The Demoniac Of Gedara Series
Contributed by Donald Rapp on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus is able to deliver anyone from their sin.
The Demoniac of Gedera
The book of Mark
Mark 5:1-20
I. Introduction
A. People have always had a fascination with the spirit world.
1. There are shows on TV every year that try to portray it.
2. People go to Psychics to try to figure out the future or to contact love ones.
3. Others dabble in the occult for fun.
B. The problem is; the spirit world is not a fun place.
C. Demon possession is not something to be toyed with.
D. It isn’t just an Old Testament or 1st century thing either.
1. It is very real to this day.
2. We often call it by other names today.
a) Mental illness.
b) Personality disorders
3. Not every one of these things manifests demon possession some of them are the result of physiological problems.
4. Never the less demon possession is a very real thing.
E. Our passage today gives us a most graphic example of demon possession.
F. I want to look at this text from three angles.
1. The characteristics of demon possession.
2. The characteristics of a clean mind.
3. The response of others.
II. The characteristics of demon possession vs.1-5
A. The disciples had just come from a harrowing experience on the lake.
1. As they come ashore on the east side of the lake they are confronted by a mad man.
2. There is no explanation given for why the man was possessed.
B. Demon possession and oppression is talked about extensively in the Bible.
1. Demons are fallen angels according to 2Pet.2:4.
a) They are the host of Satan – Matt.12:24.
b) They are disembodied spirits who seek bodies in which to dwell either human or animal.
c) When they enter into someone they control or possess all aspects of the mind and body.
d) Some are more susceptible to possession than others.
(1) Matt.12:43ff.
(2) Those who play around with the occult and other satanic things often end up under demonic control.
2. The word translated demon possessed occurs 13 times in the NT.
3. Christians cannot be possessed by demons but they can be oppressed.
a) Paul talked about being buffeted by Satan with the affliction he suffered from 2Cor.12:7
b) In 1Tim.4:1 Paul refers to doctrines of demons which would lead to apostasy in the church.
4. One Commentator lists three areas of attack by demons recorded in Scripture.
a) Physical: dumbness, blindness, deformity, epilepsy.
b) Mental: insanity, suicidal mania, Masochism, Murder.
c) Spiritual: corruption of the truth through false religion, occult practices, immorality.
C. Here in Mark 5 we have a graphic description of someone who has been possessed for some time and he manifest several characteristics of that possession.
1. Matt. records that there were two.
2. His dwelling place
a) He had sunk as low as any human being could sink.
b) He could no longer live among other people.
c) Lk.8:29 says he was driven there by the demons.
3. He had super human strength.
a) This was a progressive thing vs.3
(1) He broke out of restraints.
(2) He could no longer be controlled.
b) His strength was coupled with violence.
(1) Toward others Matt.8:28.
(2) Toward himself vs.5.
4. He was destitute materially and morally and it had been going on for a long time Lk.8:27, 29.
5. No one cared for him.
a) People tried to bind him and tame him but never really helped him.
b) Sympathy for the family but no help for him – just leave him in the tombs and avoid him.
III. The characteristics of a clean mind.
A. Jesus confronts him.
1. They met immediately when Christ arrived probably because he did that to everyone Matt.8:28.
2. When he got close enough he realized who it was who confronted him.vs.6.
a) He fell down and worshiped Him.
(1) To worship means to pay homage or prostrate oneself.
(2) This was an act of the demons not the man.
b) It may be that Jesus upon seeing the man began to command the demons to come out Lk.8:29.
B. Conversation with demons vs.7-8.
1. What have I to do with you – what do we have in common?
2. Do not torment me. – Matt. adds before our time.
3. Jesus asks him his name and it revealed that he was in fact possessed by at least 6000 demons.
C. Ultimate fate of the demons 11-13.
1. There was never a question as to the outcome of this encounter.
2. Jesus had demonstrated His power and authority over demons already in Mark.
3. They plead their case.
a) No discussion as to coming out of the man.
b) Only a request to go somewhere else.
c) Vs.13 Jesus was in complete control.
4. Everything they touch is ruined and destroyed; the man’s life the swine.