Contributed by Jeffery Russell on Dec 17, 2007
Did you hear about the middle school in New Jersey that canceled a field trip to a performance of “A Christmas Carol” because some might be offended by the play’s Christian themes? As columnist Cal Thomas points out, this is not really even a Christian story, though it does contain elements of more
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So did you hear the story about the Sunday School teacher who was teaching on the 8th Commandment and trying to illustrate that it’s wrong to steal? “all right children, here’s another example,” she said. “If I were to pull a man’s wallet out of his pocket and take all the money in it, what would more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 25, 2008
based on 1 rating
Song- If I could hear my mother pray again
How sweet and happy seem, those days of which I dream
When memory recalls them now and then
And with what rapture sweet, my weary heart would beat
If I could hear my mother pray again
Chorus- If I could hear my mother pray again
If I could hear her more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2008
Whenever I hear the word “everlasting” I am reminded of Everlast boxing gloves. I recall living in Moberly, Missouri where the Everlast Boxing Equipment company is located. The building where the company first began production has been abandoned for a new facility; however this presented a bit of more
Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Jun 23, 2010
Did you hear about the Israeli woman that wanted to do something very nice for her mother? She bought her mother a brand new mattress and threw out the old one. The problem was her mother had hidden her entire life savings in the old mattress. It was approximately $1million!
When the daughter more
Too many children hear empty threats. I’ll be walking through a grocery store and I’ll hear a parent say, “Now I’m warning you. I’m going to count to three. One, two, two and a half, I mean it, you are going to get it. OK, you just wait till your father gets home.”
It’s just threat after more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by R. Darrel Davis on Feb 10, 2001
based on 148 ratings
The Bible says, "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." How do I know if I am hearing his voice you say?
One time, I made a homemade kite. I used about a thousand yards of my grandmothers crochet thread for the string. I let that kite out as far as I could on that string. So more
Contributed by Emil Boniog on Dec 10, 2003
based on 2 ratings
• Did you ever hear of a man named Donald Wyman? You may have, but it’s been some years ago when he made the national news. Donald Wyman is from Pennsylvania and he was out in the woods, cutting trees and a tree fell on his leg, pinning him under it. Wyman laid there for an hour screaming for help. more
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I am hearing a new phrase repeated throughout our nation today, they are saying we are no longer “One Nation, Under God!” but “One Nation, Under Stress!” I talk to a lot of people on a regular basis and hear them say, “I am exhausted,” You can look at their eyes and see that they are overwhelmed. more