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In Sermon Illustrations: "Heavy Laden"

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  • The Church Doesn't Need Squirts

    Contributed by Bret Toman on Jun 7, 2009

    THE CHURCH DOESN'T NEED SQUIRTS Soren Kierkegaard once wrote about a town where a fireman lived. Everyone liked the fireman because he was a nice guy. He made it a habit to be gentle and kind, which was unusual for firemen, who were supposed to be tough. There was a fire one day, and the fireman more

  • The Grace-Filled Father

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Jun 24, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    THE GRACE-FILLED FATHER Six-year-old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to fix his parents pancakes. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the counter, opened the cupboard, and pulled out the heavy flour canister, spilling it on the floor. He scooped some of the flour into the bowl more

  • Funambulist - Jean Francois Gravelot (The Great ...

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Oct 2, 2010

    Funambulist - Jean Francois Gravelot (The Great Blondin) On June 30, 1859, at 5 pm, Blondin made his first journey across the Falls. Blondin utilized a 1,300 foot long, 3 inch diameter manila rope stretched from what is now Prospect Park in Niagara Falls, New York to what is now Oakes Garden in more

  • God Delivers A North Korean Pastor's Son Through ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 23, 2010

    God Delivers A North Korean Pastor’s Son Through His Honesty Duk-Soo was found by North Korean soldiers in the family cellar on November 20, 1950. He and his father, a Presbyterian pastor for 42 years, were taken to prison and told they would be executed in the morning. His father told him they more

  • The Evangelistic Meaning Of Your Birthday Celebration

    Contributed by Joel Israel Shashikumar on Jan 26, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    I went to bed with a heavy heart one day. All those news and reports of death for the past few weeks. Only to wake up with a thought of birthday cake and celebration. Now why do we celebrate birthdays, blowing candles and cutting cake. I admit, I do not know the meaning that has been tagged with more

  • Mimic The Owner

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 5, 2023

    I read of a wealthy woman that owned a very rare and expensive MACAW. It was so beautiful. It was so smart it could talk unbelievable. Over a period of time the MACAW developed an extremely irritating and terrible hacking cough. The lady called the local vet and they discussed the problem and more

  • Brenda Was A Young Woman That Wanted To Learn To ...  PRO

    Contributed by Michael Cassara on Sep 8, 2001
    based on 53 ratings

    Brenda was a young woman that wanted to learn to go rock climbing. Although she was scared to death she went with a group and they faced this tremendous cliff of rock. Practically perpendicular. In spite of her fear, she put on the gear and she took a hold of the rope and she started up the face of more

  • Let's Look At What Dr. C. Truman Davis* Wrote ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 17, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    Let’s look at what Dr. C. Truman Davis* wrote about the price Jesus paid for this indescribable gift (2 Cor. 9:15): After the arrest in the middle of the night, Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin and Caiphus, the High Priest; it is here that the first physical trauma was inflicted. A soldier more

  • Free Pizza — Ten Dollars

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Jul 19, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    FREE PIZZA - TEN DOLLARS Way back in the day when Katie and I were dating, I got this phone call from her. She was very excited. She had just purchased a discount coupon book for discounts on various restaurants in town, for only $25.00. If you are familiar with the Entertainment Coupon Book, more

  • Football Practice Was Over, And Denny Was Sore ...  PRO

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Apr 26, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    Football practice was over, and Denny was sore from head to toe. Slowly he climbed the graffiti-laden stairway of the aging apartment building. Suddenly, his mother’s chilling screams pierced the cold, still air. He had heard the sound many times before. Still, a sickening knot formed in Denny’s more

  • Intro: Football Practice Was Over, And Denny Was ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    INTRO: Football practice was over, and Denny was sore from head to toe. Slowly he climbed the graffiti-laden stairway of the aging apartment building. Suddenly, his mother’s chilling screams pierced the cold, still air. He had heard the sound many times before. Still, a sickening knot formed in more

  • Gift Of Honor  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 12, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    GIFT OF HONOR Football practice was over, and Denny was sore from head to toe. Slowly he climbed the graffiti-laden stairway of the aging apartment building. Suddenly, his mother’s chilling screams pierced the cold, still air. He had heard the sound many times before. Still, a sickening knot more

  • A Recent Request For Sick Leave To The U.s.s. ...  PRO

    Contributed by Tim George on Feb 5, 2001
    based on 114 ratings

    A recent request for sick leave to the U.S.S. Saratoga read: Dear Captain, When I got home I found that my father’s brick silo had been struck by lightning, knocking some of the bricks off at the top. I decided to fix the silo, and so I rigged up a beam, with a pulley and whip at the top of the more

  • Henry C. Morrison Was A Great Missionary Who ...  PRO

    Contributed by Brandon Park on Apr 19, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    Henry C. Morrison was a great missionary who served the Lord in Africa for over 40 years. On the way back to United States, he began to wonder “will anyone remember us? Will anyone recall who we are? Will anyone meet us at the boat?” Well, unknown to Henry Morrison and his wife, Teddy Roosevelt, more

  • If You're Still Wondering About The Word's Power ...

    Contributed by Karl Eckhoff on Feb 12, 2004

    If you’re still wondering about the word’s power to do this converting alone, consider again Paul. Still not enough? Think of David, a prisoner serving a 365 year sentence for murder. An inmate gave him a Gideon New Testament and Psalms. One night in his cell, he picked it up after ignoring it more

  • The Egg Toss

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Jan 29, 2005

    Illustration: “The Egg Toss” During the waning days of World War II, thousands of Russian troops poured into the city of Berlin. Many of them were simple country bumpkins who had never been in a city before. They were amazed and confused by what they saw. Some soldiers unscrewed light bulbs and more

  • The Late Mike Royco Wrote A National Column Out ...  PRO

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Feb 22, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    The late Mike Royco wrote a national column out of the Chicago Tribune and he once told about a friend of his who was falling in love and his friend said that he was going to take his girl to a Seaside resort, stay for the week-end. And he said, "If it clicks, "I’m going to ask her to marry me." more

  • Look At The List: Bitterness, Rage, Anger, ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Look at the list: bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, malice, unforgiveness. Traveling light, Paul says, is letting God begin to deal with the hurts, the slights, the anger and unforgiveness that burdens us down. If we want to travel light, we have to unpack the donkey of all the baggage we more

  • Train Wreck

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Mar 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    TRAIN WRECK Some years ago, a fearful railroad wreck took a dreadful toll of life and limb in an eastern state. A train, loaded with young people returned from school, was stalled on a suburban track because of what is known as a "hot-box." Another limited train was soon due, but a flagman was more

  • On Crowns

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 17, 2009

    ON CROWNS Crowns have always been the sign of authority and Kingship. Charlemagne, whom historians say should deserve to be called "great" above all others, wore an octagonal crown. Each of the eight sides was a plaque of gold, and each plaque was studded with emeralds, sapphires, and pearls. The more

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