This Year Will Have A Notoriety Among Its ... PRO
Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 26, 2001 (message contributor)
"This year will have a notoriety among its fellows as the year of calamities. Just as that season when man goes forth to reap the fruit of his labors, when the harvest of the earth is ripe, and the barns are beginning to burst with the new wheat, Death too, the mighty reaper, has come forth to down his harvest; full sheaves have been gathered- the tomb, and terrible have been the wailing which compose the harvest hymn of death. In reading the newspapers during the last two weeks, even the most stoic must have been the subject of very painful feelings. Not only have there been catastrophes so alarming that the blood chills at their remembrance, but column after column of the paper has been devoted to calamities of a minor degree of horror, but which, when added together, are enough to astound the mind with the fearful amount of sudden death which has of late fallen on the sons of men. We have not simply been stunned with the alarming noise of one terrific clash, but another, and another, and another, have followed upon each other’s heels, like Job’s messengers, till we have needed Job’s patience and resignation to hear the dreadful tale of woes."
F. This is not the word of an older preacher in our day. The year was 1861 and the preacher was Charles Spurgeon. On August 25 of that year, a nightmarish train crash in the Clayton Tunnel (a 1.5-mile long tunnel between London...
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A Small Storeowner Was Being Pressured To Sell ... PRO
Contributed by Paul Decker on Nov 19, 2002
A small storeowner was being pressured to sell his store to the owners of a large department store who had bought every building on the block, except his. Frustrated by the man’s refusal to sell, they eventually opened their huge store on either side of the small one, with a big banner running ...read more
Joke: You Can't Believe A Word He Says PRO
Contributed by John Raulerson on Oct 6, 2005
Joke: You Can’t Believe a Word He Says A guy sees a sign in front of a house: "Talking Dog for Sale." He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a black mutt just sitting there. "You talk?" he asks. "Yep," the mutt replies. ...read more
Waiting For God Is Not Laziness. Waiting For God ... PRO
Contributed by Donnie Martin on Nov 11, 2002
Waiting for God is not laziness. Waiting for God is not going to sleep. Waiting for God is not the abandonment of effort. Waiting for God means, first, activity under command; second, readiness for any new command that may come; ...read more
Out Of My Office Window I Looked Up And Saw A ...
Contributed by Richard Mcnair on Nov 4, 2004
Out of my office window I looked up and saw a squirrel jump from one high tree to another. On the ground several dogs were milling around. He appeared to be aiming for a limb so far out of reach that the leap looked like suicide. He missed--but landed, safe and unconcerned, on a branch several ...read more
Wisdom Is The God-Given Ability To Perceive The ... PRO
Contributed by Eric Olson on Nov 12, 2002
“Wisdom is the God-given ability to perceive the true nature of a matter and implement the will of God in ...read more
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