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In Sermon Illustrations: "accepted by grace"

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  • Prayer Is A Gauge

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 23, 2011

    PRAYER IS A GAUGE Spurgeon: The condition of the church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings. So is the prayer meeting a grace-ometer, and from it we may judge of the amount of divine working among a people. If God be near a church, it must pray. And if He be not there, one of the more

  • No Forgiveness Over Dinner

    Contributed by Eugene Morell on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    NO FORGIVENESS OVER DINNER In "What’s so Amazing About Grace," Philip Yancey tells a story about a man and wife who one night had an argument about how supper was to be cooked. The argument was so heated that they slept in separate rooms. Neither approached the other to say "I’m sorry" or to offer more

  • Os Guiness Gives A Very Helpful Definition Of ...  PRO

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 21, 2000
    based on 78 ratings

    Os Guiness gives a very helpful definition of doubt in his book In Two Minds. He says, "When you believe, you are in one mind and accept something as true. Unbelief is to be of one mind and reject that something is true. To doubt is to waver between the two, to believe and disbelieve at the same more

  • When Martin Luther Had Openly Broken With The ...

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 7, 2005

    When Martin Luther had openly broken with the church of Rome, and refused to recant, plots were made against his life. This led various knights to offer their services in his defense, but Luther would not accept their protection. “I will not resort to arms and bloodshed for the defense of the more

  • Generations Differ: Researcher George Barna Cites ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 16, 2006

    Generations Differ: Researcher George Barna cites varied generational response to authority (older Americans accept it, Boomers want to control it, Busters ignore it), handling contradictions (elder citizens ignore them, Boomers strive to solve them, Busters appreciate them), and life fears more

  • Marriage Durability: Born Again Adults Who Have ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 27, 2006

    Marriage Durability: Born again adults who have been married are just as likely as non-born-again adults who have been married to eventually become divorced. Because the vast majority of born again marriages occurred after the partners had accepted Christ, it appears that their connection to Christ more

  • Rick Warren Simply Defines A Servant As One ...

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Sep 16, 2006

    Rick Warren simply defines a servant as one “always on the lookout for ways to help others.” He continues with the definition. “Real servants maintain a low profile. Servants don’t promote or call attention to themselves. Instead of acting to impress and dressing for success, they “put on the apron more

  • For Forty-Two Years Every Week, David Thomas ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    For forty-two years every week, David Thomas slipped a love letter under the door of his neighbor, Rachel Jones. Each letter attempted to mend the lover’s quarrel that parted them when both were 32. Rachel Jones burned each letter and refused even to speak to Thomas. When David finally summoned more

  • Charles Spurgeon Declared, "If God Has Spoken, ...

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jul 14, 2007

    Charles Spurgeon declared, “If God has spoken, listen! If God has recorded his words in a Book, search its pages with a believing heart. If you do not accept it as God’s inspired word, I cannot invite you to pay any particular attention to it; but if you regard it as the Book of God, I charge you, more

  • Quote: "If God Has Spoken, Listen! If God Has ...

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 5, 2008

    QUOTE: “If God has spoken, listen! If God has recorded his words in a Book, search its pages with a believing heart. If you do not accept it as God’s inspired word, I cannot invite you to pay any particular attention to it; but if you regard it as the Book of God, I charge you, as I shall meet more

  • C.s. Lewis In One Of His Writings Speaks Of All ...

    Contributed by Matthew Sullivan on Feb 19, 2008

    C.S. Lewis in one of his writings speaks of all of us being eternal beings with eternal souls and that those who accept Christ will become a dazzlingly beautiful creature one that will overwhelm us. With this in view it could help us as husbands if we could see our wives as on the way to becoming more

  • Howard Hendricks Once Shared How He Challenged A ...

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Dec 24, 2009

    Howard Hendricks once shared how he challenged a class of seminary students to each write down the names of 2-3 people whom, in their judgment, would never come to faith in Christ. Then they covenanted together to pray every day for those individuals. At the end of the semester 36 of those people more

  • Involving Others

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Jul 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    INVOLVING OTHERS Ezra accepted the plan. He immediately swore in the leading priests and Levites as the committee to investigate the matter and see to it that the law was obeyed. But instead of participating immediately in the investigation, he withdrew into one of the rooms of the temple to fast more

  • A Pentecost Testimony  PRO

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Mar 12, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    A PENTECOST TESTIMONY Pastor Chuck shared a story of the work of the Holy Spirit. A group was having a Bible study. Since it was Pentecost, the decided to pray and worship for a while after the Bible study. One of the ladies began to worship in another langauge. Someone had brought a friend to the more

  • Death

    Contributed by David Tack on Apr 22, 2024

    "An introduction to death means that one has finally succumbed to the fact of a pending loss of independence and now are now facing a total and final dependence on The Creator of your trinitarian being this is why death is so frightening! Even more reason to walk intimately with Him every day more

  • On Sunday, February 18, 2001, Nascar Lost One Of ...

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 11, 2004

    “On Sunday, February 18, 2001, NASCAR lost one of its greatest drivers. Dale Earnhardt Sr., also known as "The Intimidator," was in third place on the last lap of the Daytona 500 when his car was tapped from behind and sent head-on into the wall at 180 mph. In a matter of moments it was more

  • The Man I Ate Dinner With Tonight Killed My ...  PRO

    Contributed by John Shearhart on May 19, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    "The man I ate dinner with tonight killed my brother." The words, spoken by a stylish woman at a PF banquet in Seattle, amazed me. She told how John H. had murdered her brother during a robbery, served 18 years at Walla Walla, then settled into life on a dairy farm, where she had met him in 1983, more

  • New Sick Leave Policy  PRO

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jun 4, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    New Sick Leave Policy 1. SICKNESS: No excuse. We will no longer accept your doctor’s statement as proof, as we believe that if you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work. 2. LEAVE OF ABSENCE (for an operation): We are no longer allowing this practice. We wish to discourage any more

  • A Man Named Victor Frankl, A Jewish Psychiatrist ...

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Jul 10, 2007

    A man named Victor Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, discovered this great truth in the midst of a Jewish concentration camp during WW II. While seeking to survive the horror of this imprisonment Frankl began observing his fellow prisoners in the hope of discovering what coping more

  • A Man Named Victor Frankl, A Jewish Psychiatrist ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 2, 2008

    A man named Victor Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, discovered this great truth in the midst of a Jewish concentration camp during WW II. While seeking to survive the horror of this imprisonment Frankl began observing his fellow prisoners in the hope of discovering what coping more

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