Divine Discipleship Series
Contributed by Donald Rapp on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Discipleship as defined by our Lord.
Divine Discipleship
The Book of Mark
Mark 1:16-20
I. Introduction:
A. This morning we are going to talk about discipleship.
B. We hear a lot about this subject.
1. A disciple is a learner/pupil.
a) One who puts himself under the authority of a teacher or leader.
b) Every one who is saved is considered a disciple.
2. This really isn’t a new concept nor is it unique to Christianity.
a) All teachers have disciples.
b) The word has come to refer to people who hold to a certain type of teaching.
c) There were disciples of all kinds during the first century Acts 5:36, 37.
C. In our text in Mark we have the account of the formal calling of the first disciples.
1. I call this divine discipleship.
2. It was like no other before or after because God Himself was the teacher.
3. The passage points out three important principles concerning discipleship that are still relevant today.
a) A disciple is one who is called by the Master.
b) A disciple is one who is willing to follow.
c) A disciple is one who continues in the work started by the Master.
II. A disciple is one who is called by the Master vs.16-20.
A. Mark skips the early Judean ministry of Jesus.
1. He only mentions the baptism and temptation.
2. John records the events that took place during that time which lasted almost a year.
B. In reading that account we discover that this is not the first encounter these men had with Jesus.
1. Jn. 1:37-40
a) They were followers of John the Baptist.
b) They had a predisposition toward God as a result of John’s ministry.
2. They followed Him for a time during His ministry in Jerusalem but then went back to their careers.
3. He called them from the area He grew up in.
C. This time He meets them He calls them into ministry with him vs.17,20.
1. This is important to understand – God is the one who chooses who His disciples will be.
a) Jn.15:16You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
(1) Chosen – picked out
(2) Ordained – placed (you here).
b) This also applies to us today.
(1) Ephesians 1:4 “chosen before the foundation of the world.
(2) 1Pet.1:1-2 “elect according to the foreknowledge of God.
2. This is different from what normally happened.
a) In secular as well as religious circles the disciple sought the teacher.
b) Often a disciple was required to pass certain tests or meet special qualifications to become a disciple.
c) Here we see the teacher calling those whom He chooses to follow Him.
3. What a privilege it is to know that God has chosen us.
4. But also with that privilege comes responsibility as we see in the second principle.
III. A disciple is one who is willing to follow vs.18, 20.
A. The word “follow” literally means, “to walk the same road’.
1. To walk beside someone
2. It implies a close relationship.
B. Some characteristics of a follower.
1. Willingness to give up everything.
a) Mk.1:18, 20
(1) It was no longer a temporary thing.
(2) The word left is in the aorist tense which indicates action that takes place once for all.
(3) Immediately – There was no hesitation or looking back.
b) Lk.5:11 says that they forsook all.
(1) He was now the focus of their lives.
(2) He wanted their undivided attention.
c) These men weren’t just laborers
(1) They had a business.
(2) They appeared to be somewhat successful.
2. Self denial
a) Mk.8:34ff.
b) This is a daily occurrence Lk.9:23. Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
3. Service to the Master
a) Jn.12:26 If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.
b) Being a disciple isn’t something that should be taken lightly Lk.14:25-33.
C. Not only does discipleship have an obligation but it also has a responsibility.
IV. A disciple is one who continues in the work started by the master vs.17.
A. In the original grammar the words “make you become” suggest a period of training.
1. Christ spent many hours alone with the disciples – instructing them both publicly and privately.
2. He also provided opportunities for them to get practical experience Matt.10:5-7.
B. The work He called them to had a purpose – fishers of men.
1. These men understood His reference.