
Summary: Being a false witness is acting as an agent of Satan; completely under the devil’s control, a false witness pours out lies and he becomes a social insult. False witnesses will be punished .God will put them to punishment that will be beyond human understanding.

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“A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape” (Proverbs 19:5)

The lying tongue tells lies, but the false witness does worse: he can tell the truth, but in the absence of another witness (to testify against the third party), that person lies against the truth. That person is indicative of maliciousness, which spreads strife (like shooting arrows) among the brethren. In this sense, that person is the false witness, who promulgates discord (like shooting arrows) among brethren. When liars lie, they are false witnesses, but not all false witnesses tell lies (notwithstanding that they still "lie" against the truth). All false witnessing is a lie, but not all lies are false witnesses in the sense that not all lies affect the reputation of other persons and the judgment of that person in the sight of still other people.

A lying tongue can be exercised in any setting, but a false witness specifically breathes out lies in the context of a vow or an oath. A lying tongue might hurriedly fabricate an untruth, but a false witness carefully and deliberately plans the lies he plans to tell—or at least fails to honor a commitment he carefully and deliberately made.

“A false witness that speaks lies” is someone who deliberately gives a false testimony, this includes someone who, acts as a witness, who twists or perverts (misrepresents) the truth, which is closely related to someone who fabricates an accusation, it applies to one who lies as a public witness purposely. It happens to be an advanced form of lying. The first five things that God hates had to do with different parts of the body, the sixth one is a person. He is a false witness, who lies and spreads discord among brothers, or in a family or within a group. He loosens his tongue and “‘pours out lies”. It depicts the progression of evil which it’s complete form. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”. (Exodus 20:16)

A false witness who pours out lies” relates to the idea of perjury or deception. This is a person who lacks integrity. Integrity is the faithful support of a standard of values. It has a close connection to righteousness, blamelessness, uprightness, and steadiness. It suggests a oneness of heart with God— the One who established the standard of values. Being a person of integrity is difficult in a world of compromise. Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.

To lie about a person under oath is to ruin their reputation and to invite a penalty upon them. False witness is not easily dismissed, for it is carefully planned to sound like a reasonable charge against its victim. David spoke of “malicious witnesses” who had risen against him, asking “things that I do not know” (Psalm 35:11). In other words, they fabricated testimony against him that was well thought out and not easily answered. Jesus was likewise subjected to the testimony of false witnesses (Matthew 26:60), as was Stephen (Acts 6:13). In both cases, it led to death.

But the application can be taken a little further, because a false witness in a legal battle was not only lying, but lying under oath. He was not only lying under the general expectation that he should tell the truth, but lying against a specific oath he had made to tell the truth. If we understand this practice of “swearing in” witnesses, it perhaps puts something of a fresh spin on the broader application of this sin. A lying tongue is always detestable to God, but lying against a vow that one makes is placed in its own category. When a couple is married, they make vows to one another.


The husband vows to lovingly lead his wife, and the wife vows to reverently follow her husband’s leadership. God expects us to honor those oaths. To fail to do so is to behave as a false witness. And it always hurts the other party.


What about parents who vow to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord? That is an expectation laid upon all Christian parents, whether an “oath” is taken or not, but there are settings in which parents publicly vow to do so. If parents stand before the church and dedicate themselves to raise their children for the Lord, but then neglect to expose their children “to the numerous opportunities to learn of Jesus Christ through the ministries” of the church (Sunday school, etc.), have they not made a vow that they are failing to uphold, thereby making themselves false witnesses? And be sure that failure in this regard will hurt your children.

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James Dina

commented on Aug 4, 2020

Please share this message to your friends and Christians all over the world. It will be a blessing to them.Remain Blessed. James Dina.

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