Sermon Series

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  • 1. Jesus' Cousin John

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    Imagine having the privilege of introducing a famous cousin to an audience. That was John’s task – he was to introduce the most famous person in all of history – his cousin Jesus.

    Jesus’ Cousin John The Book of Mark 1:1-8 I. Isn’t it great to have cousins? A. I can remember when we were young we would go visit our relatives once in a while. 1. It was always fun to hang around with my cousins who were the same age but had different circumstances from more

  • 2. Divine Discipleship

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    Discipleship as defined by our Lord.

    Divine Discipleship The Book of Mark Mark 1:16-20 I. Introduction: A. This morning we are going to talk about discipleship. B. We hear a lot about this subject. 1. A disciple is a learner/pupil. a) One who puts himself under the authority of a teacher or leader. b) Every one who is saved more

  • 3. True Hope And Change

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010
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    An introduction to the One who can bring real hope and change

    True Hope and Change The Book of Mark Mark 1:9-15 I. We have been hearing a lot about hope and change these days. A. That phrase has become well worn and almost meaningless. B. People want to hope in something. 1. Hope in the future of their family. 2. Hope in the future of our more

  • 4. The Power And Authority Of Christ

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Mark presents the credentials that give Jesus Christ authority and power.

    The Power and Authority of Christ The Book of Mark Mark 1:21-2:13 I. Introduction: A. Many people exercise authority and power over us today. 1. Government 2. Bosses 3. Teachers 4. Parents B. All of them have this authority and power because they have certain credentials or more

  • 5. The Sin Of Externalism

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    I want to explore the characteristics of externalism today and offer a remedy for dealing with it if it begins to creep into your life.

    The Sin of Externalism The Book of Mark Mark 2:15-3:6 I. Introduction: A. Do you consider yourself to be religious? B. A religious person is defined as one who exhibits religion. 1. One who practices the customs and observances of his faith. 2. He is often described as being pious, or more

  • 6. Fellowship, Training And Proclaiming Part 1

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    3 keys for a successful ministry as applied by The Lord.

    Fellowship, Training and Proclaiming The Book of Mark Mark 3:7-19 I. Any successful ministry will grow in time. A. That is what we see with Jesus’ Galilean ministry. 1. Huge crowds followed Him where ever He went. a) They came from all over Palestine as they heard about His works. (1) As more

  • 7. Fellowship, Training And Proclaiming Part 2

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    Part 2 of a previous message If you are a believer you have been specifically chosen by God for a purpose just as these men were.

    Fellowship Training and Proclaiming part 2 The Book of Mark Mark 3:13-18 I. Introduction: A. As we saw last time as Jesus ministry grew He added men to a group that would ultimately number 12. B. The formal calling of these men is recorded here in verses 13-19. C. Luke chapter 6 gives a bit more

  • 8. The Unpardonable Sin

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Is it possible to commit a sin that is unforgivable? If it is possible what exactly would that sin be?

    The Unpardonable Sin Mark 3:20-30 July 26, 2009 I. Introduction: A. The passage before us today contains one of the most ominous warnings recorded in scripture. B. Jesus’ ministry had grown to enormous proportions vs.20. 1. It was so large that his relatives came because they were more

  • 9. Knowing God’s Will Part 1

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    There are lots and lots of books out there that can assist you in discovering God’s will for your life but I propose that the answer to that question is quite easily found in the bible.

    Knowing God’s Will Mark 3:31-35 August 2, 2009 I. Introduction: A. As I mentioned last time Jesus didn’t exactly have the full support of His family when he began His ministry vs.20-21. B. Verse 31 picks up the account after His confrontation with the Pharisees. 1. His family more

  • 10. Knowing God's Will Part 2

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    There are lots and lots of books out there that can assist you in discovering God’s will for your life but I propose that the answer to that question is quite easily found in the bible.

