The Passing Of A Loved One Series
Contributed by Grant Adams on May 8, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: When we experience the death of a loved one, memories and feelings run rampant in our hearts and minds. We must allow God to heal us.
1. As we gather here, there are many feelings that are present with us today. I know at death our feelings are touched like no other time.
2. Also present here today, are many memories. These become more precious to me at the time of death, memories of a son, brother, neighbor, and friend.
a. I am glad God made us with memories.
b. Nothing can take these from us.
3. It was never my privilege to know Charlie personally, but I do know some of the acquaintances that he knew. I would like to share with you a note the members of my family asked me to read. Charley wasn’t like most people. Those how knew him loved him. He lived every day of his life to the fullest. None of it was wasted. He had a way about him that made him liked by anyone that met him.
4. Now based upon the kind of a man Charlie was, and the kind of people you are, I feel we should be honest today. There is only one source of honesty, the Bible. What does the Bible say about death?
I. Death is a Work of God.
1. Death is not a pleasant thing. Often with much confusion and misunderstanding.
2. God tells us that death is necessary.
a. Job 30:23
b. Hebrews 9:27
c. Ecclesiastes 9:5
d. Ecclesiastes 8:8
3. Death is not some secret thing. It is something we know about. Although we have no power over it, one day we all must experience death. James 4:14
II. God Tells Us the Purpose of Death.
1. All through the Bible it speaks of eternity.
a. Man is a living soul.
b. Genesis 2:7
2. The Bible speaks of eternal life.
a. John 3:16
b. 1 John 5:12
3. Death is a means of separating us from this life to the next, eternal life.
a. Heaven to be with the Lord. John 14:1-6
b. Hell prepared for the Devil and his angels. Matthew 26:41-46
4. The most important thing man can do is to prepare for eternity.
a. Not like taking a chance or a good deed outweighing a bad.
b. Matthew 25:10, they that were ready.
c. John 14:2, I go to prepare a place for you.
d. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.
e. Amos 4:12, prepare to meet thy God.
III. How Does One Prepare for Eternal Life?
1. You can hear what you want to hear today. Many things are being taught by man.
2. Church membership, baptism, Luke 18:9-13, 24:42, the thief on the cross.
3. Preparation only comes through and in Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:5
4. Man has a sinful nature, and this sin must be paid for.
a. Romans 5:12, 6:23
b. Christ has paid for that sin. Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:21
c. Salvation is in a person, not a plan.
5. Do you know Jesus?
6. If not, accept Him today!