Sermon Series
  • 1. An Introduction To Worship

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2019

    What is worship? Is it prayer, praise, or preaching? These are elements of worship, but they do not necessarily constitute worship in and of themselves. Worship is an attitude that motivates action, not a mere activity.

    An Introduction to Worship John 4:22-24 Today, I want to lay the groundwork for a series regarding biblical worship. The verses I read are likely familiar to each of us. (Illus. context.) Just as the woman at the well, many today have no concept of biblical worship. I want to spend the next more

  • 2. Instruction In Worship

    Contributed on Sep 22, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    As King David brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, following a twenty-year absence from the Tabernacle, he instructed the people in worship for such a momentous occasion. The principles David shared remain relevant for our day.

    Instruction in Worship 1 Chronicles 16: 23-29 This was a special time in the history of Israel. David had been anointed king over all of Israel and was ruling on the throne. God had given them victory over the Philistines and preparations were being made to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to more

  • 3. An Illustration Of Worship

    Contributed on Sep 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Nehemiah called all the people to come together before the Lord for a time of celebration and dedication. This was also a time of worship, as the people called for Ezra to bring the Word of God and read it in their midst. Their worship was centered in the Word.

    An Illustration of Worship Nehemiah 8: 1-6; 9:3 This was a very special time for the people of God. The Babylonian captivity was over and the Jews had returned to Jerusalem. God had blessed them abundantly as they rebuilt the city. To celebrate all that God had done, Nehemiah called all the more

  • 4. The Inspiration For Worship

    Contributed on Oct 13, 2019

    Having been delivered from bondage and brought into a land of plenty, Israel had reason to rejoice. We too have received much and have reason to praise our Lord and Savior. He is source of our blessing and the object of our praise.

    The Inspiration for Worship Psalm 95: 1-7 Just as with many of the Psalms, this particular Psalm is believed to have been sung by the Israelites as a song of worship. It was likely sung during the Feast of Tabernacles where the people constructed booths made of brush and dwelt in them to more

  • 5. The Infleunce Of Worship

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2019

    My life has been greatly influenced by worship. This influence was due, in part, to those who were willing to engage in genuine worship. Our worship should impact and influence the lives of others.

    The Influence of Worship Daniel 3: 1-30 Worship has impacted and influenced my life for many years now. I have been saved for over 36 years and I have been privileged with the opportunity to worship the Lord for all of those years. Many times, the worship experience has touched and affected my more

  • 6. The Identification Of Worship

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2019

    As Jesus talked with the woman at the well, He revealed much regarding worship. Through their conversation we discover there are two distinct types of worship - Religious worship and Righteous worship. All worship will fall into one of these categories.

    The Identification of Worship John 4: 19-24 This is a portion of a very familiar passage of Scripture. I’m sure that most of us have heard the account of the woman at the well many times. She was a woman who was shunned and rejected by those who knew her. She was an outcast of society due to the more