    We have been talking about knowing God’s will. I believe that people make more of this issue than is necessary. People agonize over what God’s will is for their lives and often become stalled in their growth. I think the focus is wrong. They struggle with trying to discern what more

  • 11. The Parable Of The Sower

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    An introduction to the Parable of the Sower

    The Parable of the Sower The Book of Mark Mark 4:1-20 I. Introduction: A. Most of us like a good story don’t we? 1. If it is told or written well. 2. It keeps our attention and often entertains us. 3. A good story will also teach us truth if we are paying attention. B. Mark chapter more

  • 12. The Parable Of The Sower Part 2

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    This parable addresses the first necessary element of being part of the Kingdom of God. It gives us the requirement and result of becoming a part of God’s family.

    The Parable of the Sower part 2 The Book of Mark Mark 4:1-20 I. Introduction. A. As we discussed last week a parable is a true to life story used to illustrate a biblical truth. B. The parables in Mark 4 illustrate different aspects of the Kingdom of God. 1. The Kingdom of God includes both a more

  • 13. A Word To Sowers

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010

    After giving the interpretation of the parable of the sower Jesus speaks a few words to the future sowers. They are instructions to the disciples and us about the dissemination of the Gospel.

    A Word to Sowers The Book of Mark Mark 4:21-25 I. Introduction. A. Those of us who are believers have a responsibility given to us by the Lord. B. We have a purpose and that purpose is stated very clearly in Matt.28:19-20 and in Acts 1:8. 1. This is the great commission given by Jesus just more

  • 14. Spiritual Growth In The Kingdom Of God

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2010
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    By using the mustard seed as an illustration for the growth of the kingdom Jesus is demonstrating the amazing power of the gospel and its effect on people.

    Spiritual Growth in the Kingdom of God The Book of Mark Mark 4:26-34 I. Introduction A. As we have seen the parables of Mark 4 primarily concern themselves with issues of the Kingdom of God. 1. Specifically they deal with the spiritual aspect of the Kingdom. a) That is the realm in which we more

  • 15. The Demoniac Of Gedara

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is able to deliver anyone from their sin.

    The Demoniac of Gedera The book of Mark Mark 5:1-20 I. Introduction A. People have always had a fascination with the spirit world. 1. There are shows on TV every year that try to portray it. 2. People go to Psychics to try to figure out the future or to contact love ones. 3. Others dabble more

  • 16. The Power Of Faith Part 1

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Two people from very different walks of life are connected by their faith in the Savior

    The Power of Faith The Book of Mark Mark 5:21-6:6 I. Introduction A. How strong is your faith? 1. Jesus said that if we had as much faith as a mustard seed we could remove mountains. 2. Most of us take that to be an illustrative statement. 3. But the question still remains, how much power more

  • 17. The Power Of Faith Part 2

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Two people of very different back grounds are connected by their common faith

    The Power of Faith part 2 The Book of Mark Mark 5:35-6:6 I.Introduction A. Faith is a very real part of our every day lives. 1. Many of the things we do we do by faith. a) When you take shower in the morning you don’t go down and check the water heater to make sure it is going to more

  • 18. Principles Of Evangelism

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This message focuses on the why of evangelism

    Principles of Evangelism The Book of Mark Mark 6:7-13,30-32 Introduction A. Mark 6:7 begins a new thrust in Jesus’ ministry. 1. Up to this point He had been doing all of the speaking and interacting with the people. 2. Now after two years of training the disciples are being sent out to begin more

  • 19. The Execution Of John

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010
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    The things we say and do have consequences either good or bad. Sometimes they affects us personally and other times they affect others in ways we could not have imagined.

    The Execution of John Mark Mark 6:14-29 I. Introduction: A. The things we say and do have consequences either good or bad. 1. Sometimes those consequences affect us personally. 2. Other times they affect others in ways we could not have imagined. 3. The passage we are looking at today more

  • 20. The Feeding Of The 5,000

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We can learn a lot about our role in God's kingdom from this miracle.

