based on 11 ratings
“In His powerful book The Holiness of God, R. C. Sproul observes that unbelievers often feel uneasy in the presence of an obedient Christian. The holiness of God reflected in a believer’s life makes the non-Christian uncomfortable. Sproul then shares this truce incident to make his point.
“A more
Contributed by Karl Eckhoff on Feb 12, 2004
If you’re still wondering about the word’s power to do this converting alone, consider again Paul. Still not enough? Think of David, a prisoner serving a 365 year sentence for murder. An inmate gave him a Gideon New Testament and Psalms. One night in his cell, he picked it up after ignoring it more
Contributed by Davon Huss on May 25, 2004
based on 4 ratings
A. Linda Down discovered real power and she needed it. She had dealt with the limitations of cerebral palsy all her life. One day, she got this crazy idea of running the New York Marathon. But Linda walked with difficulty, so running seemed out of the question? She used canes with arm clamps to more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Paul Wallace on Sep 27, 2006
John Wimber tells in his book entitles Power Points about a new housing development that came and replaced the old houses in his poor neighborhoood. In a short time the old families from the neighborhood moved back into the new homes. It wasn’t long before he noticed the new buildings abused and more
Blackaby shares from his book “The Power of the Call” pages 10-14 on a clear picture of what one looks like who is called by God into pastoral ministry:
i. The pastor is chosen
ii. He is chosen by God
iii. He is chosen by God to be His servant
iv. He is chosen by God to shepherd His people
v. He more
Contributed by Kevin Barron on Dec 30, 2012
Very few things take away the power of someone as much as being ridiculed.
In Von Ryan’s Express by David Westheimer, they do it by burning their clothes. The book is an account of Allied prisoners during World War Two. One of the trials of prison camp is that their Italian guards will not give more
United Methodist