Sermon Illustrations

When all through the town,

Folks were snuggled comfy and sound.

All my night guests had checked in,

And I was exhausted and tucked in my kin,

When out at the door the I heard a swift rap,

of the door knocker knocking interrupting my nap.

I sprang up from my cot to see what was the issue,

Couldn’t they read. “NO VACANCIES! We’ll miss you.”

But my old grandpa’s business voice, said clear as day,

“There’s still some money to be made, and bills to be pay.”

So I thought about the stable stalls out back,

I knew there was fresh straw, out with the tack.

“Meet me in the back yard,” I told the young couple,

His wife was expecting; it looked like a double.

The sky was dark but for an enormous new star,

That lit up the night from so very far.

There among cows, donkeys and sheep,

I offered them the last place to sleep.

It was so late; they were wearier than I,

So I left them to rest, until morning came by.

As much as I hoped that would be all for the night,

after a few hours later, the yard was a sight.

Shepherds and sheep had come straight to the stable,

Some were young while others, barely able.

But all reported hundreds of angels in the air,

Singing the world’s savior is born, “Have no dispair.”

Have no fear they proclaimed,

Peace on Earth was their refrain.

It was odd how they left their posts in the night,

They risked losing their jobs, to report on their sight.

I walked out the back and up to the rail,

I saw the young beaming mother, the father quite pale.

But there shown a warm aura of light in the barn

I half-worried about fire and sounding the alarm,

But the numinous, radiant, wonder I saw,

was a life changing scene that filled me with awe.

My Lord and My God was born on that night.

To love and to save and to give us all life.

I went to my front door and pulled down the sign,

I’m glad I made room for my Savior, divine.

As keeper of strangers and travelers and folks,

Mine is the task of lifting the yoke.

I hope that you will find Christ in your way,

to make room for Jesus, who lives still today.

A “Real” Merry Christmas, Jesus is born,

Afresh and anew in your heart, sound your horn. Merry CHRISTmas to all!

JTB with inspiration from the meter of CC Moore

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