The Bible Thoroughly Equips
Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Nov 4, 2012 (message contributor)
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is God Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training for righteousness, so the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." The Bible is the Word of God and is useful for thoroughly equipping (ἐξαρτίζω exartízō), outfitting and making Christians competent to perform every good work the Lord has called them to do.
In 2010 I had the privilege of watching Andy Khol (former NFL Punter and Kohl's Kicking Camp Instructor) train place kickers and punters how to properly and effectively do their jobs. He told me a truth that has proven reliable. "It is the kickers and punters that take the time to read, study and apply what they learn who go on to achieve their goals in the college and professional realms." During training camps he hands out a book that teaches specialty kickers and punters the mechanics of the game and how to find opportunities open to them. Kohl's Kicking Camps open by substantiating their call with a list of kickers and punters actively participating in the college and NFL level (over 800 in 2010). Their training books place in writing the mechanics of kicking and punting along with detailed instructions on how to condition for the game. The book also gives pointers to kickers and punters on how to apply for scholarships and be considered for the NFL. At the close of the camp I attended, Andy pointed specialty kickers and punters to the Lord. WOW! It is this writer's opinion that this approach to making disciples for the NFL is why the Super Bowl game has more fans and participants than the modern day church does on Super Bowl Sunday.
The Word of God has a list of men of faith who were thoroughly equipped by the Lord to be competent in the task set before them, regardless of what their call was. (Hebrews 11- 12:1) The Holy Spirit has given every true born again Christian Spiritual gifts for the "common good" (Corinthians 12:7) of mankind and for the edification of the Body of Christ. Just like a great football team has many positions which are filled by gifted men, the church has many members with different Spiritual gifts to accomplish God's will in this sin cursed world. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30; Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Peter 4:11) These Spiritual gifts may be placed in three categories; 1.) The Gift of Service: administration, leading, encouragement, faith, giving, helps (or serving), and (omit showing) mercy; 2.) The Gift of Signs: distinguishing between spirits, gifts of healing, tongues, interpretation of tongues and miraculous powers; 3.) Support gifts: word of knowledge, word of wisdom, faith and prophecy. When these gifts of the Holy Spirit are exercised under the agape love of Christ, the obedient church will enjoy balance and joy in the Body of Christ. The church will also be fully equipped to reach a hurting, misled world that has been overcome by the world view, the sinful flesh and the lies of the devil.
Christians much accomplish and live out this truth. They must do the hard work that involves study and application of the whole council of God's Word so they can be thoroughly equipped to accomplish His calling upon their lives, no matter what that work for Him is.
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