Sermon Illustrations

We can love him with our mind by reading all the great things he has done for us, we can have warm loving feelings toward him because of these things, but may I suggest that this is where many Christians are stuck. The part that is lacking is an experience of Him that makes the thoughts and feelings about Him real to us. By letting him use us, do we really experience who he is, and the extent of His love.

The best example I can think of is when people fall in love by chatting on the internet. All they have experienced are words and possibly pictures of the other person, but have had no real experience of them. Most of the time when they finally do meet in person the experience is very disappointing. It’s the same person but the actual personal experience of them leaves us uncomfortable and disappointed. Anyone can look great on paper, including God, and if that is all we have without personal experience of Him, it will be a shallow love.

Other times we can experience a person without ever talking to them previously, having no previous feelings for them and fall in love. Even if there is no physical attraction, and they talk funny, or aren’t as smart as we would like, we love them even if our heart and mind are not completely sold. We love them in spite of how we feel and who we think we should love. Often then, our hearts and minds come in line with our soul and the love is complete. We love our children without knowing who they are or who they will become.

I asked you two questions at the end of last week’s sermon, and today I will ask another. Do you love the Lord your God with all your heart, and soul, and mind. Now I know it’s easy to say yes, but if your entire life was on video tape, would anyone be able to tell that this is true?

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