Imagine The Most Vile, Most Disgusting, Most ... PRO
Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Mar 18, 2002 (message contributor)
Imagine the most vile, most disgusting, most foul smelling fluids sitting in a huge vat in front of you. The fluids have been infected with Mad Cow disease, the HIV virus, Cancer, and other awful diseases, bacteria and decayed flesh. Picture yourself being submerged in it, drinking it, tasting it, breathing it, having it get in your eyes, nose mouth and your ears. That...
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As An Infantry Company Commander In Vietman In ... PRO
Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 3, 2004
As an infantry company commander in Vietman in 1967, I saw Viet Cong soldiers surrender many times. As they were placed in custody, marched away, and briefly interrogated, their body language and facial expressions always caught my attention. Most hung their heads in shame, staring at the ground, ...read more
According To The National Highway Traffic Safety ...
Contributed by Bruce Willis on Jan 5, 2007
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 6,390 young people ages 15-20 died in motor vehicle crashes in the year 2,000? Of them alcohol was involved in 2,339 deaths. And as related to drivers – 3,594 young drivers ages 15-20 died in motor vehicle crashes in 2,000 and of ...read more
Perhaps You've Heard Of Watchman Nee. Watchman ... PRO
Contributed by Karl Eckhoff on Nov 13, 2003
Perhaps you’ve heard of Watchman Nee. Watchman Nee became a Christian in mainland China in 1920 at the age of seventeen and began writing in the same year. Throughout the nearly thirty years of his ministry, Watchman Nee was a unique gift from the Lord to the church. Though imprisoned for his ...read more
A 2 A.m. Miracle – Joni Eareckson Tada
Contributed by Greg Buchner on Oct 11, 2004
“A 2 a.m. Miracle” – Joni Eareckson Tada It was 2 a.m. and Ken, my husband was snoring softly beside me, not aware that I was biting my lip to keep from waking him up. The combination of my paralysis with middle-of-the-night insomnia always makes me feel claustrophobic. But this was different. ...read more
A Roman Catholic Priest […] Was Making His Way ... PRO
Contributed by John Shearhart on Feb 8, 2007
“A Roman Catholic priest […] was making his way down [an] alley to his parked car, [when] a man suddenly emerged from the shadows, thrusting the muzzle of a revolver into his ribs demanding, ‘Hand me your wallet!’ Offering no word of protest, the priest immediately began to comply. As he reached ...read more
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A Wild Life Series
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 25, 2013
Jesus saved us to live a wild and adventurous life. But how can we do that? We're not apostles like Peter and John were. We don't have their courage and experience. We're just common ordinary folks... or are we?
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The Centurion At The Feet Of Jesus Series
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Which Cross Is Yours
Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Dec 6, 2016
To preach this message, I showed the "Three Crosses of Golgotha" and named each cross. The title of the message became the altar call.