    The feeding of the 5,000 Mark 6:33-44 I. Introduction: A. The miracle of the feeding of the 5000 is one of the most significant of all the miracles 1. Because it is recorded in all four Gospels 2. Because of the tremendous truth it teaches us. 3. It may seem weird to you but I think you more

  • 21. Walking On Water Calming Hearts

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010

    Despair sometimes follows a particularly exciting spiritual experience this passage talks about that.

    Walking on Water – Calming Hearts The Book of Mark Mark 6:45-52 I. Introduction: A. We are going to get back into the book of Mark again today. B. This section of the book is following Jesus’ Galilean ministry. 1. He has called 12 men to be with Him so that He could train them more

  • 22. The Danger Of Tradition

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2010

    Being imprisoned by tradition can cause you to miss what is important.

    The Danger of Tradition The Book of Mark Mark 6:53-7:13 I. Introduction: A. What we have done here today is a tradition in most churches. B. Tradition plays a big role in our families and our lives as well as our churches. C. A tradition by definition is something that is passed from one more

  • 23. Understanding Faith

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Discrimination is a bad thing in any form. We as believers must never discriminate with regard to whom we share our faith.

    Understanding Faith The Book of Mark Mark 7:24-31 I. Introduction: A. We live in tumultuous days. 1. Hardly a week goes by without one group of people calling another group racist somewhere in the country. 2. The words people use to explain something or to present their side of an issue are more

  • 24. The Compassion Of Christ Part 1

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Understanding compassion from Jesus’ point of view.

    The Compassion of Jesus Christ Part 1 The Book of Mark Mark 7:31- 8:10 I. Introduction A. How do you define compassion? 1. The Merriam- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines it this way: sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it 2. Vine’s more

  • 25. The Compassion Of Christ Part 2

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2010

    This is part two of a sermon on compassion as demonstrated by Jesus.

    The Compassion of Jesus Christ Part 2 The Book of Mark Mark 8:1-10 I. Introduction: A. Last week we started to examine compassion as exemplified in Jesus Christ’s life. B. Compassion is defined as a sympathetic consciousness of another’s distress together with a desire to help more

  • 26. Signs, Signs Always Looking For A Sign

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2010
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    People respond in different ways to God's revelation. Failure to believe God’s word and to take it seriously results in a deep spiritual blindness.

    Signs, Signs Always looking for a Sign The Book of Mark Mark 8:11-21 I. Introduction: A. Besides being the name of one of the books of the bible revelation is how God makes Himself known to us. 1. Revelation means the disclosure of something unknown or hidden. 2. The Holman Illustrated more

  • 27. Dull Disciples

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Sometimes people fail to respond to God's word because they simply don't understand.

    Dull Disciples The Book of Mark Mark 8:14-21 I. Introduction. A. Last week we discussed the tragic consequence of someone who refuses to believe and heed God’s word. B. It starts by not believing and can ultimately end in judicial blindness 1. The unbelief we were confronted with more

  • 28. The Blind Will See

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Our Savior's great love for us causes Him to have great compassion on us.

    The Blind Will See. The Book of Mark Mark 8:22-26 I. Introduction: A. We have come to a major dividing point in the Book of Mark. B. That makes the miracle recorded here significant in several ways. 1. This the second of the 2 miracles which were recorded only in Mark. a) None of the other more

  • 29. Who Do You Say That I Am?

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    One of the most profound questions ever asked is the one Jesus asked His disciples.

    Who Do You Say That I Am? The Book of Mark Mark 8:2733 I. Introduction A. One of the most profound questions ever asked is the question that is asked in our passage today. B. Who do you say that I am? 1. It is a simple question and yet the answer we give is far beyond simple. 2. What one more

  • 30. Who Do You Say That I Am? Part 2

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    One of the most profound questions ever asked is the one Jesus asked His disciples.

    Who Do You Say That I Am? Part 2 The Book of Mark Mark 8:27-33 I. Introduction. A. Answering the question that Jesus posed in the passage we are studying is one of the most crucial things you can do. B. Every one has an answer to this more