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Feb 6, 2023

    Those in relationship with Christ have received the unsearchable riches of His grace and are obligated to be good stewards of such grace. I pray we are reminded of the gracious provision we have received and renewed in our commitment to share this grace with those who have yet to receive this gift.

    Unsearchable Riches Ephesians 3: 8-13 In our text today, Paul continues to expound upon the great mystery of grace, offered by the loving and gracious Lord to those who are undeserving. Having discussed the expanse of such grace and the obligation to be a good steward of the grace received, Paul more

  • Revealing The Mystery

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jan 30, 2023

    The gospel transformed Paul's life and had become the basis and focal point of his ministry. He is committed to sharing this great mystery with those who have yet to hear and respond to the gospel. As believers, we share this same opportunity and obligation.

    Revealing the Mystery Ephesians 3: 1-7 Our text follows up on that which Paul had spoken of in the previous chapter. There he had discussed the marvelous transformation of those who were dead in trespasses and sin, being made alive in Christ. We are saved by grace through faith, not of our works, more

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