The Birth Foretold PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 6, 2004 (message contributor)
About 500 before Jesus was born - a man named Buddha came along. He established a religion we know of as Buddhism, and many people gathered around him and tried to live by his teachings. But before he was born, nobody ever said:
“Hey somebody is going to come along and he will come from this or that family. These are going to be his credentials. And this is how you’ll know he is who he said he was.”
Mohammed was born about 500 years after Christ. He established a religion we now call Islam and many people gathered around him and tried to live by his teachings. But before he was born, nobody ever said:
“Hey somebody is going to come along and he will come from this or that family. These are going to be his credentials. And this is how you’ll know he is who he said he was.”
BUT, when Jesus came… He didn’t just pop up in history and say “Hey, I have a great idea!” Oh...
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There's A Secular Group In Britain Called "Join ...
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D. L. Moody Has Expressed It So Well: ". . .joy ... PRO
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The Day Of The Fire Storm! PRO
Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 1, 2005
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