At The Time Of Death Series
Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 26, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Death is a hard thing to accept and even harder to understand. Especially the death of a young child.
I. Death is a hard thing to accept and even harder to understand. Especially the death of such a young child as Robbie. Why? Psalm 127:3-5, Because our children are a gift from God. Happy is the home with children.
Psalm 116:15, but also it is a precious sight at the time of death.
1. The word precious means valuable, To be prized, and the word of God teaches that it is a precious thing when God calls one of his children home.
2. How do we know Robbie went to be with the Lord? There are many verses, but just one for now.
a. 2 Samuel 12:15-22
b. Little babies are precious and safe in the arms of Jesus until they reach the age of accountability.
3. But still at times there is no explanation as to why God would call such a little one home, except: it is the working will of God.
a. Job 30:23
b. we know that God's will and ways are perfect, and he makes no mistakes.
4. Here is a danger of receiving what God has done the wrong way. We can be confused. We can even be bitter and hold resentment in our hearts toward God.
a. I want to give you some things to consider or things to think about when God calls a loved one home to be with him.
I. At the time of death, our feelings and emotions are affected like no other time.
1. I am sure most of us here did not know we could hurt and sorrow as we have the past few days over losing Robbie. We have great heaviness.
2. I am also sure there has been many, many tears cried and that is not wrong.
a. Jesus wept over the loss of his friend Lazarus.
b. John 11:35
3. I also know this, there's a little comfort in hurt, sorrowing, feelings. There's little comfort in the many tears we have cried. Little comfort, but a lot of confusion.
II. At the time of death, our faith is evaluated like no other time in our life.
1. When our faith is evaluated, it shows us two things:
a. First, it reveals what our faith is anchored in.
b. Second, it reveals how strong, or how much faith we really have.
2. If our faith is founded upon anything other than Jesus, His Word, and His work it will fail.
a. There is not enough money to comfort in an hour like this.
b. There is not enough knowledge or philosophy, regardless of what you know. It’s not enough to comfort in an hour like this.
3. If our faith is anchored in Jesus, there is comfort.
a. Luke 8:40-56; Jairus and his daughter.
b. Matthew 14:12, at the death of John the Baptist.
c. John 11:19-28, Mary, and Martha at the death of Lazarus found their faith, hope, and comfort in Jesus.
4. If you are saying Pastor Adams, I want to have faith in Christ. I want to be strong. How can I?
a. The Bible says faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17
b. The more you hear and read the word of God, the less you fear, and the stronger your faith. Matthew 8:26, 14:31
5. At death, our feelings and emotions are stirred. Our faith is tested or evaluated.
III. At the time of death, we need to rest on the facts and evidence of the word of God.
1. What does the Bible say about death? The Bible is the only authority on the subject of death.
2. First, the Bible teaches death of the Christian is only sleep.
a. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
b. Nothing to fear about sleep, rest.
c. 1 Corinthians 15:51-57, referring to the time when Jesus will come again. He will bring Robbie with him.
3. Second, when God calls one of our loved one’s home. He places the hope in our hearts that nothing can take from us.
a. The word hope means: to expect, to expect with confidence, to anticipate with pleasure.
b. 1 Corinthians 15:16-19
c. 1 Thessalonians 4:13, only a Christian has this hope.
d. 1 Peter 1:18-21, our faith and hope rest in God not man.
e. Titus 2:11-13, blessed hope, it's when Jesus comes again.
4. Friends, it is a fact we have lost a loved one, but the greater fact is we will meet again.
a. Either by death or by the rapture.
b. John 14:1-3
5. do you have this hope today? Or are you troubled and confused? You can have peace and assurance if you know Jesus as your savior.