Sermon Series
  • 1. Glad At A Funeral

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2024

    Often the words and feelings expressed at the death of a loved one is sadness, grief, and sorrow. But because of some things I know and believe. I’m glad.

    Often the words and feelings expressed at the death of a loved one is sadness, grief, and sorrow. But because of some things I know and believe. I’m glad. 1. Jesus was glad which means to rejoice, be of good cheer. Then only time in the Bible that Jesus was glad. 2. This body is my mother, my more

  • 2. How To Understand Death On This Side Of Eternity

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2024

    Only as we include God and His Word can we have peace and hope. Psalm 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord.”

    Paul spoke of our future home in 2 Corinthians 5:1-2, 6-8. Jesus spoke about our home in Heaven in John 14:1-6. I have often said, “Life is a continual adjustment, but not for the deceased.” They have made their last adjustment. Hebrews 9:27 says, “Once to die…” I wonder how many adjustments Martha more

  • 3. Life Is A Continual Adjustment

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2024

    We have all seen many adjustments take place in our lives. Some fairly easy and some not so easy. If it were not for God and His Word, we would struggle to manage through.

    Think with me of some of the changes and adjustments Ann has seen and experienced in her almost 82 years of life. 1. Household duties: Washing, ironing, heating, cooking, and bathing. 2. Transportation 3. Communication: mail, phones, computers 4. Ann has experienced her final adjustment. We, this more

  • 4. Troubled Hearts

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2024

    Let not your hearts be troubled. No greater comfort could be had than to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear these words.

    I. In This World there are Many Things that Can Trouble our Hearts 1. Many uncertain, uncontrollable things. 2. I have come to believe that life is a: a. Continual adjustment for each of us. b. We feel that we get one area under control and then things fall apart in other areas. 3. I know Galton more

  • 5. At The Time Of Death

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2024

    Death is a hard thing to accept and even harder to understand. Especially the death of a young child.

    I. Death is a hard thing to accept and even harder to understand. Especially the death of such a young child as Robbie. Why? Psalm 127:3-5, Because our children are a gift from God. Happy is the home with children. Psalm 116:15, but also it is a precious sight at the time of death. 1. The word more

  • 6. Home Going

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2024

    The older I grow, the more life I experience. I come to believe life is a continual adjustment.

    The older I grow, the more life I experience. I come to believe life is a continual adjustment. All of us here today have a difficult task, adjusting to the remainder of this life without Sue. Let God help us. Hebrews 4:16; Matthew 14:9-12; Luke 8:40; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Not only does the more

  • 7. Thoughts And Memories

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2024

    I'm sure each of us have our own special memories. There is some special deed, word, and/or time spent together. But I also know of the emptiness, sorrow, confusion that comes with the losing of a friend and loved one.

    I'm sure each have our own special memories of Tressa. Some special deed, word, time spent together. But I also know of the emptiness, sorrow, confusion that comes with the losing of a friend and loved one. Perhaps the greatest unasked question here this evening is the word why? She was so more

  • 8. Eternity And Future

    Contributed on May 7, 2024

    Death and what then? Will you merely cease to exist? Is there another life awaiting us?

    It is a major fact of the future of each person. Death and what then? Will you merely cease to exist? Is there another life awaiting us? Some say it is irrelevant. For many, it is disturbing to discuss it. Others feel what is done here and now is all there is to it. But the Bible makes it clear more

  • 9. Memorial Service

    Contributed on May 7, 2024

    We are gathered to honor and pay tribute to our loved one and friend.

    We have gathered in respect and to honor and to remember our loved one and friend. Although, they have departed physically, we know this is God’s plan. God’s way to transport us from this life to the next is only by death. Let me share a few verses from which to draw from today. 1. We know our life more

  • 10. One Way Home To God

    Contributed on May 7, 2024

    You mean you are preaching on salvation again!! Yes, and I will until heaven is full and has no more room, or there is no more death.

    You mean you are preaching on salvation again!! Yes, and I will until heaven is full and has no more room, or there is no more death. I think when a person comes to the end of this life and they know death is approaching, there is one thing they want to know above all else. That one thing is, will more

  • 11. The Passing Of A Loved One

    Contributed on May 7, 2024

    When we experience the death of a loved one, memories and feelings run rampant in our hearts and minds. We must allow God to heal us.

    1. As we gather here, there are many feelings that are present with us today. I know at death our feelings are touched like no other time. 2. Also present here today, are many memories. These become more precious to me at the time of death, memories of a son, brother, neighbor, and friend. a. I am more

  • 12. Comfort And Memories

    Contributed on May 13, 2024

    A funeral service is conducted for two reasons: To comfort the loved ones left behind. In memory of the loved one that has gone to be with the Lord.

    It’s with heavy hearts and great source of loss that each of us share as we gather here today. Each of us have lost a special friend. In Sid, he was a friend to all. He was my friend. The community of Kaycee has lost a valuable employee. Sid knew and did his job well. The family has lost a son. His more

  • 13. Lazarus Is Dead And I Am Glad

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2024

    What a strange, startling statement. Lazarus, the beloved brother of Martha and Mary the sister who helped Jesus and love Him, had developed a serious terminal illness. Now he had died and our Lord, who loved him. Verse 5 was rejoicing in the fact of his death.

    What a strange, startling statement. Lazarus, the beloved brother of Martha and Mary the sister who helped Jesus and love Him, had developed a serious terminal illness. Now he had died and our Lord, who loved him. Verse 5 was rejoicing in the fact of his death. The word “glad” here is the Greek more

  • 14. Remember

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2024

    Memory can be a blessing or a curse. When our life changes we can experience confusion, comfort, and or compassion.

    I. I See Confusion in our Hearts When a Loved One Dies. 1. The word, “if” in verses 21 & 32. a. Friends said it in verse 37. b. No doubt we have said it, “if only.” 2. But the “ifs” do not enter into God’s timing & God’s Word. a. Hebrews 9:27, It is God’s appointed time. b. Ecclesiastes more

  • 15. Most Unusual Funeral Service Ever

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2024

    What could be so unusual about a funeral service that it would get our attention? It is known as The Great White Throne Judgement.

    There is nothing pretty about a funeral, but they are necessary. Some people have some strange ideas about funerals. 1. Some want nothing but a graveside service. 2. Some want to be cremated and have their ashes placed in a jar. One man had his ashes flown in a plane and scattered. 3. Some want to more