Sermon Illustrations

Roberts book “One Thing” and he states this about our society, “We’ve been bombarded from every angle by the media, and their message is always the same: you don’t look good enough, smell good enough, sing well enough, dance well enough; you aren’t smart enough, aren’t rich enough; and even if you were, you would still be lacking because no one is perfect, least all you. Think about it for a minute. This is the primary message of most commercials. They have convinced us that it matters if we buy this, shave that, wear this, smoke that, drink this, play that, eat this, and listen to that. Don’t you ever get tired of being told you are not worth anyone’s time, that you are not valuable-that you are not delighted in? Because that’s what it boil downs to. We are constantly saturated with the “Not delightful” message. We have all bought into it in one way or another-that’s why it is so difficult to see-but that doesn’t mean it’s true. It simply means we need to find the real message, the defining message, the identity-giving message. Thankfully, a commercial can never bestow identity. Our identity is not linked to this world, which means our reward in not in this world either. Our reward is God Himself, in this life and in the life to come. He wants us. We can have him Our pursuit should be to gain the reward of having Jesus. This is how it is supposed to be” (Page 26).

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