Parallels Between Isaac And Jesus
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Jan 19, 2014 (message contributor)
There is no clearer picture of the Cross and the sacrifice the Father made for us in Christ than Genesis chapter 22. Notice the powerful parallels between Isaac and Christ. Isaac is one of the clearest types of Christ in the Old Testament.
1.Both fulfilled PROMISES:
Isaac was the long-promised son to Abraham (Genesis 12:3)
Jesus was the long-promised Messiah and Son of God (Genesis 3:15; 13:3, John 1:1-12)
2. Both were the ONLY SON of their father:
God said that Isaac was “Your son, your only son, whom you live…” to Abraham(Genesis 22: 2)
God said “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!” (Matthew 3:16, 17).
Isaac was born to parents who were very old - Genesis 18:13.
Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary, and conceived by the Holy Spirit - Luke 1:34-35.
4. Both had a conception and birth that was PRE-ANNOUNCED - Genesis 18:10 & Luke 1:30–31.
5. Both were NAMED before their birth - Genesis 17:19 & Matthew 1:21.
6. Both were MOCKED and persecuted by their own kindred - Genesis 21:9 & Mark 15:29–32.
7. Both were UNDESERVING of their sacrificial death - Genesis 22:2, Luke 23:41.
8. Both were sacrificed near the very SAME PLACE - Genesis 22:3 & Matthew 27:33.
9. Both were LOVED by their fathers (Genesis 22:2; Matthew 3:16, 17).
10. Both had a THREE-DAY experience:
Isaac had a 3-day hike to Mt. Moriah.
Jesus had 3 days from the cross to the grave to the resurrection.
11. Both WERE accompanied by TWO MEN:
Isaac by two servants (Genesis 22:3)
Jesus by two thieves (Matthew 27:38)
12. Both carried their own WOOD:
Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice (Genesis 22:6).
Jesus carried the crossbeam of his cross (John 19:17).
13. Both SUBMITTED to their father:
Isaac willingly laid down his life, submitting to his father (Genesis 22:9).
Jesus submitted to his Father’s will and laid down his life for our sin (Luke 22:42, Romans 5:8).
14. Both asked a QUESTION of their father:
Isaac asked Abraham “Here is the fire and the wood, Father, but where is the lamb? (Gen. 22:7).
Jesus cried “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” from the cross (Matthew 27:46).
15. Both were BROUGHT BACK from the dead:
Isaac was “brought back” figuratively (Genesis 22:12) by the faith of Abraham.
Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after he was crucified (Matthew 28:6-7).
There are no accidents or coincidences within the will of God. The story of Abraham and Isaac was given to
us to show us God's plan of salvation through sacrificing His only Son, Jesus, for our sin. On the Cross, Jesus
became what we WERE, that we might have what HE IS! (II Corinthians 5:21).
Am I an imperfect sinner?
Absolutely (Romans 3:23).
Can I get into Heaven without dealing with my sin?
Absolutely not (John 14:6).
What do I have to do to wash away my sin?
Trust Christ as your only hope of Heaven by inviting Him into your life (Romans 10:13).
Come as you ARE, take Him as HE IS.
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