An Introduction To Worship Series
Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Sep 15, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: What is worship? Is it prayer, praise, or preaching? These are elements of worship, but they do not necessarily constitute worship in and of themselves. Worship is an attitude that motivates action, not a mere activity.
An Introduction to Worship
John 4:22-24
Today, I want to lay the groundwork for a series regarding biblical worship. The verses I read are likely familiar to each of us. (Illus. context.) Just as the woman at the well, many today have no concept of biblical worship. I want to spend the next several weeks looking at particular passages that deal with worship.
But before we get too far, I wanted to take some time to introduce this matter of worship. I’m sure if I were to ask each of you to describe worship, our views would be varied. For many, worship consists of signing, praying, teaching, and preaching. I would agree that each of these is an element of worship, but in themselves they do not necessarily constitute worship. We tend to think of worship in terms of actions or activities, but I firmly believe the heart of worship is an attitude that motivates particular actions. We can be as busy as we please with activities that are perceived as worship, but if our hearts are not right toward the Lord and centered on Him, we haven’t achieved worshipped. I don’t know about you, but I am interested in genuine worship that pleases and honors my Lord.
In his book, Worship: The Christian’s Highest Obligation, Alfred P. Gibbs offers some relevant insight to genuine worship. He notes some distinctions between prayer, praise, and worship. 1) Prayer is the occupation of the soul with its needs.2) Praise is the occupation of the soul with its blessings. 3) Worship is the occupation of the soul with GOD Himself. I believe Mr. Gibbs has rightly determined distinct differences in these. Certainly, praise and prayer are forms of worship, but genuine worship is the occupation of our souls with God Himself! Real worship isn’t focused on needs or particular blessings, but with the God in whom our total existence lies. Real worship is consumed with an awareness and awe of our Lord. Real worship gets beyond our needs, desires, wants, or thoughts and focuses solely on Him. Worship is achieved when we are totally consumed in the Lord.
Gibbs quotes various writers concerning worship:
"The overflow of a grateful heart, under a sense of Divine favor." Here the writer has emphasized the fact that worship is spontaneous and heartfelt. It isn’t something which has been worked up or thought out, but that which wells up within the heart and soul, and overflows with a sense of the greatness and goodness of GOD. This has the idea of a heart that is so completely filled with the power and presence of God that it cannot be contained or hidden.
Another has put it thus: "Worship is the occupation of the heart, not with its needs, or even with its blessings, but with GOD Himself." Genuine worship is consumed with God and focused upon Him. (i)
Today, I want to examine a few aspects that must be present if we are to worship the Lord. We can worship, and we should worship, but we need a proper understanding of worship. I don’t want us to be as the woman at the well, worshiping without purpose or a proper perspective. As we discuss these aspects, let’s consider: An Introduction to Worship.
I. The Object of Worship – Matt.4:10 – Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. I know that we are aware of the one we have gathered to worship, but many times we get sidetracked and lose our focus. We are not here for a social gathering. This is not just a time to come together for fellowship. I love to meet with God’s people and enjoy our fellowship, but we are here to worship the Lord. He is the reason we have gathered today. Were it not for the Lord’s saving grace and His goodness in our lives, we would not be here. I have not come to be seen or to be heard. I have not come for an update on the latest happenings.
My purpose is not even to hear of the needs within our congregation. These are necessary, and we need to be mindful of them, but that is not why we are here. We are here to worship the Lord. I know that some would disagree and think I am insensitive, but much of our time is spent focused on the wrong things. It is good to take prayer requests; it is good to share our needs and burdens, but we have met to worship the Lord. The focus of our time should not be centered on our needs, but on worship of the Lord!
Ex.34:14 – For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. The Lord is a jealous God. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary says this: “This particular word is used only of God, occurring but five times in the O.T., and illustrates the parallel between idolatry and adultery.” (ii) Many cannot grasp the fact that our God is a jealous God. He will not compete with another for our devotion and service. He doesn’t have to! We are here to worship the God of our salvation. We are here to worship the Redeemer of our souls, the one who brought us out of our miserable, condemned state and offered eternal life. God should never take a back seat in our services, but I am afraid that He often does. Our worship must be focused on the Lord.