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In Sermon Illustrations: "Understand"

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  • Betty Crocker ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 10, 2009

    BETTY CROCKER SALVATION In 1952, when the Betty Crocker company first began selling cake mixes, they offered a product which only needed water, and you would get a perfectly moist cake every time. But it bombed, and they couldn’t understand why! So they commissioned a study and found that people more

  • Does He Show Through?

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Sep 3, 2009

    DOES HE SHOW THROUGH? One Sunday as they drove home from church, a little girl turned to her mother & said, "Mommy, there’s something about the preacher’s message this morning that I don’t understand." The mother said, "Oh? What is it?" The little girl replied, "Well, he said that God is more

  • Community Stores Refuse Kind Acts Of ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Nov 9, 2009

    Community Stores Refuse Kind Acts of Service The story is told of a minister who was organizing opportunities for people in his church to do small acts of kindness as a demonstration of Christ’s love in the community. 1. He phoned several neighborhood grocery stores and Laundromats and asked for more

  • General Douglas Macarthur Unique Signature At The ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Nov 22, 2009

    General Douglas MacArthur Unique Signature at the Japanese Surrender Ending World War II We need to understand not just the pain, but the power to come. We need to appreciate not just the hard times, but the victory ahead. We need to grasp not just the cross, but the crown to follow. On more

  • In Her Book "Smoke On The Mountain”, ...

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jan 31, 2010

    In her book “Smoke on the Mountain”, Joy Davidson told of a missionary in a dark corner of Africa where the men had a habit of filing their teeth to sharp points. The missionary was working hard at trying to convert an old native chief. This missionary was very much Old Testament in his approach, more

  • Underdoing Personal Responsibility

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 5, 2010
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    UNDERDOING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Craig Groeschel, a well known pastor and author of the "Christian Atheist" says: "As Christians, we can be tempted to 'overdo faith.' I put that in quotes because it would be more accurate to say it's 'underdoing personal responsibility.' There's really no way more

  • Stop Or Slow Down  PRO

    Contributed by Akinsanya Adubi on May 6, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    STOP OR SLOW DOWN Pastor John Hagee told us a story of a driver that refused to stop at a STOP sign; he was then pulled over by a cop. The cop told him that the reason he pulled him over was because he refused to stop at a STOP sign. He replied that he slowed down, the cop then explain to him that more

  • J. Oswald Sanders On Loneliness  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 9, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    J. OSWALD SANDERS ON LONELINESS J. Oswald Sanders once pointed out: "The round of pleasure or the amassing of wealth are [often] but vain attempts to escape from the persistent ache. The millionaire is usually a lonely man and the comedian is often more unhappy than his audience." In his book, more

  • Knowing The Sound Of His Voice  PRO

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 8, 2011
    based on 12 ratings

    KNOWING THE SOUND OF HIS VOICE Brian Brown tells the story of being at the community pool with his family. Kids were screaming, playing, and splashing in the pool, music was playing, the lifeguard whistles were blowing and in the midst of the conversation, his wife shooshes him. He said, "What are more

  • Declaration Of Dependence  PRO

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jul 15, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    DECLARATION OF DEPENDENCE Today I make this day my Dependence Day by making this declaration; Declaration of Dependence "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to dissolve the sinful bond which has connected them to a sinful ruler; they should declare the more

  • Albert Einstein On ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 3, 2012

    ALBERT EINSTEIN ON CREATION In his book on Albert Einstein, author Walter Isaacson told of a dinner party in Berlin where everybody assumed Einstein was an atheist and he said, “No, I have a deep feeling of faith, a deep religiosity that comes from my appreciation of the way the Lord made the more

  • A Story To Tell

    Contributed by Bobby Jenkins on Feb 2, 2013

    A STORY TO TELL (A poem to honor our military veterans ) By Pastor Bobby W. Jenkins Jr. A story to tell, one we can’t fully understand One of sacrifice and bravery of so many men A story to tell of a perilous fight That cost so many their lives and gathered such might A story to tell of the more

  • Solving Problems; It's In The Angle

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 15, 2015

    “With 900 million members worldwide and growing, Facebook is building its first European data storage facility—60 miles south of the Arctic Circle in Lulea, Sweden. The reason: natural air conditioning. Some Internet “server farms” spend as much to cool the machines as power them. Facebook’s Nordic more

  • Robes Of Righteousness

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Feb 28, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Dr Ravi Zacharias came up with a true witty story of a New Zealand Shepherd who was happy on a Christmas morning, sad in the afternoon but once again happy in the evening. What exactly contributed to his mood swings? Here goes…in the morning two of his ewes’ “A” and “B” gave birth to two lambs “a” more

  • Dietrich Bonheoffer Once Asked This Question Of ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Dietrich Bonheoffer once asked this question of us, "Do we understand that instead we get a messiah who gives us power all right, but it’s a whole new kind of power, it’s THE POWER OF SUFFERING LOVE It’s a power that looks me in the eye, forgives my sin, my fear, my anger, my resentment, my more

  • A Science Professor At Westmont College Wrote A ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    A science professor at Westmont College wrote a book explaining how only one person could possibly have fulfilled the prophecies. He worked with 600 students to calculate the mathematical probability of just eight of the Old Testament prophecies being fulfilled in any one person up to the present more

  • The Following Poem By Ruth Harmes Catkins ...

    Contributed by Steve Greene on Nov 11, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The following poem by Ruth Harmes Catkins portrays the pain a troubled marriage can cause. It’s called "He Said...She Said": "Another marriage is shattered, Lord, the divorce will be final next week. He said it was the breakdown of communication and the subtle infiltration of boredom. She more

  • There Is A True Story About The Great ...

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Jan 14, 2008

    • There is a true story about the great scientist, Michael Faraday, when he was taken ill. When it became evident that the sickness that had fastened itself upon him would soon result in his death, a group of fellow scientists came to see him--not so much to talk about science as to talk about more

  • An Old Scotsman Operated A Little Rowboat For ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 2, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    An old Scotsman operated a little rowboat for transporting passengers. One day a passenger noticed that the old man had carved on one oar the word “faith” and on the other oar the word “works.” Curiosity led him to ask the meaning of this. The old man, being a well balanced Christian and glad of more

  • Thus When Paul Talks About Christ Washing The ...

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on May 12, 2008

    Thus when Paul talks about Christ washing the church there is a definite connotation baptism through the pouring out of water and then another connection through the spirit of God that is poured out. Therefore men we are to be the source for the women in our lives. We are to be the source of life. more

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