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  • Eternal Security

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Nov 28, 2000
    based on 188 ratings

    Once a person is saved by believing in Jesus Christ, that person’s salvation can never be lost through any subsequent sin, act, or lack of action. The believer’s place in heaven is eternally secure.

    ETERNAL SECURITY [HTTP formatted version of this sermon is located at] [A handout for this sermon is located at]      The phrase "eternal security" means that once a person is saved by more

  • Eternal Security

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 31 ratings


    GOD'S UNBREAKABLE CHAIN OF SALVATION PROVIDES ETERNAL SECURITY AND THE ASSURANCE THAT GOD IS WORKING ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD 1. He ForeKnew Us -- Election God has had special loving thoughts toward us from eternity past 2. He Predestined Us -- God has determined a special goal for us more

  • Eternal Security?

    Contributed by Charles Schell on Dec 5, 2002
    based on 124 ratings

    A biblical sermon, study in a well taught false doctrine

    ETERNAL SECURITY ? ONCE SAVED ALWASYS SAVED? FROM THE DESK OF PASTOR: CHARLES SCHELL THE HOUSE OF THE LORD Corespondence Address 79 Maple Ridge Dr. Cartersville, Ga. 30121 Church located at: 729 Old Tenn. Hwy. White, Ga. 30184 more

  • Eternal Security

    Contributed by Jason Noble on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    What does the Bible say about the believer’s security?

    John 10:27-30 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my more

  • Eternal Security

    Contributed by Christopher Raiford on Nov 17, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Funeral Sermon

    Grace, Mercy and Peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – Amen. Dear Family and Friends of Walter Geistfeld whom God has called home to the eternal rest that he has promised to all his believing children. Today we gather together at a sad time to say our more

  • Eternal Security

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Oct 18, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    Notice that Assurance of Salvation is not the same as Eternal Security. Every believer is Eternally secure, unfortunately many do not have assurance of that truth.

    Johnny Palmer Jr. Intro: Notice that Assurance of Salvation is not the same as Eternal Security. Every believer is eternally secure but not all have assurance that they are eternally secure. Eternal Security means that once a person is truly saved, they will remain saved eternally. I. First, the more

  • Eternal Security

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Aug 28, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    If we are truly saved, then we are truly saved for eternity; we cannot lose our salvation.

    Eternal Security August 26, 2012 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: If we are truly saved, then we are truly saved for eternity; we cannot lose our salvation. Focus Passage: Romans 8:31-39 Supplemental Passage: For by grace you have been saved through more

  • Eternally Secure

    Contributed by Aaron Johnson on Sep 24, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Proof of conditional eternal security based on John 10:28.

    “Eternally Secure” 9/21/2008 Intercession City Introduction John 10:27-28 Growing up in the church world, often times, it is as if we are given a list of the “right” choices in life, the “right” responses to objections of the world, the “right” things to say. We live with this list of more

  • Eternal Security

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Dec 29, 2015

    Nothing and No Thing can separate us from the Love of Christ.

    Eternal Security November 1, 2015 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Nothing and No Thing can separate us from the Love of Christ. Focus Passage: Romans 8:33-39 Introduction: Jesus taught with parables; this morning, I’m going to preach with more

  • Eternal Security Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Sep 13, 2024

    Do we have to wonder minute by minute where we are with our salvation?

    INTRODUCTION • In my life as a Christian, I have heard many Christians, when speaking on the subject of their salvation, that they HOPE to make it to Heaven, that they HOPE they get to be with Jesus when it is all said and done. • On the other side of the coin, I have heard from people who don’t more

  • The Question Of Eternal Security

    Contributed by Sam Martin on Aug 7, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    Introduction: A question that has been argued time and time again is the question concerning the Doctrine of Eternal Security. I would like to take the opportunity to speak to this subject and to try to make clear any misunderstanding that might be lurk

    Text: Hebrews 6: 1-6 Introduction: A question that has been argued time and time again is the question concerning the Doctrine of Eternal Security. I would like to take the opportunity to speak to this subject and to try to make clear any misunderstanding that might be lurking in your more

  • Predestination And Eternal Security

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Jan 8, 2002
    based on 150 ratings

    Examining two controversal topics.

    Predestination and Eternal Security The once-saved-always-saved issue is a hot topic of debate in today’s church. On one side, people can make a profession of faith and then have a false sense of security even though they have no relationship with Jesus Christ at all. On the Calvinist side, more

  • Eternal Security Of The Believer

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This message looks at how believers are eternally sealed and kept until the day of redemption.

    SERMON: “Security of the Believer” REF: John 10:28-30 INTRODUCTION - We have had several receive Christ - Important to understand we are in a spiritual war - 2 Cor 10:3-4, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal more

  • Eternal Security Of The Believer

    Contributed by Larry Cockerham on Oct 11, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    The way I usually clarify eternal security is by first explaining that there is a distinction between sonship and discipleship.

    The way I usually clarify eternal security is by first explaining that there is a distinction between sonship and discipleship. In other words, our relationship as a child of God never changes, although our fellowship varies according to our experience. My relationship with my earthly father never more

  • Eternal Security & Apostasy Series

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on May 24, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon examines the question of Eternal Security and Apostasy and what the Bible teaches concerning these things.

    Eternal Security & Apostasy: Can a Child of God Fall from Grace and Be Lost? One of the major points of Calvinism is "the eternal security of the believer" or perseverance of the saints." more

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