Principles Of Evangelism Series
Contributed by Donald Rapp on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message focuses on the why of evangelism
Principles of Evangelism
The Book of Mark
Mark 6:7-13,30-32
A. Mark 6:7 begins a new thrust in Jesus’ ministry.
1. Up to this point He had been doing all of the speaking and interacting with the people.
2. Now after two years of training the disciples are being sent out to begin proclaiming the Kingdom.
B. There are a couple of reasons for this.
1. Matt.9:35-38 cf.6b.
2. His ministry is coming to an end and these men must be ready to continue the work of spreading the gospel.
C. This is what discipleship is all about.
1. Teaching and sending.
2. They had been observing Him all this time.
a) He demonstrated His power and authority to them.
b) He taught them the difference between true religion and externalism.
c) He taught them about their future responsibility.
d) He gave them instruction on the kingdom of heaven.
e) He taught them the importance of trusting Him.
f) He taught them the importance of exercising faith.
3. If He had continued to just teach these men and not send them out they would have become just like the Pharisees – self-satisfied about their great knowledge and relationship to the teacher but of no practical use.
D. Evangelism one of the most difficult if not controversial parts of our faith.
1. Lots of people don’t like it when we share the gospel with them.
a) I am sure you have heard this expressed this way “its ok for you to believe in Jesus but you shouldn’t share it with others.”
b) Many Christians unfortunately buy into this too.
(1) We have our faith and they have theirs.
(2) We don’t like to upset people.
c) The problem is that that kind of statement is contradictory.
(1) When people tell you to keep your faith to yourself they are actually forcing their world view on you.
(2) They are asking you to change your world view.
2. What the world and unfortunately many Christians fail to understand is that we have the most important message about the most important person in all of history.
a) That is what the Gospel is all about.
b) It is the good news about Jesus Christ.
c) God who condescended to us in the flesh, lived among us and then gave His life so that we might have fellowship with Him in heaven forever.
I don’t know about you but when I do something I do a better job if I understand what it is I am doing and why I am doing it.
The passage we are studying in Mark right now describes the first evangelistic outreach of Jesus’ ministry.
Evangelism is the main purpose for us being here.
What I want to focus on in this passage is not the how to but rather the why of evangelism.
As we study this portion concerning the sending out of the apostles we find 5 principles of evangelism.
E. 5 Principles of evangelism.
1. Godly calling.
2. Godly commission
3. Godly credentials
4. Godly coaching
5. Godly perspective
I. Godly Calling
A. This shouldn’t be overlooked.
1. It is God who is doing the calling.
2. Not some minister of evangelism.
B. Jesus called these men who He had chosen as Mark 3 says.
1. He didn’t call them randomly off the street.
2. He had a purpose in calling them 3:12.
3. God has a purpose in calling us also.
a) Eph.2:8-10
b) Jn.15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
C. A Evangelism stems from a Godly calling with a purpose.
II. Godly Commission vs.7b.
A. The word send is apostello - to send forth as an ambassador.
1. Luke 9:2 He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
2. 2Cor.5:18-20.
B. Up to this point they had been following Him observing His work.
1. Now the time had come for them to put what they had learned into practical use.
2. Knowledge without a practical outlet is useless.
a) This was the problem with the Pharisees.
b) It is also a problem in the church today lots of people come to hear but few share what they learn with others.
3. Notice that He spent time teaching them first, He didn’t just throw them out there to fend for themselves.
4. That is what discipleship is all about teaching and sending.
C. He sent them by twos
1. Why? He could have covered more area by sending them out individually.
2. Two reasons.
a) Fellowship
(1) He is emphasizing the idea of unity.
(2) This closeness, this companionship, this unity is an underlying theme of the church.