Sermon Illustrations


"There's a story from the late 1800s of English evangelist Henry Moorhouse who made several trips to America to preach. On one of these occasions, he was taking a walk through a poor section of the city when he noticed a small boy coming out of a store with a pitcher of milk. Just then, the boy slipped and fell, breaking the pitcher and spilling the milk all over the sidewalk. Moorhouse rushed to the youngster's side and found him unhurt but terrified. 'My mamma'll whip me!' he cried. The preacher suggested that they try to put the pitcher back together, but the pieces of glass would not stay together. The boy kept crying. Finally Moorhouse picked up the youngster and carried him to a nearby store where the preacher purchased a new pitcher. Then he returned to the dairy store and had the pitcher washed and filled with milk. With that done, he carried both the boy and the pitcher home. Putting the youngster down on his front porch, Moorhouse handed him the pitcher and asked, 'Now will your mama whip you?'

"A wide smile spread upon his tear-stained face, 'Aw, no sir, 'cause it's lot better pitcher than we had before'" (

One of the most amazing things about God is that he can take what is broken and make it better than it was before.

(From a sermon by Eric Lenhart, The Whole Field, 8/16/2010)

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